Dr Jin Ong presents
Emotional Body
Practitioner Training
Transform your therapeutic practice with the innovative Release Process® – a game-changing method designed to help your clients release emotional pain without years of study.
Increase your impact, broaden your skills, and propel your career to new heights.”
Become a Release Process ® Facilitator Without Years Of Study
Next Program Starts May 2023
Become a Release Process® Facilitator 9 Month Training
Becoming A Truly Holistic Practitioner
It doesn't matter if you're a bodyworker, physical therapist, talk therapist, in person or online.
It doesn't matter if you're a specialist in a certain area.
It doesn't matter how qualified or how many letters you have after your name.
You work with humans, who have a mind and body that work together within an external environment.
They are multi-faceted beings with so much potential.
And they deserve to be looked at as a whole.
Whether it be physical pain on a musculoskeletal level that doesn't heal, or food and gut sensitivities, maybe complications from surgery.
Mental imbalances like depression, anxiety, fears and phobias.
Behavioural issues such as eating disorders, addictions, excessive discipline around exercises or OCD…
Energetic issues such as life simply not working out the way they or you thought it would.
As a someone leading clients you need to be able to go deeper, into the hard stuff.
Their emotions, history, traumas and beliefs.
It's more than just one thing.
As a practitioner, open your mind.
It's the real work that not many are willing to delve into.
Because it requires you to look at yourself as much as your clients.
If you're still keen… read on…
Are you a health and wellness practitioner who's frustrated at not knowing how to address deeper emotional issues with your clients?
Learn To Read The Body + So Much More
- Learn how to work with your client's INDIVIDUAL needs
- Read the body and understand the emotions BEHIND physical, mental and behavioural issues.
- Bring this same awareness to your clients so they can GET UNSTUCK, and move on with their lives.
- Help your clients by facilitating a technique to PROCESS not cope with their EMOTIONS.

Dear Practitioner, Therapist or Coach
Does any of the following sound familiar?
You were trained to be holistic but have no idea what to do with the emotional aspect of health.
You want to understand how the physical body and mental imbalances present the deeper underlying emotional issues.
You know there are deeper issues holding your client's back but don't know how to identify these.
You know that your client's physical, mental & behavioural issues are tied in with the issues they are having in the external life but don't know how to communicate this with them.
You feel like you're unlocking emotions but then you have no idea what to do with it all.
You've done loads of spiritual study, energetic healing but are still challenged to integrate this in a practical way.
You want to learn how to connect the dots to give a truly holistic approach to your treatment.
You work with clients in a natural and alternative way, but what you're doing doesn't feel like it's enough.
You get so drained from one emotional client.
You're wondering how to create a sustainable business aligned with your values.
If This Sounds Like You,
I'm So Glad You're Here
And what's more: You are not alone. I meet so many therapists and coaches that are so curious about the emotional side of health. They want so much for their clients but feel stuck and frustrated at not being able to deliver more. They want to delve deeper into the emotional backstory but don't know what to say.
Their clients either don't come back, or they just stay stuck, in a holding pattern and then the therapist starts to doubt themselves and question if they're cut out for this type of work.
You can deliver a truly different experience to your clients…
Welcome To Emotional Body Practitioner Training
with Jin Ong
Emotional Body Training
Become A Truly Holistic Practitioner

Become a Release Process® facilitator and truly help you clients process versus cope with their issues. This is a clear and structured four part process that allows for incredible flow, insight and messages to land. You'll be able to hunt the themes and help your clients break the patterns.

Learn how to utilise the chakra system in a unique way to reveal the emotions that are suppressed based on location of issues, mental state and behaviour.
It's all about WHERE the body stores emotions, not about the condition or disease.

Use the Ayurvedic doshas to spot the early signs and symptoms before crisis hits and learn how your clients are likely to respond to the deeper work. This helps you identify which clients you are best to work with, and how to adapt your work to suit the client best.
Become a
Release Process ® Facilitator
Process, Connect,
Deepen· Empower
Learn where in the body emotions are stored and what different physical, mental, behavioural and energetic issues mean.
Guide your client's attention to discover the story their body is telling them.
Integrate the use of mind-body solutions into your real life practice.
Feel truly confident in calling yourself a holistic therapist and deliver this work in the way that feels right for you.

Want lifetime access to Emotional Body Training course platform plus come and join me on the next LIVE round where you receive 9 months of group coaching and support whilst you work with clients.
This training is $18,888 USD.
Emotional Body Training is my signature course for established practitioners, therapists and coaches.
Here's all the content and LIVE support you get with the Emotional Body Training.
You get the access to high level flow teachings plus all the step-by-step additional lessons and deeper teachings, printable cheat sheets and reference tables. Plus when we go live you get my support in a group coaching format via weekly zoom and a private Facebook group for ten whole weeks.
- Become a Release Process® facilitator. Learn a four part process that allows you to help your clients release the stored emotions that hold them back from healing and living their best life.
- Learn to use the chakra system in a unique way to discover what emotions your clients are storing. Stop focusing on the condition or disease, because that's not where the issue is really at. Once you're able to work out the emotions you'll be able to use the Release Process ®.
- Learn how your clients will respond to deeper emotional work, connect even more dots and spot the early signs and symptoms before crisis hits. I'll teach you philosophies based in Ayurveda, but again, not quite in the way you've read or learned before!
- Access to practitioner oriented Flow Teachings plus broken down lessons, deeper teachings
- Each pillar has video answers to FAQS and additional videos
- Printable cheat sheets, colour chakra maps and reference tables
- Lifetime access plus access to updates and new videos (added each live round)
- Learn Release variations to process your emotions on experiences such as miscarriages, abortions, organs that are no longer part of your body, organs that don't function as you would like, on yourself, inanimate objects, communities and groups. The list goes on!
- Common conditions broken down including addressing physical aspects
- Small and intimate group - max 8 participants
- 9 months LIVE group coaching
- Private Facebook group access
- History interpretation (value $2222 USD)
- 1:1 facilitated release session with Jin (value $5555 USD)
$4444 USD
$3888 USD
Payment plans available when you click through as well as an alternative link for NZ based practitioners.
What Will I Learn?
EBT is more than your average training.
A comprehensive online platform combined with live coaching that helps therapists, bodyworkers, and coaches deliver a truly holistic approach in their consults by helping their clients process their emotions.
“When you learn how to read the body, connect the dots and bring awareness to the deeper issues at play you’ll inspire, motivate and empower more people to make a positive change.”
Modules covered along the way…

Most practitioners know and talk about stored emotions, but the big questions is what to do about it and HOW… This is why the Release Process® was created. A four part process including a structured verbal dialogue process with clear prompts for you to facilitate with your clients to help them shed the layers and receive profound messages from the challenging experiences in life.
You'll be able to help your clients generate a resolution and become less triggered through a simple process, even if it's in the past.
You're going to learn:
- The benefits of the Release Process®
- How to facilitate the Release Process® with your clients
- Navigating blocks with your clients
- Release Process® Flow teachings
- Printable Release Process cheat sheet
- Release variations
- Real life video recordings of facilitated sessions
- Release FAQ lessons

Learn how to truly cater for your clients on an individual level and understand their different capacities to move through emotional work as well as their likely responses.
Doshas are another key pillar taught to help identify imbalances as well as predispositions to medical issues and help you notice the early signs before crisis point hits.
You'RE going to learn:
- Connect the dots in a completely different way using the dosha system
- How your clients will respond to the deeper emotional work and how to adapt your work to provide an individual experience
- Recognise early signs and symptoms before crisis or disease hits your client
- Dosha Flow Teaching
- Dosha reference tables
- Individual teachings about each dosha
- Additional FAQ lessons

Take the stigma and the fear out of different disease states and conditions. Because, it's not about the disease, it's all about location.
When you don't know, or your clients don't know what emotions to process. The chakra system will have you reading the body, mental states and behaviours in a totally different way.
Become more aware of your client's body speaks to you and what it means.
IDENTify stored emotions
You're going to learn:
- The seven chakras and how they present when in balance, open or closed
- Why location matters more than your condition or disease state - take the stigma and fear out of the picture
- How chakras help you identify the underlying stored emotion to be released
- Why location matters more than your condition or disease
- Chakra Flow Teaching
- Printable colour chakra body maps including, body, hands, feet and face
- Printable Chakra reference table
- Seven chakras – in depth teachings
- Additional FAQ lessons

Energetic body splits
YOU're going to learn
- The deeper meaning behind left and right sided issues
- Feminine and masculine energetics
- Energetics and emotions behind common issues related to shoulders, hips and knees

YOU're going to learn
- Feminine and masculine energetics of communication
- Facilitating conversations with your client and loved ones
- Encouraging the hard and key conversations to be had in life

YOU're going to learn
- A more in depth breakdown and link to chakras on each body part/limb
- What issues with a body part may indicate on an emotional level

YOU're going to learn
- The emotions behind different organs
- Early signs leading to organ imbalances
- The organ clock

YOU're going to learn
- Deeper dive on specific and common conditions
- This includes addressing physical aspects and linking back to the emotional processing
- (Financial) low back pain
- Frozen shoulder
- Skin issues like acne, rashes, lichen sclerosis
- Weight and the list goes on…

YOU're going to learn
- Taking a comprehensive history that sets you up for success (template provided)
- Appointment structure and flow
- Follow up

YOU're going to learn
- Attracting your first client
- Working with your first Release clients
- A comprehensive history template
- One off versus a series of sessions
- Guiding scripts for communicating pre and post appointment expectations
- Types of additional support you can offer outside of your consults

YOU're going to learn
- You will be supported to find 1-3 clients of your own from week 3 this is optional but highly recommended as putting this work into action is a completely different ball game
- As you work with your clients week to week you will have in in the moment support for all your questions that come up
- Please note that clients are not provided for you and working on one another in the group is not allowed

YOU're going to learn
- Interweaving Release work into your current practice
- Screening clients before you decide to work with them (templates provided)
- Using this work in groups

YOU're going to learn
- This course runs LIVE once per year.
- Receive 9 months of live group coaching via weekly zoom calls and a private Facebook group
- Replays available to your group only
- Deepen course content + receive personal support on your journey to becoming a Release Process® facilitator
- Experiential learning within your group
- BONUS facilitated session (when joining before early bird) with Jin (recorded and shared with your group for an incredible learning journey). Work on yourself to help others and experience the work you will facilitate first hand.
I knew this was the missing piece in the wellness puzzle I'm much more aware of what triggers me and I realize I hold the key to transmuting that energy (and I have the tools) The interaction with my dad- love him to death but man did his behaviour scratch a nerve. Not anymore! The live calls and meeting the other amazing practitioners was one of the best parts. I'm ready to shift my practice in the way I've always wanted and it feels invigorating. I now know I can help move the health needle when I see emotions as the root or playing a large part in one's healing journey If you're ready to do the work and you're all in, go for it!

