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with Dr. Jin Ong

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Gavin Lang is a mountain guide and adventure photographer from Wanaka, New Zealand.

He guides clients on the high mountains, loves the challenge of a technical solo climb on steep ice and is also a dad to Violet.

He's had many injuries, but there was one significant injury which forced him to stop working and enjoying his hobbies. A cervical (neck) disc injury with nerve impingement.

Listen in has Gav shares how he felt his disc injury was triggered. He also talks about how this particular injury affected him physically and mentally, the treatment he sought and what he surrendered to.

His disc injury gave him lots of insight into how he was living life and what needed to change in the way he worked and how he expressed himself.

Since that major injury, Gav has had a couple of others he'll share with you. With the ability of new found insight, he could appreciate what these new injuries were telling him, therefore experiencing less pain and a quicker recovery.

He has now had six injury free years- whoop whoop! He puts it down to really living the life he wants to and working the way that feels right to him. It comes down to more than just changing the physical aspects.

To find Gav:

For how his guiding trips work and Self Mastery Through Mountaineering Retreat information: https://firstlightguiding.com

For amazing photography of his adventures: https://gavinlangphotography.com

To follow his book project: https://seekingthelight.co.nz/


Follow what Gav is up to on…

Facebook @firstlightguiding

Instagram @gavinlangphotography

Twitter @gavinlangphoto


01:31 Gavin shares his story

08:52 Gavin’s message to people who like to try mountaineering

11:22 The pain story of Gavin Lang

17:06 Gavin’s lowest point

20:16 How did Gavin manage to get out of pain

24:56 What does Gavin believe triggered the issue?

26:22 Changes Gavin made

33:41 Passion meditation

36:32 Gavin’s advice to people who are experiencing disc-related symptoms or injuries

44:26 Relationship of pain to knees

46:26 Story how Gavin reach the diagnosis

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The Art of Listening to Your Body is a podcast from Jin offering up real-life success stories, straight-talking and life-changing insights.

The aim is to create awareness to the underlying emotions behind pain, injury, disease in the body as well as behavioural dysfunctions and mental imbalances using a unique blend of eastern and western philosophies and a good dose of intuition.

Listen to the podcast to learn more about the story of your body, what different issues may indicate, how to release emotions so that you can prevent problems as well as inspiring pain story interviews.

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