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with Dr. Jin Ong

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It’s not about the alcohol or drugs.

I won’t tell you to stop these straight away.

When I start working with my clients I get to hear the most fascinating stories. I’m in awe of what some people have lived through and still here to tell the story.

I know that one day this pain can become their power.

I also get to hear some dark secrets that have never been spoken out loud.

I get to hear the vices they succumb to, the coping mechanism they have.

Sometimes it’s alcohol. But it’s more than just a glass of wine or bottle of beer a few times a week.

Sometimes it’s drugs like weed. Other times it’s heroin.
Sometimes you would never notice that this is what people do and use to cope with life.

To me the alcohol and drugs is just the behaviour.

A reaction to something uncomfortable.

A reaction to emotions coming to the surface to be expressed.

Because they have been suppressed.

When someone’s emotional cup is full the last thing I ask them to do is add to the list of life tasks that is already challenging.
I don’t ask to cut back the alcohol or to stop the drugs.

We work on processing emotions and your urge to succumb to these vices and coping mechanisms will fall away naturally.

Because you’re no longer scared of what will come up and you’re ready to feel it all.

It’s not about the alcohol and drugs.

Ready to learn more?

On Thursday 14th April 11am NZT I’m hosting a FREE info session practitioners and healers on how to work with anything and anyone that walks through your door.

It’s not about the alcohol, it’s not about the drugs, it’s not about the disease.



03:20 Considering the mental, behavioral, spiritual and energetic imbalances
06:34 Unhealthy level consumption of alcohol
08:05 Working with people who are using alcohol and drugs
11:56 How does pain manifest in a different way to different people focusing on alcohol and drugs
14:15 Triggers people experience in life
15:33 Summary about how you process your emotions
17:11 Understanding someone in your life who drinks excessive amounts of alcohol and uses drugs

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The Art of Listening to Your Body is a podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.

The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.

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