I have done many high end courses and had promised myself I didn’t need to do any more. You have taught me though there is a difference between doing another course because you are up levelling and doing another course because you don’t think you are good enough as you are. That was huge for me! I decided to join EBT because I knew I had to delve into the emotions but was not managing to work out how on my own. Because you integrated business guidance, that was the final thing that made me join. The course platform is my favourite part. It has every possible video and guidance I might possibly need with clients moving forward. It will be good to come back to time and again! I have a new understanding of myself and how many of the ways I procrastinate or block myself have been linked to so many experiences in my past! My biggest breakthrough is that it is ok to focus on helping my clients from my heart and not my head. That totally changed my approach and the outcome The best part of EBT is that if I had a question, Jin would almost immediately put up a video to answer it. I have let go of old ideas around what a Naturopath should look like and now only focus on using everything I know to help my client reach their goals. The main focus is now the emotions on purpose, previously the emotions would come up but it wasn’t an intention to work on them. This is work is a game changer. If you are prepared to radically change the way you work with clients, the outcomes will be more than you can hope for! This is truly helping people to change at their very core. The side effect is that you too will transform with every release, every client and every emotion that you sit with. So if you are ready for that kind of a shakeup in your life and business then EBT is for you!

I was really keen to sign up for EBT as I participated the Release course first earlier in the year. I knew I wanted to learn more. From my own experience, nutrition is really the basis coupled with supplements, but when the physical symptoms do not shift with dietary changes I was looking for another underlying cause. I felt that suppressed emotions and past traumas contribute a lot to the physical symptoms even though there is no empirical evidence. That was my reason for joining EBT to learn what stored emotions cause physical symptoms. My favourite part was all of it, the group, live calls, the coaches and the platform. A lot of content still to digest. Due to the practice of the Release Process ® my skin has improved (autoimmune condition). My biggest breakthrough was the power of speaking out loud my thoughts using the process taught on the training. I feel more rounded now, not afraid to ask difficult questions, being able to hold space for past traumas, having a tool to support and facilitate a client through processing past traumas. I am able to look at my future clients from a different angle to help them see opportunities for themselves to live the life they desire. My offerings for my clients have changed due to this work and are far more impactful now. If you or your clients aren't making progress despite the implementation of nutrition & dietary changes, supplementations and tests and feel stuck then look at your or your clients emotions. Past traumas like divorce, death of friend/family member, bulling, accidents, miscarriage, still births, family issues can manifest as illness in the body. You learn all about this in EBT.

I decided to join EBT because I was searching for personal help to process my own stuck emotions and I knew if it worked for me I would be able to help my clients. The course platform is easy to navigate and very structured. I personally loved how we got to experience and share a 1:1 release session with the group. I got rid of my painful period, now I embrace when they are there because it doesn't hurt as it used to. I also get less triggered by some family members when they are around.
I am more mindful when I feel pain somewhere in my body. I've learned that unprocessed emotions are not only related to 'big' events but they can also have relation to little events that we thought were processed, or even have forgotten about.
I've also learned how to allow my children to feel and express emotions. I also loved the 'flow' live lessons who allow us to absorb everything easily. I am able to pinpoint more where the emotion is stuck and to what issue/trauma it is related. You can go deeper to the root cause of the issue. If you would love to understand yourself and therefore your clients in a whole other way and get to the root cause of issues, learn how to get the emotions unstuck and processed - this is the program!

Here's What You Get When You Join.
Impactful teaching
Weekly Live Group
Teaching & Coaching
Access to Private Facebook group for additional support
Personal Development
+ Biz Coaching
What Do You Get?
Online Course Platform

Lifetime access to the course platform with video and written content to digest at your own pace plus all future updates.
Course Platform
A clear and ordered structure and process to follow additional FAQs, video content, transcripts that are kept short and to the point so that they are easy to digest. This platform grows as you do. You can also access this via a phone app.
Printable cheat sheets, body maps and reference tables that condense the knowledge you'll learn in a quick and easy to access way. Great to print out and have access to when you're learning in the early stages with clients.
Come and join the live calls to present personal or client issues and receive coaching and support on how to work with the Release Process ® as a facilitator. You'll also have access to a private Facebook group for the duration of the training for additional support between live calls. Access to live group coaching recordings for your group only.
Immerse yourself in a community of like-minded practitioners just like you that want to work outside the box and truly help their clients. My courses and trainings attract a unique group of individuals. I always trust that the right people come together, and they always do.
Your weekly live coaching call schedule:
This training is normally held on a Thursday NZT (Wednesday US/Canada/Europe) and live calls run for 90 minutes. Please join the waitlist so you know when the next training will run and the proposed time.
Weekly Group Zoom
9.00 - 10.30 am NZT
7.00am AEST (Melbourne/Sydney)
*1.00pm PDT (California) changes to 12pm from 7th Nov
5.00pm EDT (New York, Toronto)
*4.00pm CDT (Texas) changes to 3pm from 7th Nov
*9.00pm BST (London) changes 8pm from 30th Oct
Thursday 5th Oct
Thursday 12th Oct
Thursday 19th Oct
Thursday 26th Oct
Thursday 2nd Nov
Thursday 9th Nov
Thursday 16th Nov
Thursday 23rd Nov
Thursday 30th Nov
Thursday 7th the Dec
Become More Present
The hesitations I had about signing up for EBT is balancing it with work commitments and the investment. I've wanted to join for a few years as I felt so drawn to the content that was being shared. I understand that the emotional work and trauma are often missing pieces in a client's healing journey, and I wanted to be able to guide clients through releasing this. I loved the live calls and I learnt so much from the coaching and fellow students. I also loved the 1-on-1 sessions that really allowed me to go deeper into my own emotional work. I also loved hearing others experiences with their own releases and clients releases via the Facebook group. I feel more confident about the direction that I want to go in with my business. I've always felt that there was something missing with my business as a Nutritionist, and focusing solely on diet and lifestyle was not enough for me. Now with this new knowledge and tools, I want to incorporate that into my business and really make it a business for the body-mind-soul. I have also noticed that my creativity has increased while undergoing the training which happened during release too. I've been writing often, mainly poetry, which I find an amazing release in itself, and a calling from my soul that I need to write more and share what I write.

Initially I was hesitant because I had too many courses at the same time. I decided to join anyway to really learn how to facilitate the Release Process ® for others. My favourite part of the training was the group calls and 1:1 sessions. I use the Release Process ® as a “go to “ for myself and it’s really taken the heat out of challenges . It’s allowed me to come to a conversation that needs to be had more consciously. It’s allowed me to sit with the hard stuff. My biggest breakthrough was that I could release parts - like my Perfectionist part. By doing the work on myself and working with clients with support I learned a process that will help others, to help them release trauma, not just recognised it. I feel more confident working with clients on a deeper emotional level now rather than referring them off. If someone was thinking about doing EBT, I’d tell them It’s so worth it!

EBT was a big investment and I was apprehensive about going through the Release Process ® myself in order do this work with clients. I desired my practice to be truly holistic and this needs to include the emotional component. I loved the live calls - being able to learn from the amazing coaching and also the other participants. I am far more calm and accepting of the things that happen around me. It has become much easier for me to
just 'let it go'. The direct connection between my migraines and my repressed emotions was my biggest breakthrough. I am far more comfortable with the expression of big/hard/'negative' emotions and this is a win for both myself and my clients My work with my clients changed: It is much more fluid now. If I see there is an emotional component to what's going on then I have the tools to confidently address it If you’re thinking about doing EBT, Just go for it! Don't overthink it.

I decided to join because I wanted to learn more about emotional trauma that we hold in our physical body and how to release it. Along the way learned to be more aware with how my emotions can overrun me and do something about it. My biggest breakthrough was helping myself to heal my religious trauma wounds and come up with a new program called Anointed Heretic to help others with their religious trauma. I enjoyed every part of EBT especially the group. I feel more confident in myself as a healer. I'm able to see how physical conditions/issues/pain are closely intertwined with past emotional trauma. Do it! No hesitations, jump right in.

This Is The Missing Link
Hi, I'm Dr Jin...

