My post-partum journey. Plus I’m filling in some gaps that I think I missed in the earlier episodes.
This is everything from cocooning for 10 days, co-sleeping, babywearing, finding a pram in hard rubbish, breastfeeding, weaning, elimination communication and navigating customs bringing Violet’s placenta from Australia to New Zealand and the smell of cooking human flesh (it was the placenta, don’t worry). Mastitis and saying NO 3-4 times to maternal health nurse services.
Something else I want to add which wasn’t mentioned in my birth story…
When I was giving birth to Violet there was a lot of noise (from me) it came from somewhere else and what I feel was a primal birth.
It’s something I always ask women who have already given birth, but didn’t have the outcome they desire.
Did you make sound?
Often the answer is NO.
Why not?
I was worried about the other women in the ward, what the midwives would think of me, it’s not like me to make sound…
My encouragement to them… Make the sound and see what happens.
I’ve heard some beautiful stories of the following births being liberating.
02:52 Gaps I wanted to fill in from the previous parts
06:37 Talking about lotus birth and when did umbilical cord detach
10:50 Skin-to-skin contact with our baby
13:43 Deciding that I will not be working for a year and just become very present
15:47 First ten days of Violet
19:51 What we decided to do with the placenta?
23:49 Our thoughts about vaccinations
28:16 Maternal healthiness services
33:47 Getting perineal tear
37:06 My co-sleeping journey with Violet
40:52 Herbs I take to help with my post-partum
41:48 Breastfeeding journey
48:50 Elimination Communication
58:31 Looking back on my post-partum journey