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with Dr. Jin Ong

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Like many of us Kath Elliott is a woman juggling multiple roles -mother, wife, daughter, sister, business owner and friend. She is currently based in Melbourne, Australia, and has been in strict lockdown due to Covid 19 with her family (husband Paul and three sons) since July this year.

Kath has always been fit, active and lead a healthy lifestyle so was in complete shock when she was diagnosed with locally advanced triple positive breast cancer at the end of August last year at the age of 46.

She discovered the lump herself whilst getting dressed to go to work and instinctually knew straight away that something was not right. Within a week she'd been through 15 appointments, numerous scans, a procedure to have a port put into her arm and started an intense 6 month program of chemotherapy. Her life as she knew it had been turned completely upside down.

But she quickly made a decision to ACCEPT her diagnosis with positivity and to see the challenge as an opportunity to heal herself physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Although she used conventional medicine for treatment she embraced and used many other therapies as part of her healing experience. Kath believes that in the years leading up to her diagnosis she hadn’t been deeply connected with or listening to her body and had developed some unhealthy drinking habits that started during her teenage years.

A large component of her healing journey focussed on getting back in touch with her body, particularly her right breast, where the cancer had developed as well as understanding and dealing with the emotions and blockages in her body through regular Hahnemann healing and kinesiology sessions.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Each year close to 20,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia, which equates to around 55 each and every day.

Kath is an Ambassador for the Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA) annual ‘ Pink Buns’ fundraising campaign with Baker’s Delight, reminding Australians that a breast cancer diagnosis has a ripple effect extending far beyond those diagnosed. It affects families, friends, workmates and communities as they support their loved one through the experience. See link here for further information.

Kath continues to document her healing experience via instagram @healingbreastcancer and her website www.healingbreastcancer.com.au with the hope it may help others along the way, particularly those looking for an integrative approach and keeping a positive mindset during diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

Send Kath some love!


01:05 Kathryn Elliot's Introduction
06:25 Kathryn's cancer journey
10:39 Thought process Kathryn go through after finding out about the lump
18:16 Type of cancer Kathryn have
21:01 Procedures Kathryn go through
24:27 How did Kathryn cope mentally having different treatment?
32:09 What other therapy does Kathryn go through alongside kinesiology and oncology neuropathy?
33:21 Resentments and disappointments in the relationships of Kathryn
43:06 Words Kathryn use which resonates the area that is affected and going back to its history
46:55 Kathryn's work
49:57 Sharing stories in social media
53:08 Kathryn's acceptance about having breast cancer
57:09 Kathryn's work and career during and after the treatment
59:41 Changes in Kathryn's life, relationship, and career
1:05:48 Kathryn's advice for friends or family of a person who's going through something
1:08:43 Lifelong treatment of Kathryn
1:14:42 Kathryn's message for people who are not funded but wants to go through treatment
1:19:32 Kathryn's message for anyone going through illness

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The Art of Listening to Your Body is a podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.

The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.

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Connect With Your True Nature

Navigating Emotions Behind Cancer


Release LIVE 6 Week Course

Runs 1-2 x per year only


For those with chronic health conditions that don't respond to conventional or alternative treatment.