I’ve been a physical therapist for 15 years. I've qualified and worked as an osteopath, herbalist, western acupuncturist and psychosomatic therapist… But I haven’t always loved it.
I found the real-life practice was so different from what I was taught. There were some clients I just couldn't figure out how to help.
I started to get down about my work. Something was missing. So I committed myself to finding this elusive thing.
Some of my chronic clients were living through years of pain. I noticed that their motivation to heal had been worn out, along with any inclination to carry on taking personal responsibility for their health.
It was almost like they wanted to stay in pain. However, here they were in my clinic, and I was their last resort.
Deep down I knew I had to find a way that would bring their issues to light. To actually get to the true essence that was causing their suffering.
And then it happened. I had found the key that unlocked their route to healing. From that point forward the results came faster, and far more profoundly, than I could ever have imagined.
Naturally I started to share my work with other practitioners. So that they too may create these deeper levels of healing, both for themselves and their clients.
"What Types of Practitioner Is This Training For?"
EBT is perfect for any practitioner who works with clients to improve their health and well being and wants to create a bigger shift in people's lives.
Whether you're an experienced therapist, bodyworker, or coach. This training is for you.
For the experienced it can help fill the gaps and give you an extra skill to use in your consultations.
For those at the beginning of your journey even better- the earlier you can be exposed to this work the easier it is to integrate it into your practice.
Ideally the group will be mainly practitioners who have an active client base and experience working with clients. This enriches the learning process.
You need to have an open mind and willing to do the deeper work yourself.
- Physical therapists: Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists
- Bodyworkers: massage therapists, somatic movement therapists, yoga instructors, pilates teachers
- Coaches: life, business, mindset & transformatmion coaches
- Counsellors, OTs, clinical therapists
- Other therapists: Nutritionists, naturopaths, herbalists….
- Conventional and alternative therapists looking to open their mind
- Actively seeing clients so that you can be supported to help them on a deeper level
"I've done similar courses before, is EBT really that different?"
- Not only will you be able to help your clients on a deeper level but you’ll also go through your own personal challenges and growth, allowing you to authentically share this process with your clients.
- If you’re finding that you’re not able to hold onto clients because you feel like you can’t offer them more; EBT will help you form a deeper connection with your clients. They'll get so much more from your sessions that they'll keep coming back to you.
- If you're finding that you've resorted to over-giving in sessions only to get the same or worse results with your clients then EBT will help redefine your boundaries, regain your energy and create a win-win client-practitioner relationship.
What Have Other Practitioners Gained Through EBT?
Hear what Emotional Body Training Participants have to say.
Mikal Takita - Naturopath
Over the course of 12 months being introduced to this work… I no longer have “Hashimoto's Thyroiditis”. I'm pregnant. Healed severe endometrial pain. Improved relationship with husband and family. More compassion for self, listening to intuition and what my body is trying to tell me.
Ability to see more potential in life and desires for my life.
Being relieved of an autoimmune condition is something that I didn't really think was possible. But it is.
Jo Hale- Equine-Assisted & Adventure Therapist
I felt like I had found the gold at the end of the rainbow! This work was was the missing link for me.
EBT has given me a gift,a tool to not only help myself but now I can bring this to my clients and I’am so excited about that!
I’ve tidied up the way I work.
I don’t have to give all of myself to my clients! I’am learning to work online and I love it!
It will change your life for the better! Invest in yourself because when you do everything changes for the better. This work is deep and if your ready for transformation on every level this is definitely something you don’t want to miss out on!
Lee Duncan - Women's Health Physiotherapist
This experience brought a more robust and holistic integration into my clinical practice.
It’s allowed me to realise a dream of moving overseas and creating a source of income that isn’t too dependent on my time.
The impact it has made on me emotionally has been so positive and I fell pregnant!
It has opened up amazing possibilities and a whole new world.
ROSHNI MOHANBHAI MISTRY - Dietician / Nutritionist
It was an all encompassing beautiful, wild, soul nourishing journey.
I feel so much more centred and clear in my direction. I always dreamt of helping people to nourish themselves on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
I am confident that I can help people to attain true health and also teach them the tools to continue evolving on their own beautiful journeys.
GEORGIE KING - Nutritional Therapist
This filled the knowledge gaps that I needed to truly create transformation for someone.
Now I really feel equipped to face anything and to help anybody through anything.
I follow my gut and intuition more and I really understand the language of the body and our emotions so I can lead sessions with clients that are much more bespoke and unique to their needs.
NAT DOUGLAS - Nutritionist (Thyroid, Gut, Hormones)
I feel more accepting of uncertainty knowing I have tools when it comes to clients where food and supplements only gets them so far.
I also feel more confident in my work when emotional blocks come up for clients.
I feel less triggered, more supported with internal resources and just more grounded even amongst what had been one of the most turbulent years of my life.
LOUISE HANSEN - Gut Psychology Coach
One of the biggest shifts for me was learning how to hold space for someone. When someone is upset I feel this urge to jump in. And that isn't always what someone needs. I've learnt just to sit, hold that space, that safe, honest, trusting environment that allows my clients to be able to share.
It’s the evolving energetic shifts that I think have been most profound. I'm seeing some really beautiful transformations and healing with my clients.
QING ZHOU - Wealth Coach
One of the BIGGEST lessons I took from this experience is about learning to become the practitioner that was like a magical lake. Clients want to come to a lake that is clear and has magical healing waters, not murky from crap practitioners are holding onto. The energy of the container was powerful as was the information taught.
if you want to let the old go and embody the next level you, and aren't afraid of deep (potentially difficult) inner work, jump right in!
SHANNON CARLIN - Oncology Naturopath
One of the biggest shifts for me was learning how to hold space for someone. When someone is upset I feel this urge to jump in. And that isn't always what someone needs. I've learnt just to sit, hold that space, that safe, honest, trusting environment that allows my clients to be able to share.
It’s the evolving energetic shifts that I think have been most profound. I'm seeing some really beautiful transformations and healing with my clients.
ALEX BOWLES - Kinesiologist
EBT is a perfect mixture of learning new techniques, working on myself, and supporting my business. It was like doing a spiritual business course. That's the best way to explain it maybe.
Within the eight weeks of our program I lost 5kgs and that was big for me because in the past I would just cut out carbs and do some more exercise and I would lose weight, but it was literally stuck. I think releasing those stagnant emotions also allowed my stuck weight to finally ease off and release.
Somatic Dance Therapist, Counsellor & Bodyworker
Incorporating mind and body work together and guiding clients through the process of release, I now feel like I'm leaving people a lot better off. Letting their body tell them what needs removing or unblocking. It's been amazing. I've literally seen results times twenty.
For the first time in my life I feel like nothing is missing. I feel like I'm honest with myself. I've become really honest and understanding of who I am and if something comes up: process it. It doesn't need to be a big four-day journey. And yes, simple, life’s become really simple and quite stable.
Life Coach, NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist & heart math practitioner
EBT has been the best investment I have made both personally and professionally. It has brought so much value, not only in my business and the way I work with clients but personally too. It's a complete transformational process.
Personally I love to start client sessions with this. It creates a light bulb moment and my clients are like: “Oh my God, this is me. And this is what I need to work on.”
YVANE FIFITA - Somatic Bodyworker
There was always a bit of hesitation around bringing up thoughts and feelings with clients, partly because I didn't know how to express them myself.
During the course I learnt how to acknowledge and release my emotions and now I am able to talk about emotions with my patients and provide them with the opportunity to express how they feel.
NINA KENNETT - Health Coach
I'd had three years of chronic hip, pelvis and lower back pain. I was unable to sleep on one side of my body and I couldn't do the sports that I love.
I'm now 98% pain free and feel so blessed to be able play sports again. And to be able to sleep, not waking in pain.
Because I'd done so much emotional work before it was like, “what am I missing? Why is the pain still persisting?” So it was really awesome to get to the bottom of it. And just dive deeper into the emotional stuff.
EMILY BREWER - Emotional Health Coach
It's an amazing feeling to be able to help clients release something which they know has been hanging over their shoulders.
EBT has also really helped me understand the relationships with different people in my life and understand that why they do what they do is actually just part of them. I'm now less triggered by them and really come at things with much more compassion and understanding. I feel like I really understand my friends and family a lot better. And I just have much better relationships.
LUI KIDNER - Nutritionist & Colon Hydrotherapist
I'm still a nutritionist and a colon hydrotherapist, but it is so nice to have the world of emotions open up.
I think the fact that I am now so comfortable with it, and that in a lot of sessions me and my clients spend a lot of time talking about that side of things, I am able to address those areas first and foremost, before we even go into nutrition and supplements.
ARIANA HENDERSON - Bodyworker & Massage Therapist
I use my voice. I set boundaries. I look at triggers completely differently.
I don't avoid triggers and run away anymore. When they come up I say thank you and put in the work to release them.
It’s so quick now.. I don't feel stuck. Professionally business has totally boomed!
GEMMA HAY - Podiatrist / Health & Mindset Coach
Doing this work has changed the trajectory of what I'm doing, where I'm coaching, and where I'm seeing my whole future. It has allowed me to acknowledge the parts of me that didn't have a voice, that were being ignored or dismissed. The release process let me sit with them and speak to the needs and wants of what was underneath all that.
Now my patients are getting real change because we're getting under those layers. And it’s not fluffy or trying to reframe something or trying to positively out think the truth of what's going on. It’s looking at absolute truth. It's diving in deep and it's more real, authentic, genuine. All the things that I want to be.
SARA ACLAND - Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach
The work that I did releasing my own traumas has helped my relationships so much, and my parenting and my coaching as well.
I had a low grade anxiety just sort of humming around in the background and I don't have that anymore. It's amazing how you don't really realize it's there until it's released.
Since doing the training I've got more clarity about where I want to go with my coaching and I feel way more confident about what I can help people with.
ELLE BROWN - Women's Health Nutritionist.
For the first time I was getting to the crux off my clients issues and watched their issues fall away.
I was deficient in vitamin B12, D and iron as well as liver issues.
My bloods are now stable and the only things I changed was the emotional work.
Jin cracked me wide open. I’ve done a lot of emotional healing work but never have I experienced the shifts that I experienced on this training.
BEC TALIA - Naturopath, Herbalist & Nutritionist
This course has changed everything for me. I’m seeing great results in my clients and I’ve never been happier with how I practice.
My anxiety and obsessive compulsive tendencies are almost completely gone. I feel the best I have in years.
BROC MARTIN - Health Coach
It was so valuable to go through the process myself. I needed to experience the power that comes through this work before I offer it to my clients.
This training got me thinking about my soul purpose. One of the best things was the support of the group who I got to share my journey with. I was encouraged and supported all the way through.
VENLA KÄRKI - Osteopath
With Jin’s guidance I’m more confident in taking care of the emotional issues in my patients. I have become a more holistic practitioner.
I’m more comfortable expressing my own feelings, and am more confident in letting other people express their emotions and not it personally. This has allowed me to hold space for my patients at a deeper level.
ALITA BLANCHARD - Conscious Parent Coach
EBT was everything I expected. I loved the community within the group. I felt really connected to the other women and there was incredible support from all the lead coaches.
My work with my clients has developed into a much deeper space. I'm able to give them a way of actually connecting and releasing anger,guilt and shame that’s all wrapped up in layers in the body. It’s a really healthy energy. I think as women we so often shutdown our anger and this is a great tool for addressing that.
FIONA PUGH - Eating Psychology Coach
The other business and coaching groups I am a part of just fail in comparison to the connections and support and advice I have gained from this experience.
Professionally I’m so much more grateful for my clients choosing me to work with. It’s an honour to make space for others and take them through this work.
I can see that they are able to go more deep into their own healing. I feel like I can close the loop with them that I couldn’t before.
BRANDI BISSELL - Coach and Bodyworker
My biggest breakthrough was on a personal level because I felt myself change. I realized just how much calmer I am and how much more of a better listener I am. I’ve also noticed how much more open I am to possibility. It really has just taken me to a different thought level of what is possible.
When I was able to start including emotional release work with my clients it made all of the pieces of the coaching process come together. Now it's just like this magical experience that I feel that everyone needs in their life in order to really move forward.
JOSEPHINE SUTTON - Gut Specialist Dietician
I noticed that my clients' issues were always coming back to their emotions. I would help fix their gut issues and their nutrition but as soon as they hit a stress point in their life all their problems would come flooding back.
The EBT programme has been magical. An amazing bond is formed in the group because we are all working through our own emotional layers, beliefs, issues, and worries together at the same time.
I'm able to hold space and delve deeper and bring awareness to the underlying emotions behind my client's issues.
TILBY BLANCH - Occupational Therapist & Bodyworker
I felt really supported during the training. I loved that there were different practitioners and we all brought our different perspectives to the group.
I learned a huge amount from being in a space with other practitioners.
I found that EBT is not necessarily a step-by-step process, but rather an eclectic mix of different elements which we can bring into our work in our own unique ways. It really opens up the ability to work in a way that feels true and aligned.
Brittany Mccann - Nutritionist & Functional Hormone Practitioner
I can see the changes happening in my clients . I watch over sessions and love when they start coming back with these A-ha moments.
Following EBT I have decided to completely rebrand my business and combine the physical and emotional aspects of my work together. It really has changed everything.
The best part of my experience was that I just really loved our group, the support and the realness.
Kiri Binnersley - Chiropractor
My biggest breakthrough was just allowing space and taking time to be slow, which has always been really difficult. My goal is to help others with their emotional trauma. I've always had that strong pull towards it.
The work with my clients is different since I started the course. I definitely feel like I'm more calm and I'm less rushed.
I just feel more grounded and clearer as to where I was wanting to go instead of just being all over the place.
Michelle Kilgour - Massage therapist + Reiki Practitioner
The work with my clients has changed. I'm a lot calmer and I have a deeper connection with people.
I recognise body parts that are areas that need healing, and why they need healing.
Everyone’s quietly terrified of telling their deepest darkest soul secrets to a bunch of strangers, but everyone does it.
Processing those problems or areas in your life; releasing that crap that comes with all that. I couldn't recommend it enough.
Jo Shearer - Occupational Therapist
My biggest breakthrough was thinking ‘who gives a shit, just be yourself’, because being authentic is the way to go.
Having the belief that I can help people with my own unique pool of experience – as an occupational therapist, but also a personal trainer and teacher.
I had lots of questions in terms of the professional aspect and how I could put this into my work as an occupational therapist, but within the first week or two my concerns were alleviated.
Heather Dinn - Health Coach
I think this programme is for anybody who is interested in experiencing a deeper way of living and wants to work on their emotional care.
I feel the power that this emotional release tool is beyond anything I've ever experienced in my life. I knew it existed intuitively. I knew it it had to be there.
It feels so supportive. It's been so amazing to watch people flocking to understand because they feel it too. I think that emotional body training was so supportive in how I'm able to bring this on a different level to clients that I worked with before.
Karen Nelson - Massage Therapist
I felt like I was like the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, realising that they (my clients) have a lot of deeper emotional issues and that it wasn't being addressed.
I wanted to offer more.
I'm going to bring the emotional processing work and all that I've learning alongside the massage business that I have. I think whether it's for your business or personally for yourself, you'll get so much out of this training.
A Few Podcast Stories From Participants of EBT
Drugs, Prison & The Power Of Transformation
Always The Nice Girl
The Unspoken Parts Of A Release
have a question?
Frequently Asked Questions
You have lifetime access to Emotional Body Training course platform. Plus all updates! This platform will continue to grow as you do. You get access to ONE live round of the training.
This is my signature course for practitioners loaded with life changing teachings and coaching topics.
3 core pillars
1. Emotional Metabolism – Process your emotions using the Release Process®
2. What emotions are stored – Chakras
3. Discover your true nature – Doshas
It's best to work through these in order.
These are condensed teachings including video, slide presentation and transcript.
Each pillar is taught in a flow teaching with individual broken down lessons and deeper teachings.
Additional FAQs answered in video format.
Printable cheat sheets, colour body maps, and reference tables.
Access to prerecorded guest speaker content.
Learn Release variations to process emotions on experiences such as miscarriages, abortions, organs that are no longer part of your body, organs that don't function as you would like, on yourself, inanimate objects, communities and groups. The list goes on!
Common conditions explained including addressing the physical as well as emotional aspects.
Additional coaching topics
BONUS access to 9 months live group coaching. The first 12 weeks are weekly and then continue with two calls per month
BONUS access to 9 months of private facebook group support
BONUS access to live group call replays shared with your group only
BONUS 1:1 consult with Jin recorded and shared only with your group for learning purposes (valued at $5555 USD)
You will be guided each week as to what modules to work on. Each module has a video/transcript/audio version that you can download and consume at your own pace.
You will need to set aside around 2 hours per week to listen to the content + 2 hours for the weekly live calls. You have lifetime access to all of the content and any updates. Not all of it will be relevant for you depending on what clients you tend to see. As you see clients with different conditions and presentations I will discuss them with you. This combined with the live calls is when the information will stick.
Additional Facebook videos are added time to time depending on the themes going on in the group you will also get access to these replays but the more present you can be at the time, the more you will get out of the experience.
Be on time for the coaching calls. We go for up to 90 minutes You'll learn from asking and you'll learn from observing others being coached. So many aha moments in this space!
All coaching calls are recorded and replays will be shared with your group only (ie these do not get added to the course platform as previous participants have access).
The live calls are recorded and will be available via a file on the Facebook group.
You also have access to the private Facebook group and I’ll be there to support you with your questions for the duration of the training.
Some say the live coaching is the best part, to connect, share and grow. It is in your best interest to set aside this time to show up for yourself. This is also your opportunity to get comfortable with other's emotions and be inspired by the changes that occur.
Most people learn from the live interaction. This can't be learnt from a text book. Think of the content as your reference. It's OK if you don't get through it all by the end of the training. You have lifetime access.
During the training you are encouraged to work with at least one client from week 3. You will be supported from stages of attracting a client and working with them. This is optional however highly recommended as implementing this work is a completely different story to learning it!
Clients are not provided for you during this training as this would not teach you sustainable business practices.
The earlier you get this information the better!
This is what helped me feel like I could deliver a holistic approach and I wish I had found this work at the beginning of my practice. Ideally you are seeing clients.
If you are a student or just starting out please note priority is given to practitioners actively seeing clients. You will get the most out of this work if you can implement it with your clients.
Please get in touch and I will assess if it is appropriate to let you into the training. Please contact me via email [email protected] before you purchase.
If you’re feeling like you’re getting stuck with clients or not enjoying working with them, you need this work. It will help you pull your clients up on the emotions and beliefs that keep them stuck in their chronic pattern. This work is hugely satisfying when you can bring awareness to the true issues at hand.
Don’t worry I will help you with this. Once you learn the technique and start to practice this I'll teach you how to broach the topic with your clients with certain lines of questioning to help you delve deeper.
Learning where emotions are stored and what physical presentations mean is the easy part, it’s the communication with your clients that is challenging. During the live coaching and in the Facebook support group you can ask us all your questions about your clients and we'll help you problem solve and navigate your way through their treatment.
We all have emotions including you. During this training you will uncover your own blocks that require acknowledging and coaching to help you facilitate this work.
You do need to be prepared to be vulnerable and trust that you are supported by myself and the group.
To do this work on your clients you need to go through the process and discomforts yourself to be able to give your clients a nudge.
Yes. This training has been run five times nowg now and the the results have been amazing. Not only for the participant's professional life but also their personal life and emotional awareness.
I also facilitate a large group- Release course for the general public.
I’m constantly teaching this work to my clients and community. I’ve also held small workshops with therapists teaching them techniques, and always integrate the emotional aspect into applying a technique or therapy.
I have owned a two bricks and mortar clinics and run a team of practitioners and support staff and later went on to sell this 5+ years later. I have also worked with physiotherapists in my clinic in the past; all of whom I have mentored to ensure they are delivering a holistic approach to treatment.
Over the years I’ve been asked to teach this in a more structured way, and this is it.
I am always teaching it to my clients and teach practitioners online (in another training). I’m constantly teaching this to my community. I’ve also held small workshops with therapists and the community teaching them techniques, and always integrate the emotional aspect into applying a technique.
The group size is kept to a size that is big enough to provide peer group community and small enough so that everyone gets individual attention.
At this stage we will take no more than 14.
It all depends the plan is 1-2x per year. This could be your only chance. Who knows? If you always say later, do yourself a favour and do it now. My motto is ‘get started' and you'll be better off than if you didn't.
More support is available when you join the LIVE training. On top of additional content available on the course platform to support your journey you get access to Jin via weekly zooms (12 weeks) then x2 monthly zooms (6 months) and private Facebook group for 9 months to deepen the course content and receive more personal support.
We ask that you respect the energy and time that has gone into creating this course.
We ask that you do not share the content, not everyone is up to doing the deeper emotional work and we believe that those who are ready need to lead themselves to this space.
You can tell your friends and those searching about this work, but please don't share your logins and give others access to your course platform.
In the game of life there are no guarantees.
We ask everyone who takes part in our courses to take self-responsibility and ensure that you feel safe at all times.
The more you put in the more you will get out.
First of all look at this as an investment in yourself.
You get valuable skills that have a positive impact and last a lifetime.
When you work on yourself everyone around you benefits.
If everything shared with you resonates. Go with your heart. Trust it.
There are payment options available (just click through to the checkout page to see them).
Plus I’m going to put lots of time into supporting you to ensure you get the most out of this course. What you learn extends beyond the ten weeks together as you as you put the effort in.
However we ask that if this is going to cause financial stress that you do not commit, it has to feel right to join.There are payment options available (just click through to the checkout page to see them).
There are no refunds on instant access digital products with downloadable content.
Please choose to purchase this intentionally as requests for refunds for this offer will not be responded to.
PS if you are already thinking of how you can get out of this, please do not purchase this or any of the courses that are on offer 🙂
Come And Join Me On Emotional Body Training
Become a Release Process ® Facilitator

