Part 3 of 4!
**trigger warning- positive birth story**
I was always curious about what it would feel like to birth a baby.
I had a plan and an intention for a homebirth and lotus birth (I describe what this is in this episode).
I wrote a 3 page plan to keep everyone in the loop, my plan included the hospital and possible c-section too.
I wrote a letter to my parents because we didn’t want them to see our new baby for 48 hours (and we had her in their house!)
I sat two Vipassana courses during my pregnancy. One 10 days before I gave birth.
I approach everything with curiosity and intention but not won’t expectation.
Here is the story of my painless home birth and lotus birth.
04:57 Preparing my birth plan
08:08 Working with herbs and having pregnancy tingsha to help with the birth
10:33 Calling the midwife and starting to feel the sensations
12:42 Setting up the environment for a birthing mother
15:28 When did I feel like I reach my transition point?
17:48 Realizing that Violet is almost there
18:51 Giving birth to Violet
24:34 Listening to yourself and trying to understand what your baby is communicating to you
25:16 Why did I choose to have a lotus birth?
28:14 Bonding and connecting with Violet after the birth
29:34 10 days of not contacting anyone
31:05 How does having communication make my birth easier?
33:01 Why emotional processing is important when having a baby?
34:02 What herbs I used and when did I use them?