I've been waiting for a while for the right time to interview the beautiful Robyn Newton. When you listen to this interview I am sure you will feel her energy, spirit and love.
Robyn has been in my world for almost two years in various group courses and coaching. She's always been such a pleasure to have in amongst the groups… What some of you may find interesting is that Robyn received a breast cancer diagnosis 6 months into the calling to work with her deeper emotions.
She amazed me, because at this time, so many would back out of working on themselves. Instead she leant right in and went even deeper. As group over the years, some came and went but I know everyone really loved Robyn's energy. To share her experience as she moved through healing breast cancer was an honour and a joy.
I will let Robyn and her words speak more.
Thank you Robyn for your sharing, vulnerability and inspiration.
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To find out more about Jin https://drjinong.com
For group courses and trainings https://theartoflisteningtoyourbody.com