Want lifetime access to Emotional Body Training course platform plus come and join me on the next LIVE round where you receive 9 months of group coaching and support whilst you work with clients.
This training is $18,888 USD.
Emotional Body Training is my signature course for established practitioners, therapists and coaches.
Here's all the content and LIVE support you get with the Emotional Body Training.
You get the access to high level flow teachings plus all the step-by-step additional lessons and deeper teachings, printable cheat sheets and reference tables. Plus when we go live you get my support in a group coaching format via weekly zoom and a private Facebook group for ten whole weeks.
- Become a Release Process® facilitator. Learn a four part process that allows you to help your clients release the stored emotions that hold them back from healing and living their best life.
- Learn to use the chakra system in a unique way to discover what emotions your clients are storing. Stop focusing on the condition or disease, because that's not where the issue is really at. Once you're able to work out the emotions you'll be able to use the Release Process ®.
- Learn how your clients will respond to deeper emotional work, connect even more dots and spot the early signs and symptoms before crisis hits. I'll teach you philosophies based in Ayurveda, but again, not quite in the way you've read or learned before!
- Access to practitioner oriented Flow Teachings plus broken down lessons, deeper teachings
- Each pillar has video answers to FAQS and additional videos
- Printable cheat sheets, colour chakra maps and reference tables
- Lifetime access plus access to updates and new videos (added each live round)
- Learn Release variations to process your emotions on experiences such as miscarriages, abortions, organs that are no longer part of your body, organs that don't function as you would like, on yourself, inanimate objects, communities and groups. The list goes on!
- Common conditions broken down including addressing physical aspects
- Small and intimate group - max 12 participants
- 9 months LIVE group coaching
- Private Facebook group access
- History interpretation (value $2222 USD)
- 1:1 facilitated release session with Jin (value $5555 USD)
ENROL NOW early bird ends 24th Sept
$4444 USD
$3888 USD
Payment plans available when you click through as well as an alternative link for NZ based practitioners.
More Practitioners Share Their EBT Experience
I did the release course and had huge personal shifts. I felt like I had found the gold at the end of the rainbow! This work was like the missing link for me.
For me personally on a physical level I’m more In tune with my body and more expecting of this beautiful body of mine. On an emotional level I’ve had huge shifts in my consciousness. I now have boundaries! I have had realisations about all my relationships and how they have affected my life. I can now move forward with forgiveness and love, where as before I was stuck in the blame game.
My biggest shift was understanding how I had betrayed myself in most of my relationships especially my marriage. Heartfelt listening has enhanced my relationships and helped me really hear what another is speaking. EBT has given me a gift, a tool to not only help myself but now I can bring this to my clients and I’m so excited about that!
I’ve tidied up the way I work. I don’t have to give all of myself to my clients! I’m learning to work online and I love it!
Invest in yourself because when you do everything changes for the better. This work is deep and if you’re ready for transformation on every level this is definitely something you don’t want to miss out on!

