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with Dr. Jin Ong

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Part 3 of 4!

**trigger warning- positive birth story**

I was always curious about what it would feel like to birth a baby.

I had a plan and an intention for a homebirth and lotus birth (I describe what this is in this episode).

I wrote a 3 page plan to keep everyone in the loop, my plan included the hospital and possible c-section too.

I wrote a letter to my parents because we didn’t want them to see our new baby for 48 hours (and we had her in their house!)

I sat two Vipassana courses during my pregnancy. One 10 days before I gave birth.

I approach everything with curiosity and intention but not won’t expectation.

Here is the story of my painless home birth and lotus birth.


04:57 Preparing my birth plan

08:08 Working with herbs and having pregnancy tingsha to help with the birth

10:33 Calling the midwife and starting to  feel the sensations

12:42 Setting up the environment for a birthing mother

15:28 When did I feel like I reach my transition point?

17:48 Realizing that Violet is almost there

18:51 Giving birth to Violet

24:34 Listening to yourself and trying to understand what your baby is communicating to you

25:16 Why did I choose to have a lotus birth?

28:14 Bonding and connecting with Violet after the birth

29:34 10 days of not contacting anyone

31:05 How does having communication make my birth easier?

33:01 Why emotional processing is important when having a baby?

34:02 What herbs I used and when did I use them?

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The Art of Listening to Your Body is a podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.

The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.

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