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with Dr. Jin Ong

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The title sort of spoils it, but yes 10 days ago I bought a horse!

This is the story behind the decision making and the crazy vision boarding.

Although this is about buying a horse, it’s also not about buying a horse. You can use this story to tap into many things in life.It’s about bringing more pleasure into my life.

Doing the things I kept pushing to the side.

I also share about how I feel like I’m going back to the beginning. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a space of not knowing how to do something.

Full of anxiety!

Watch this space.

PS if you want to see the image of the vision board horse you can also checkout my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTpnN0BqACf-K15rCsgruuA

 I’ve been putting up the video versions of my podcast and the interviews there plus lots of other videos.

Next up…. FREE info session for practitioners on How to learn about the mind-body connection without sacrificing years to study.

Thursday 14th April 11 am NZT

Register here: https://theartoflisteningtoyourbody.com/emotional-body


02:29 How my love for horses started

07:25 Realizations of Jin during the retreat

12:41 Acting on what you desire

18:46 Inquiring about the horse

20:25 Deciding on what horse should I buy

24:14 Other reason why I wanted to buy a horse

26:20 Thought process of buying this horse

30:32 Interesting things about Tilly the horse

32:48 Going to the clinic to build a relationship with the horse

36:51 Creating space and freedom for your desire

39:10 Being put back in a place where you are completely new

43:31 Hitting cross points and realizing what we could do

45:06 What is something you have desired to do and create to have to experience, that you keep pushing aside?

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The Art of Listening to Your Body is a podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.

The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.

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