EBT provides a combination of many things to make the course so good. The combination of live calls, the platform and daily coaching in the group meant that whilst there were elements of going at your own pace, you were also held accountable to show up for yourself, your own healing and that of your business and clients.
Personally I was experiencing pain in my right breast, that had been checked medically, but that would give me anxiety and something I would almost obsess over. This pain has gone and I can say that nearly two months later has not come back. I feel happier within myself having done my own emotional clearing and feel equipped to manage blocks and elements of my life that I had previously felt less in control of or that I couldn't make such a quick change. Professionally my business feels like it has found "its place" with the right tools to help clients, the message that fits and the knowledge gaps that I needed filled to truly create transformation for someone.
My biggest breakthrough is that I don't feel I am lacking a tool or a piece of understanding about the body and emotions that has prevented me from obtaining true health myself and also for my clients. It was almost like I still had this fear of "but this could still happen or this might not work" but now I really feel equipped to face anything and to help anybody through anything.
The best part of EBT was the ability for us as practitioners to be a product of what we were learning. I learnt so much about my own emotions, when through the emotional release process myself so that I can understand on a visceral level what a client will go through and hold that space for them.
Now I'm much less formulaic as a practitioner. I follow my gut and intuition more and I really understand the language of the body and our emotions so I can lead sessions with clients that are much more bespoke and unique to their needs.
My sessions are less planned and more guided by the client and where they are at. I feel confident that whoever is sat infront of me, there is something I can do to help.
Our greatest ill right now is that we are disconnected from ourselves and our bodies. I truly feel that any practitioner needs this expertise not only for their personal benefit but also for true healing for their clients.

I can't decide which was my favourite part of EBT. The coaching support for any area of your life, not just business/clients/learning to facilitate the process; the coaches and their varied styles/approaches as well; live group calls; the individual coaching sessions, etc..
It helped me personally. I no longer have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I got pregnant! I have less pelvic pain, improved relationship with husband and family. Better understanding of self and others around me. I have more compassion for self, listening to intuition and what my body is trying to tell me. Ability to see more potential in life and desires for my life.
My biggest breakthrough was being relieved of an autoimmune condition. It is something that I didn't really think was possible before. Also having the confidence and trust in myself to facilitate this work for others and support them to have deep self-realisations for their own life/health was deeply satisfying. Building up my own self-belief that I have been able to see more potential for myself/my life as well, which was quite limited before. .
The best part of EBT was the community, the understanding and the personalised support.
I want to completely offer this emotional body work for people so they can get to know and understand themselves better, not just physiologically what's going on, but how their emotions, patterns, behaviours could lead them to where they are. I've changed the way my consults were structured and my prices, during the course.
Since the course I'm witnessing client breakthrough in their self-realisations. Being able to support them through this has allowed me to let go of outcomes that I hold for wanting to help clients in a certain way or trying to get a certain outcome produced for them. That what comes up for them and what they realise is truly what they need, and facilitating that process is an incredible way to help people and deepen their understanding of self, which they may not have achieved on their own. By letting go of that attachment on a specific outcome or goal as the practitioner and typically using a client's, or my own, desired outcomes as a gauge on whether the treatment protocol is successful or not and then if that means I'm a good practitioner or not. It really feels like a much more organic and natural way to be facilitating wellness and care because it is even more individualised and specific to the person in front of me.

I love how practical and supportive it was. It wasn’t just learning concepts, it was really getting into the arena and DOING the work and then having support to adjust and learn along the way. I loved the live calls and the FB group being so interactive and the fact that so many people shared was a beautiful tool for learning too.
I feel more accepting of uncertainty knowing I have tools to handle this better now. I also feel more confident in my work when emotional blocks come up for clients. I feel less triggered, more supported with internal resources and just more grounded even amongst what had been one of the most turbulent years of my life.
My breakthrough was realising how many emotional blocks I still have that I now know how to process and how much freedom and expansion is available to me when I choose to practice the techniques.
I now use emotional release techniques to help clients with breaking through the next layer of their health. I also find the tools we learnt to assess and identity stuck emotions in the body really helpful in understanding someone more deeply and what it is that is holding them back from stepping into the most aligned version of themselves.
I highly recommend EBT. Not only is it going to help you get better outcomes for your clients, it’s also gives you tools that will serve you in your business and in your personal life. It’s an investment in your health and happiness as much as it is in those that are working with you.

Everyone in the EBT group brought an interesting dynamic and the live calls were so informative.
It’s brought a more robust and holistic integration into my clinical practice. It’s allowed me to realise a dream of moving overseas and creating a source of income that isn’t too dependent on my time.
The impact it has made on me emotionally has been so positive and I've fallen pregnant. It has opened up amazing possibilities and a whole new world which is very exciting.
As a practitioner I have more treatment options for those who I haven’t been able to help previously and I see the body in a more Integrated approach with my spiritual beliefs.
EBT will open your eyes to an alternative approach to the human body and the impact emotions has on physical and psychological manifestations.

Each week felt like it had a theme and needed time and integration. It was an all encompassing beautiful, wild, soul nourishing journey.
I feel so much more centred and clear in my direction. I always dreamt of helping people to nourish themselves on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level and I feel pretty confident that I can really help people to attain this and also teach them the tools to continue evolving on their own beautiful journeys.

With my clients I've let go of the physical treatments and am using my knowledge to facilitate shifts around emotions. I'm now more committed to being an Online therapist.
I've uncovered that there is more inner work to do and to be more compassionate with people's differences.
I say do it! Expect nothing and gain everything, what you think you might want is different from what you may receive.

