From the UK to Australia. Teacher to mum of 5. Cathy loves the connection she can facilitate with kids.
I loved the conversation with Cathy. Another person who speaks my language but caters for a completely different group of people- kids. What better place to start with the deeper emotional work and expression than when kids are growing up.
Cathy is an inspiration on many levels. Not only as a mum of 5 children, 3 of which have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but also her own health journey.
Meet Cathy…
International Child Empowerment Mentor and trusted confidante, Cathy Domoney introduces children, and parents to the power of regaining control over their inner-dialogue and transforming it into a powerful mindset which sets them up for success.
Children are facing increasing pressures, and challenges both in their school and social lives. Through her ‘Positive Mindset for Kids,' book series, and her Private Mentoring Practice, Cathy helps children to regain control over negative self-talk and begin to program their mind for inner confidence and success.
Cathy mentors children, and their families, internationally through her ‘Decode Your Child’s Genius’ programme and has over 20 years’ experience in the self-development arena. She uses her wealth of knowledge on self-esteem and confidence work with all ages to present the complex issues involved in successfully navigating through childhood in a simple and accessible way which empowers all who work with her.
Cathy Domoney's mission is to expand minds, connect hearts, and start important conversations between young people, and the people in their worlds, positioning them as future leaders.
For Cathy’s Manifesting Mindset Courses and The Positive Mindset for Kids book series click here:
For the exclusive ‘Decode Your Child’s Genius’ intensive and to apply to work with Cathy herself, click here:
Find me on Facebook @cathydomoneybliss
Get Cathy's Dear Bully Book HERE