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with Dr. Jin Ong

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Gem is an Entrepreneur, emerging Psycho-Spiritual thought-leader, Wholistic Peak Performance Coach, Counsellor and professional Actress, Presenter and Voice-Artist who helps leaders heal their relationship with the Divine Feminine and evoke their Soul Magic, so that they can create, live, and stay in the flow of their Destiny Path, creating an expansive legacy and easy graceful results in the NOW… not in 30 years time.

Gem believes deeply in becoming the Goddess of your own making… the God of your own design… the Author of your own transformation… the Artisan of your own Soul. As part of her deeply transformative leadership coaching protocol, Gem provides her clients with exquisite personalised audio tracks of their Soul vision… to enable her clients create an environment where they are cocooned and uplifted by the vision of their own Soul.

Gem is on a mission to catalyse a revolution of radical giving by supporting leaders to live their deepest inspiration, greatest pleasure, and soul vision… creating a space of deep “enough-ness”… and a delicious, multi-faceted, masterful life of empathy, artistry and honour.

A life of Artisan Goddess Living. A world where every soul is taken care of.

“No soul hungry. No soul homeless. No soul lacking light or love. No soul lonely. No soul left behind.” – Gemma-Louise Kaye

Complex PTSD from a workplace injury. Still recovering. Evidence-based methods didn't work. The key turning point was honouring my intuition on where and how to heal. I previously worked as Rehabilitation Counsellor helping people recover from injuries, so this was quite an ironic experience to suddenly be having.


A kind wise world…

An ecosystem of sharing…

An economy of love…

An ethos of artistry…

A revolution of radical giving…

Co-creating… in divine partnership with soul…

In service of all humanity.

No soul hungry. No soul homeless. No soul lacking light or love.

No soul lonely. No soul left behind.

Find Gemma:

Website: www.gemmalouisekaye.com

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/littlegemhere


4:55 Gemma Louise’s Pain Story

08:15 The big turning point and what happened after

14:05 Gemma shares what happened when her destiny and destiny path manifested.

17:26 What is complex PTSD and how it affects our body.

21:13 Gemma shares things she tried to cope up with PTSD

25:20 We talked about what triggered the PTSD

34:58 How the events and experiences affected Gemma’s physical body.

44:33 The Kundalini Awakening

48:14 The conflicts during the awakening period.

55:19 Gemma shares how she moved on having these conflicts.

59:10 The way of interacting with other people for someone who has PTSD

1:08:22 The importance of the ability to think for yourself.

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The Art of Listening to Your Body is a podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.

The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.

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