I loved seeing and feeling what's possible and seeing all of the shifts in myself and others. I value myself much more highly and I'm making changes so that I can focus on the parts that I enjoy the most and provide the most impact.
My biggest breakthrough was a chain reaction of understanding around lots of smaller events. The process itself has been super powerful with clients as well.
In my personal life I've developed a deeper relationship with my partner, moving to a new amazing home and I have the confidence to resign from my job.

I have always been intrigued by the mind-body connection and I was curious to further understand the messages our bodies are, often “quietly”, sending us through physical symptoms and ailments.
I was so intrigued how emotions & physical ailments could be linked and how to release them to move towards optimal health.
I had a number of personal breakthroughs – it is very hard to identify what is the “biggest” and most impactful. Acknowledging the “belief” systems, behaviours and patterns that are formed post-childhood/adult trauma experiences and seeing how these impact and present in physical symptoms. Being exposed to practical strategies that individuals can use to process trauma, question belief systems and increase awareness of patterns is the most amazing life skill to acquire and pass to others.
There is a new level of awareness that I bring to my daily life. I now have a range of practical strategies to help process/release emotions – for myself, my family and clients. I have a greater sense of awareness around my personal triggers, fears, resistance and blocks.
Recognising the tendency to suppress, repress & numb out. I feel more comfortable exploring these uncomfortable places to see what they reveal. Sitting in the uncomfortable & exploring the uncomfortable. Now I cannot “not see” or “unsee” the emotional connections to symptoms being experienced.
I have a new sense of confidence and value in the work I am doing. I am more open to discussing or creating a sense of curiosity with clients re: if they feel emotions may be playing a part in their wellness / health situation. I feel less of a need to provide a “fix”. I feel OK with providing a safe space for people to feel heard when exploring the emotional connection with their situation and symptoms.To be able to provide practical strategies for clients to further explore & process emotions is an amazing addition to my practitioner toolbox.
I absolutely loved the weekly live coaching call. Participant sharing was so raw & vulnerable and made the training very powerful and impactful. It was amazing to put the work into practice individually. At times this was exhausting and emotional. It was great to personally experience the impact this type of work can have, so you have a true understanding of what clients will experience as they undertake the work. It was also great to share the personal growth journey with a group of practitioners – this truly made the training very powerful. A powerful personal experience, coupled with a shared group experience.
I would thoroughly recommend the training, not only from a personal development experience but also to develop the skills to become a more holistic practitioner.
Jin is an amazing practitioner with such a depth of knowledge and a strong sense of generosity that I received far, far more than what I expected from the Emotional Body Training Course.

I had a huge breakthrough in the emotional release work. I had lots of repressed anger and sadness and through learning and practising the techniques I moved through and found a release.
Going back to traumatic events in my early childhood and talking to my inner child with the support of Jin allowed me to identify unconscious limiting beliefs. Being now able to identify when I’m people-pleasing and doing things form a place of fear rather than service and able to be confident to realise the work I was doing was causing unsustainable stress and preparing to move into a different type of work.
I am more confident and have more belief in the mind-body connection through going through it myself.
This was a very well run course and it was a privilege to be a part of these amazing human beings journey.

I know mind-body, emotions etc is where people can get stuck and I wanted to find out more. I had the opportunity to dive deeper not only into my own emotions but also the reasons why I may have been getting stuck with my clients.
Throughout the process I became aware of where my stories/pain points are coming from and how to release these from the body. I feel more flow, focus and awareness in my life. I was also really interested to learn about Chakras and Ayurveda.
I loved all of the content and the live coaching was great and well put together + I loved Jin’s gentle and encouraging nudges on the Facebook group….
We had a fantastic group of professionals that were all really supportive and Jin's encouragement, passion and support for us was so appreciated.

The training has honestly being life altering for me professionally and personally. Jin cracked me wide open; something that therapy and a lot of emotional work in the past wasn’t able to do. I felt supported but also pushed in a way that was so needed. I found the weekly coaching calls with the group to be intense, emotional, incredible, vulnerable and so awe inspiring.
Week by week I began to feel physically and emotionally better and my clients were rebooking and having breakthroughs. My business and way of coaching and consulting has completely changed, I have many new clients and I feel centred and more confident as a practitioner. There have been many shifts in my personal life also as well as huge advances in my physical well-being. The content of this course is sooo interesting and Jin is so supportive, assisting in navigating client cases and providing insight.
I went into this course struggling with my health physically; I was just beginning to recover from many deficiencies and elevated liver markers. I feel my work with Jin and my learnings from the course played such a large role in my recovery. My bloods are now completely normal and stable. I released ALOT and many people have been commenting on how vibrant I look and feel. I am having breakthroughs with my clients that I never saw before; women healing from binge eating, gut issues and a whole host of niggles and symptoms that I wasn’t able to successfully fully help them with before. I am a much more confident practitioner and I feel I offer a much more holistic and well rounded service now than ever before.
This training felt like someone placed me in a snow globe, shook it all up and sat with me while we navigated the dust settling. It made me question my work, my relationships and myself as well as saw massive positive changes occur for my physical health. I now have stable bloods, I have a much healthier relationship with all of those in my life including myself, my clients rebook and there is a nice continual flow of newbies coming in. I see huge emotional releases occur with my clients and gosh do we go through some tissue boxes! But I see their symptoms and complaints diminishing and their light returning, just like what happened for me. I feel I have changed as a practitioner completely. I am much more confident, centred and holistic. I probe and ask questions now that I would not have dreamed of having the confidence to do before. I hold space for my clients without over giving and whilst still protecting my own energy (something I struggled with before) and I make connections with symptoms in a more holistic and improved manner, addressing all areas of health and life. My consult form now also has a new section called emotional body and I find my clients absolutely love that I address ALL of their concerns. Most if not all of my clients have needed some help in navigating or accessing emotions and so too have my loved ones and myself. This course is so beneficial for someone wanting to improve their skills as a practitioner and effectively help their clients in a more holistic way.

However, as I've become interested in my work in how emotions play a role in people's physical problems, this training sounded like that was what the programme was about.
Jin draws on many different philosophies, so it sounded like I'd get the wisdom of those different philosophies without going through them all individually and figuring how they fit together by myself. I also like the idea of getting to work on my own problems at the same time.
My biggest breakthrough was getting comfortable with my own feelings and expressing them, which in turn makes me comfortable with other people's feelings and them expressing them without taking it personally. I am now comfortable with other people's feelings and them expressing them without taking it personally. This has allowed me to start letting go of my habit of taking responsibility for other people's emotions and also how I interact with other people.
I'm more confident in expressing myself when I know that I probably don't have much to do with other people's reactions, it's probably more to do with their own life experiences.
I now prod more into people's emotional difficulties instead of letting them glaze over them while talking history. I have been given a way in with the emotions that I didn't get from undergrad, and I can relate it to the physical issues the patient is there for.
Jin is very passionate about her work, and more than happy to support you in any aspect, be it your own healing journey or your practice and patient questions. I enjoyed the group calls, the interactive aspect of it and meeting other participants “face to face”. I think that sharing in a group on a video call makes all the difference compared to only sharing in the Facebook group. You really have to be vulnerable, and if you're going to ask your patients to do that, you should know how it feels. We also learn to hold space for other's sharing at the same time.
If you are looking to understand the mind-body connection and how emotions might be playing a role in the physical issues, I would recommend working with Jin.

I enjoyed the Emotional Body Training thoroughly. I had covered a little bit of the chakras and Chinese organ clock and the emotions they hold in my naturopathic course but it was great to refresh and add to my knowledge. Learning the other body parts was something completely new to me and as I do some body work it was really relevant to that part of my work.
My biggest breakthrough was not being as anxious and being excited about my work which I have not felt this way in years. Now, I'm not as stressed, I have more energy, I sleep and I enjoy my work again.
I am now more holistic and observe body signs better and I have more tools in my toolbox I enjoyed meeting up with everyone every week. I enjoyed the content as well but this was where a lot of the learning in action and connection happened.

Learning to interpret the signs and signals our body gives us is tremendously helpful not only for our own health and well-being but for those we are working with in our health practices.

I was drawn to Jin as a person and teacher. She exuded a peaceful energy of confidence, clarity, and a wealth of knowledge.
From what I have seen it's rare that people are able to enjoy a successfully thriving business while provide healing to others. It often seems the two don't go hand in hand. I could tell she loved and was successful with both aspects, which is exactly what I wanted for myself!
When she spoke about emotions and the body everything resonated and fitted perfectly with the knowledge I was already exposed to and filled in the big gaps of what was missing. I felt like I could trust the material and techniques we would be receiving that it wouldn't be too foo-fooey coming from left field or too closed-minded but instead strike a balance for me.
Before I wanted to help every single person. Now I have the trust and peace to know when a client is a good fit or not. I don't feel guilty. I feel more confident in my abilities and worth and therefore able to become more focused on meeting my client's needs.
I have become more communicative in preparing clients and explaining the purpose and process of techniques. I have seen the huge growth clients have experienced in their lives in such a short period of time.
I absolutely loved all of the content in the course! The 1:1 emotional release coaching was a game changer! As well as watching the other practitioner's calls. It catapulted us into confidently delivering this work to our clients. The open-ended support we received on Facebook and in our calls was amazing. Anything we needed was on the table.
I feel that everyone whose profession is serving others should know about this! It targets the core of health and wellness.
From what I have seen it's rare that people are able to enjoy a successfully thriving business while provide healing to others. It often seems the two don't go hand in hand. I could tell she loved and was successful with both aspects, which is exactly what I wanted for myself!
When she spoke about emotions and the body everything resonated and fitted perfectly with the knowledge I was already exposed to and filled in the big gaps of what was missing. I felt like I could trust the material and techniques we would be receiving that it wouldn't be too foo-fooey coming from left field or too closed-minded but instead strike a balance for me.
Before I wanted to help every single person. Now I have the trust and peace to know when a client is a good fit or not. I don't feel guilty. I feel more confident in my abilities and worth and therefore able to become more focused on meeting my client's needs.
I have become more communicative in preparing clients and explaining the purpose and process of techniques. I have seen the huge growth clients have experienced in their lives in such a short period of time.
I absolutely loved all of the content in the course! The 1:1 emotional release coaching was a game changer! As well as watching the other practitioner's calls. It catapulted us into confidently delivering this work to our clients. The open-ended support we received on Facebook and in our calls was amazing. Anything we needed was on the table.
I feel that everyone whose profession is serving others should know about this! It targets the core of health and wellness.

