Processing Your Emotions
is the most sustainable and effective way to resolve your pain whilst regaining health + happiness
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Dear Seeker
You've Been Told To Live With It,
But You Know There's Another Way
You Can Free Yourself

It's Time To Release The Burdens Of Your Stored Emotions.
It's Time To Get Unstuck And Move Into Your Centre.
You Are Not Alone.
Too Many People Are Suffering With Pain, Injury, Disease, Mental Imbalance, And Behavioural Dysfunction;
Symptoms That Can't Be Explained And No One Can Diagnose.
So Many People Are Stuck And Frustrated With Their Body.
You're Not Healing Like You ‘Should', Your Issues Keep Reoccurring,
Your Body Just Doesn't Function The Way You Want,
Or Maybe You Feel Like You're Falling Apart.
You Feel Like You've Already Seen Everyone And Done EVERYTHING.
Nobody Has Been Able To Tell You What's Going On.
Maybe You've Just Been Told To ‘Live With It'.
Yet Something Inside Still Tells You…
There Must Be Another Way.
Yes, You Know There Is A Deeper Emotional Connection,
But You're Not Sure How To Access It Or What The Hell To Do With It.
Now You Can Discover
What Emotions You're Storing, How To Release Them,
And Connect Back To Who You Truly Are.
Hi, I'm Jin

A medical intuitive with the gift for reading your body and deciphering the messages it gives you via physical presentation, injury, pain or illness; mental imbalances and behavioural dysfunctions.
I call it The Art Of Listening To Your Body. It's all about understanding yourself on a deeper level.
The most important part of this work is helping you release the emotions related to past trauma and experiences.
I do this through an intuitive understanding of how your body speaks and help you develop your emotional awareness, process your emotions, create space for more, tap into your innate healing capacity, reconnect with your soul purpose and manifest the life you desire.
My focus is primarily working with clients with cancer and complex autoimmune or infertility issues.
Scroll down to find out how you can work and learn with me.
Signature Offers
Below are live trainings and courses that Jin offers throughout the year.
Release - 6 Week Open Group Program
A comprehensive 6 week online course for those who don't respond to conventional or alternative therapy to resolve pain whilst regaining health & happiness.
You'll learn how to identify what emotions you're storing and emotional release techniques (Release Process ®) you can implement straight away.
This runs 1-2x per year only and unlocks a path to ongoing group coaching with Jin.
Moth Portal Membership
An all access pass to my masterclasses and mini-courses plus invitations to upcoming live mini-courses.
Nothing can be separate, all is connected.
This is for personal and business development with opportunities to connect with Jin live with future courses.
Over $10,000 USD worth of courses.
No long term commitment, stay for a month or stay for longer.
Emotional Body Training
Many say this is the missing link.
Learn how to be a Release Process ® facilitator and understand the mind-body connection without years of study.
Integrate this practice and communicate with your clients on a deeper, more satisfying level.
Open to practitioners (conventional and alternative) how are already seeing clients.
Find out more about this 9 month training which runs live once a year.
6 Month Practitioner Mastermind
Ready to pivot from offline to online?
Strategy · Emotions · Energetics
Calling all health and wellness practitioners and therapists (conventional and alternative).
Ready to emerge and create truly aligned business.
Join any time.
Free Resources
Join My FREE Facebook Group
Learn With Me Each Week
Join The Art Of Listening To Your Body Facebook group for insights into mind-body connection work.
- Access to open zoom room Q&A
- Easy to digest videos
- Learn what different body areas represent emotionally
- Learn about different conditions and their underlying emotional meaning
Navigating Emotions Behind Cancer
FREE Masterclass
- How emotional work impacts your diagnosis and treatment journey
- The secret to processing your emotions and how you can use it
- The fastest way to find out the message your cancer experience has for you and what to do about it
- What healing really means
- The mistake that people make when it comes to emotional processing
- What is possible for you to tap into after the Release Process ®
Subscribe To My Podcast
Sharing insights, motivation and real-life pain stories.
Prefer to listen while you walk or drive?
- Inspiring and unspoken content
- Interviews with people who have come through pain, injury & dis-ease and what they learnt in the process.
- Emotional interpretations of issues
- Motivation and inspiration
Tap Into The Field Of Possibility
FREE video for practitioners and coaches
- Let's talk business
- Want to know how I pivoted into the online space and created more impact and income?
- For practitioners and coaches both new and old
- Strategy is a small part
- Emotions and energetics is where it's at

The Art of Listening to Your Body is a weekly podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.
The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.
Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.
Latest Episodes
Featured Episode
Connect With Your True Nature

What Other People Are Saying
Start to see the space between.