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with Dr. Jin Ong

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This episode is where I was interviewed by Josh Trent of The Wellness Force on his podcast Wellness + Wisdom.

We covered so many topics and Josh asked me in depth questions.

It was a pleasure to have this conversation with him and realise how much I am grounded in the body of work that I teach.

It’s always evolving so it was great to share the latest of where my work is at for someone who is curious.

This is what Josh had to say about me and the podcast.

Doctor Jin Ong is professionally trained as an osteopath, psychosomatic therapist, western medical acupuncturist and herbalist living in New Zealand.

Having treated thousands of clients in her clinics, she soon became fed-up through clinical results with patients…

Deep down she knew her client’s pain was not only physical and that it was a manifestation of their emotional state…

She learned through experience that her patients were dealing with hidden trauma and stress they’d never spoken about…

Which impacted the ability of their physical and emotional body to heal.

Their body was speaking to them, but they weren’t listening.

They had an emotional disconnect…

Do you know someone like this?

Or maybe this is you?

In this Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Episode 465 you’ll get deeper intelligence:

  • What is “the art of listening to your body.”
  • Why masculine or feminine energy could be a death sentence when not integrated or understood.
  • How to heal your relationship to your younger self.
  • How we develop the courage to say no?
  • Why it’s so hard to develop courage for ourselves and what we can do about it.
  • How to “see the space in between.”
  • Integration of both masculine/feminine energies.
  • Healing the relationship you have with your younger self.
  • How can your triggers become your biggest teachers?

This podcast will be a gift for your heart, mind and soul to experience.

Listen + Watch episode 465 of the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast.


YouTube link to watch the interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HASMlZ8pLpE

You can follow Josh on IG



Thank you Josh Trent for a great interview!


01:36 Introduction of Josh Trent
02:24 Josh introduced me in his podcast
07:48 What is a catharsis practitioner?
10:16 The process I take Josh through
12:44 Where does the voice actually come from?
15:22 The hardest thing I experience in getting where I am now
17:39 The biggest things that block the voice from being heard
18:28 Concept of trust
21:28 My turning point
23:18 What did I have to learn in osteopathy school that I have to unlearn to be the healer I am today
26:11 As a society we have to say yes to so much we don't develop the courage to say no
30:01 How did I come across with the phrase “seeing the space in between”?
33:27 The deepest triggers as an invitation for us to heal
38:01 Ways I do to make sure they are ready to do the deepest work
42:41 How do you learn by asking good questions?
44:03 Things I lean on when I ask clients questions
46:02 The zone where we can be not too and not too open
49:08 How does having traumatic birth come back to people emotionally and energetically as an adult?
53:53 My thoughts about people shaming women who didn't have a natural birth
1:00:07 Emotional intelligence of men in dealing with pregnancy and postpartum of women
1:03:49 How does it harm us when we don't believe in plan b or plan c?
1:06:41 What do I feel like we missed when it comes to the true art form of listening to our body?
1:07:54 Closing remarks

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The Art of Listening to Your Body is a podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.

The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.

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