I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to use this work not being a hands-on bodyworker however the teaching was catered towards the varying course participants. I now feel more confident in putting this work out there, and facilitating emotional release processes with my clients.
This work is so beneficial when it comes to all sorts of health concerns and is a great tool to have up your sleeve as a practitioner.

I resigned from my job and moved interstate shortly after the training. I have clarity on what I want separate from guilt and expectations. I can trust myself again that I have all the answers within and the ability to re-align myself, to respond rather than react. My marriage is a lot stronger as I am communicating how I need support and ultimately being my own source of encouragement.
This will continue to unfold. Going forward I hope to create my own online platform to guide people to re-connect with themselves and their own intuition.
I gained so much from the 1:1 with Jin, that allowed everything to shift for me! I could suddenly see my world open up to a new way of doing life!
The group was beautiful, the content was enlightening and the coaching was incredible!
We are not taught how to express emotions and I believe this is what is contributing to the increased amount of illness and disease in people’s bodies.

It was a great group and I loved the support and all the sharing. Jin is highly knowledgeable and knows how to hold space. I also loved that we had the support coaches.
The structure of the whole course was great and I particularly enjoyed the live coaching.
Since doing the course I am much more in tune to my body and much more confident in my client sessions. I use the learnings all the time and focus my client work around them now.

Jin, the flow on effects from your course, just keep coming for me. It is difficult to put into words the personal energetic and emotional shifts I have had, from your 1:1 healing sessions and putting your work into practice on myself. By addressing these deep buried emotional pockets, they were taking up space of more valuable things for me, I have been able to move in a direction which much better supports who I am and my ‘super powers’ I have truly found my voice.
You identified and peeled away the layers of some emotional baggage I didn’t even know I had! And funny looking back, that I was the one who introduced myself with “nothing really going on for me physically or emotionally, I am here to learn how to be a better practitioner for my clients!” But, we all have a little something buried away don’t we!
On a professional level, you showed and taught me how to hold the space better for my clients, this was huge for me. And I am now able to build on my existing healing knowledge and skill, to take my consultations to a higher level of understanding of emotional-physical manifestations, and be able to better concisely explain this to my clients. You have assisted me to add more value to each and every consultation.
Thanks Jin, it has been so wonderful to indulge myself in your emotional body healing.

I had an incredible experience on the course and the support I received was amazing. My biggest breakthrough was learning how to process emotions properly. Since doing the course my confidence has increased and how I process emotions is not as dramatic anymore, I literally release then move on.
As a practitioner my value has gone up. The results clients are getting superseed my previous sessions. Integrating my work with Jin’s Course has brought in a sounder structure and foundation to my practice. This has increased my confidence by a mile. Clients are leaving with a greater release and processing their emotions efficiently. I am now able to work on the mind and body in a more effective way.
I loved learning and connecting with a group of practitioners. The support was incredible. With such unique coaches there was a sense of safety, care while being integrating the work, and inspiration. Jin has gleaned from her experiences and masterfully created a mind-body course that successfully works. There is a high level of responsibility and personal growth, which have helped me personally value my own work as a practitioner.
I really enjoyed learning where emotions were trapped in the body, it was my missing link. Incorporating mind, body and soul – I received an element of soul work that truly helped with the essence of my brand. Jin’s confidence, knowledge and sincere nature was refreshing.
I’d absolutely recommend this work to other practitioners. It is practical and equips you to process emotions efficiently. Phenomenal learnings and support!

However I was nervous about signing up and committing to a program that I wasn’t sure would be completely for me. I was also worried about juggling my commitments with the workload of the course.
I quickly found that the training was amazing. It was awesome to be part of a special group of people who were all passionate about understanding how to better treat patients by working on the emotional aspects that were holding their patients back and causing them pain and disease. The group were so supportive and great at holding space and allowing us all to grow through the training.
The whole course felt like many breakthroughs but for me the biggest one has been a major boost to my confidence and understanding of my personality, body type and emotional tendencies so that I can be more confident in my uniqueness.
There have been so many amazing changes. All my relationships are better because I have more understanding as well as having emptied some of my emotional cup. My health has improved – my skin, my digestion and my hip pain have all improved. I feel like I’m living life looking through a new lens.
I loved every part of the course, especially the live group coaching, the fb page where people shared their questions, wins, challenges, and supported each other. I loved having the support coaches and I loved hearing the changes and breakthroughs that people got with their clients and the ideas and suggestions that were given for people to try to manage different/difficult situations.
I would highly recommend this work to everyone. Basically if you have a brain and a body this work will apply to you as we all have emotional processing to work through. And for all types of practitioners this course would provide such a good addition to the type of treatment they already provide. It’s a technique that can be combined with most treatments.
Jin you are amazing and super inspiring!! Your vision, knowledge and passion for this work is infectious and you share your knowledge so clearly and logically. The format and the way you bring the group together worked so well. I’m sure there are many more practitioners who will benefit from this groundbreaking work that our society desperately needs.

The course was life changing. I had to be really vulnerable and open up and once I did everything flowed – I personally released a lot of stored trauma. One of the best aspects was learning about myself through the Ayurvedic doshas and chakras, which made me more accepting of myself. Learning about the dosha's in general has been really helpful in getting a better understanding of my clients as well. The trauma release techniques have already proved to be really powerful, both for myself and my clients.
Since the course I’ve gained the confidence to go whichever direction I want to with my coaching. Having a deeper understanding of myself and releasing stored emotions has given me a belief in myself that I didn't have before and I am now more driven, confident and just excited to be able to help people in this way. I am more confident to put my own flavour in my coaching so my clients get a more tailored, authentic experience with me and I am offering emotional release when it is needed.
I really enjoyed the coursework, in particular the emotional release and communication, and learning about the doshas. The live coaching/emotional release was beneficial – not easy but cathartic. And it was really helpful watching the others on the course doing their own emotional release work. I also really liked our live group calls.
The pragmatic approach to the emotional release work and to the whole course/content was great. And the support we got from Jin and the lead coach – they both really pushed us to be our best.
I would recommend this course to other practitioners – it's transformational!

EBT was everything I expected. I loved the community within the group. I felt really connected to the other women and there was incredible support from all the lead coaches. It was confronting at times. To know that we were going to have to do an emotional release and then have it videoed for everyone to watch is quite intimidating.
My biggest breakthrough was feeling more connected to my true self. I can feel into my nervousness. I can connect with parts of my body that I would consider to be numb and frozen and realize that is what they are showing me and I can go beneath that. I had a really big breakthrough regarding some childhood trauma around my parents divorce. I felt really safe to go into it and discover what was really there and now I can support that 5 year old version of me. My work with my clients has developed into a much deeper space. I'm able to give them a way of actually connecting and releasing anger,guilt and shame that’s all wrapped up in layers in the body. It’s a really healthy energy. I think as women we so often shutdown our anger and this is a great tool for addressing that. If you're considering emotional body training, I would say absolutely go for it. We all need to find healthy and powerful tools to release our emotions so that they are not hurting ourselves and others. For me that has been life-changing.

When I was able to start including emotional release work with my clients it made all of the pieces of the coaching process come together. Now it's just like this magical experience that I feel that everyone needs in their life in order to really move forward.
I was having a lot of struggles in my massage practice. I felt that massage clients weren't getting everything that they could get out of it. They kept returning for the same types of problems every single time, and I just knew that there were much bigger issues involved.
I found Jin online whilst researching psychosomatic therapies and I instantly knew that this is what’s been missing. And so I manifested it! I knew I had to be on the next Emotional Body Training program and so I started writing about and put pictures and images up around the house so that I was looking at it every single day. I believed it was going to work out, and it did!
My experience on EBT was insane. I really had no idea exactly what was going to be involved. I was originally interested in helping my clients but little did I know that I also needed so much help. There was a lot going on in my own body that I thought was just fine, but it really wasn’t.
EBT made me get to know myself in a completely different way. I quickly found out that in order to help my clients I had to first help myself and understand what that was like.
My biggest breakthrough was on a personal level because I felt myself change. I didn't realize how angry I was. If you would have met me, you would probably never know. I realized just how much calmer I am and how much more of a better listener I am. I’ve also noticed how much more open I am to possibility. It really has just taken me to a different thought level of what is possible.
All kinds of unexpected things happened just by doing this training. Because I initially did this training for my clients,not for me. And now I feel like the world is my oyster and I can do anything. I feel braver. I feel more available to help clients in a much bigger way. And I just know that the more that I do this for myself, the more I'll be able to help my clients as well.
I feel like I've had many life-changing experiences during and after this training, like a slow drip that continues even after it's complete. I have noticed differences in how I speak with my husband, my daughter and my clients.
I previously did a lot of mindset, a lot of motivation, a lot of transformation and a lot of changing language. Now that I'm able to add Emotional Bodywork I can actually help clients with their pain and have them understand where the pain is coming from and why. That piece is huge. Now they're listening to their body and that has been just the biggest bonus for me.
If someone was thinking about doing Emotional Body Training I would say just figure it out, find a way. That's what I did. I decided that's what I was going to do. And I made it happen and it happened. And if you are even thinking about saying no, find out what your why is and find out why this is important to you and make it happen. It. It's one of the best things you could ever do.

