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with Dr. Jin Ong

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Lindsay Mustain is the world’s leading authority on executive workplace thought leadership with the deliberate alignment of talent and zones of genius through Intentional Career Design.

Lindsay works oracle genius magic with the top 1% of the 1% professional thought leaders, change makers, and high performers to identify their zone of genius, distill their most powerful narratives, amplify their expert brand, and create limitless professional opportunities to share your brilliance in a dream opportunity, with the perfect organizations, and at the highest salary.

It is Lindsay’s mission to empower driven and high performing CEOs, executives, and leaders to cultivate human-centric workplaces that align their people to the zone of Career Power; the zone of genius that allows talent to embody the four pillars of Passion, Purpose, Pursuit, and Profitability.

As a 2x best-selling author and formerly the most visible employee of Amazon, Lindsay has helped 25 of best and brightest mad genius leaders of the Fortune 500 create Intentional Career Design – a reimagined and bleeding edge HR philosophy that transforms organizations into profit powerhouses.

Too long have we relied on managing people through antiquated and outmoded HR structure by building unnecessary policies and creating fluffy engagement strategies that do nothing to empower your workforce to grow and scale a business.

Her answer?

Burn traditional Human Resources to the ground.

Stop treating your people like toddlers that need to be babysat, coddled, or bribed into doing work by giving them the tools to express their true genius and get out of their fucking way.

You can create an environment that drives explosive revenue growth and industry innovation under the guidance of new paradigms of people leadership.

How do you pull it off?

  1. The Human Centric Workplace
  2. Intentional Career Design
  3. Transcendent CEO Leadership

Alignment of these three principles creates an empowering environment where you attract, hire, retain, and grow the best talent on the planet and drive massive profit for industry revolutionaries.

Connect with Lindsay on LinkedIn on how to build a high performance work culture at: http://linkedin.com/in/lindsaymustain/

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The Art of Listening to Your Body is a podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.

The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.

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