I've always been drawn to the idea that our emotions physically manifest in our body and EBT really taught me how the power of the emotional body within the physical body
I always had a calling for this work and then when I saw Jin’s course it just spoke to my heart and I knew it was the next step. Previously I had found that when I was working with clients; whether it was getting pregnant or healing, I could only take them so far. Naturally I would dip into the emotional space when we would go through what I call their emotional timeline. So I'd be going through a lot of the traumas, some things that they had experienced and I started to see patterns of similar traumas with different clients.
I loved the group aspect of EBT and being able to watch the transformation happen with the other participants. EBT confirmed the path I was already on and gave me the tools to actually implement it into my practice, which was the part I was most looking for the most.
I would say my biggest breakthrough was experiencing the peace of self-worth which allowed me to see where I was holding myself back. It actually assisted me fix my pricing for and how I show up in my business. I also realised that I'm providing something that is so different as a nutritionist and it has given me a lot more confidence.
My life has changed in such a way that I now have the tools and exercises to walk myself through whatever situation is coming up. I’ve noticed that I'm less reactive to situations in my life. With my children, I find that I just have a lot more space. The snappiness has gone.
Initially some clients were hesitant with bringing emotional work into their sessions, but I have found for the most part clients have just jumped into it. And you can see the changes happening, maybe not right away, but you watch over the sessions, and they start coming back with these A-ha moments.
One client found out she was pregnant. We had worked for so long on the physical stuff but it wasn't until we dug into the emotional stuff that she was able to make that leap.
Following EBT I have decided to completely rebrand my business and combine the physical and emotional aspects of my work together. It really has changed everything.
The best part of my experience was that I just really loved our group. I really did. I loved the support and the realness of it. We all showed up and we all had to be vulnerable together. Like real humans. We were all just very human through the 10 weeks together. I think that was huge for me.
If somebody was a practitioner and was sitting on the fence about this course then I would say that the one thing I’ve noticed more than ever is that people are not looking at certificates anymore. People aren't looking at how many letters you have after your name. They're looking for what works. They're looking for the techniques that actually work and yield results for their clients. I would just say give it a go.

I believe that our emotions are so tightly interwoven with our relationship with food, that so many areas of our lives get played out on our plates and that if we can work through those emotions, we can find food and body freedom. I love creating joyful experiences of eating and helping people to find the joy in that too.
I signed up for EBT because I was struggling to go deeper with clients. I would identify the areas that were affecting their relationship with food, but wasn’t really able to help them go deeper. Personally, I was struggling to move forward and do the things that I wanted to. I was procrastinating and feeling guilty that I had not used my time productively. I knew there was something there that needed to change, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was.
I was quite nervous to experience EBT for myself, even though I knew deep down that it was something I needed to do. The release process is cathartic and healing and allowed me to hear my emotions and learn some tools to support myself. The training was more than I expected. It was fast paced and slow at the same time. It really challenged me to take steps forward when I would usually want to stop and reflect more or just stay in procrastination. The supportive nature of the training allowed me to feel safe to experiment and stumble and share the lows as well as the highs, all of which had space to be heard and acknowledged.
My biggest breakthrough was experiencing the importance and process of self-forgiveness. Learning that I don’t have to be so hard on myself. Allowing the child like parts of me that require comfort to be comforted by myself. Learning the tools to allow me to support myself.
Since the course my relationships have changed, I have less anxiety and more confidence and groundedness. Others have noticed a change in my energy. I’m using my voice more, speaking up in meetings and am able to accept the awkwardness when I sometimes am not as clear as what I intend with much less guilt, shame or negative self-talk. I feel like I have a stronger sense of self.
Professionally I’m so much more grateful for my clients choosing me to work with. It’s an honour to make space for others and take them through this work. I can see that they are able to go more deep into their own healing. I feel like I can close the loop with them that I couldn’t before.
I absolutely loved connecting with a genuinely supportive group. The other business and coaching groups I am a part of just fail in comparison to the connections and support and advice I have gained from this experience. I really felt like I found the most amazing group of people and that is invaluable and something I will cherish. Having this experience with other practitioners is so valuable to learn, and to be able to invite them to be on the team to help my clients too.
If you are thinking about doing EBT my advice is to just do it! Don’t hold back. You will be challenged and you will cry and you will laugh and you will feel like you’re taking steps backwards just as much as going forward and you absolutely will not regret it.

I found Jin’s programme, and it was really powerful.
These emotional release tools transformed the relationships around me. I was able to see the transformation and how I could use it within my health coaching programme. Going through release allowed me permission to express my true feelings and that I don't need to hide my own full expression of my authentic self.
I think this programme is for anybody who is interested in experiencing a deeper way of living and wants to work on their emotional care.
I feel the power that this emotional release tool is beyond anything I've ever experienced in my life. I knew it existed intuitively. I knew it it had to be there. It feels so supportive.
It's been so amazing to watch people flocking to understand because they feel it too.
I think that emotional body training was so supportive in how I'm able to bring this on a different level to clients that I worked with before. I feel so grateful. Thank you

Having the belief that I can help people with my own unique pool of experience - as an occupational therapist, but also a personal trainer and teacher. Now I see adding the emotional body training is another element that can add a very powerful aspect to the work that I'm doing. Perhaps like me, you'll have some reservations at the start but very quickly those reservations fall to the side.
I had lots of questions in terms of the professional aspect and how I could put this into my work as an occupational therapist, but within the first week or two my concerns were alleviated.

The EBT programme has been magical. An amazing bond is formed in the group because we are all working through our own emotional layers, beliefs, issues, and worries together at the same time.
My biggest breakthrough was just feeling authentic and being myself. I am a good person but I didn’t really feel like a good person inside. I think a lot of people can relate to that.
I felt like I was able to take off a mask. A mask that I portray to the world that I was a strong, confident, competent business owner who knew what to do in every situation. A perfectionist. And I got to become comfortable taking that mask off and just being me and acknowledging that I make mistakes and that I am learning and that this is what I have to offer right now. As a clinician and a business owner I can see how I deliver a way better service through being honest and relaxed. And I just like my days better!
I know that there are times when I’m sad and when I’m angry. Times when I’m really, really mad. I have a toddler pushing all my buttons for a start. And then there’s moments of pure joy too. I just love more, and cry more and I’m comfortable with a fuller range of emotions.
I’m feeling the most confident I’ve ever been running my business. I can see how I can make decisions that suit myself, and also serve my clients and staff too. I know who my dream clients are and I now have the confidence to aim directly for them.
Another big learning point for me was realizing that everyone is as emotional as me. Everyone struggles with resilience and in a western world it’s normal to be overwhelmed. That was really reassuring to discover.
I first discovered EBT when looking for a course that would help my business but i’ve gained so much more than that. It’s changed my personal life, my ability to run a business, and the direction I’m guiding my clients.
If you’re wondering if it’s worth the money. You’ll get so much back personally and professionally, the investment really is small compared to what you gain.

I came into this course thinking I was one Dosha and then realised that wasn't my Dosha at all. I'm going to bring it into the massage business that I have. I'm just taking one step at a time and I’m continuing with the coaching program ‘momentum’, which is going to give me more time to delve deeper, and make even more changes in my personal life and business. The support throughout the course is amazing. Any questions are all answered straight away and the feedback and the responses are just awesome. I think whether it's for your business or personally for yourself, you'll get so much out of it.

I didn't realize how much anger I had. My mum actually said ‘Kia u, kia papatūānuku’, which means I’m planted in the earth. She believed I was all over the place. She said whenever she spoke to me I was very distracted. I'm always thinking about things. I'm always creating new ideas, but I was never really present. I feel I don't get so triggered with my father. He used to trigger me a lot and I'm just feeling more calm. I've noticed actually that I’m picking things up a little bit easier with clients because I do your emotional technique.
The best part of the experience for me in the training was being held accountable. I just feel more grounded and clearer as to where I was wanting to go instead of just being all over the place.

One of the biggest reasons why I was drawn to do the practitioner training was that I was aware of the doshas and The Vedic world and the chakras however I wasn't actually applying them or able to use them in a way that meant I could further support my clients. I knew that EBT would give me more insight into supporting my clients in this way.
I felt really supported during the course. I loved that there were different practitioners and we all brought our different perspectives to the group. I learned a huge amount from being in a space with other practitioners.
The group energy was key and it was one of the most important reasons that I decided to do the training. I probably could have pulled together little bits and pieces of knowledge and trainings by myself but that would have meant I would completely miss out on the power of the group. And then to have direct access to Jin’s knowledge and experience really just brought all of the pieces together.
My biggest breakthrough was being able to witness at an even deeper level, the specific messages that my body was sending. I'm now able to catch them early, so then I can reflect back and go “okay. What is this telling me?” So deepening that knowledge and then embodying it so I can share that with my clients.
The training also opened up so many more possibilities for me. I’d previously had an inkling to move my work online but I was in the middle of my bodywork training and that seemed impossible. This training allowed me to be guided and supported and helped me to discover that there is so much more potential for the work that I do and the knowledge that I have to share in an online space.
Since doing this training and putting all this knowledge into work i’ve realised I can see all the little shifts and synchronicities that I would previously miss and I’ve also gained a level of emotional mastery that has meant I haven’t been so reactive to them. I feel a lot safer to process my emotions now and I’ve become a lot calmer interacting with my partner too. I can see his perspective much more clearly now.
The best part of being on the EBT course was the group and the community. I didn't realize how much I would gain from being in that space and learning with other people. There was so much sharing. I used to prefer to be a bit of an island, a do-it-all-yourself kind of person. The group dynamic allows you to learn so much quicker. It's definitely opened me up to wanting to be more connected in a community.
I found that EBT is not necessarily a step process, but rather more of an eclectic mix of different elements which we can bring into our work in our own unique ways. The fact that we're not following a procedure rather working with our more intuitive practitioner skills really opens up the ability to work in a way that feels true and aligned. It's very different to learning things at Uni or in a structured, process oriented way. We've been given the tools and then we can pick what tools to put in our own toolbox that feel most aligned to how we are going to work as a practitioner, whether we're in person or online.