We meet every Thursday (New Zealand) for live group coaching calls. We'll kick off with a welcome call to connect and to guide you as to what content to watch. From there each group call will be designed to take the teachings deeper and for you to receive support as you navigate your journey. Calls are up to 2 hours.
**Please note if you are joining the early access limited time offer that it is recommended you only say yes to this offer if you intend to join the live element offered. This is where you receive support with how to implement the Release Process ® and receive feedback.
Not everyone can make the live calls, but replays are made available and there is a private Facebook group that you will be invited to in Feb 2025. Please do not join this course unless you are comfortable using a Facebook group. Due to the nature of what gets shared in this group on live calls and in the interest of protecting the sacredness and power of this work. Unedited replays will be made available to your cohort only via the course platform and only available for viewing during the BONUS LIVE support period.
I have a strict NO REFUND policy. My work is for those fully committed, not matter what lands between now and the live course.
Feb 6th
Feb 13th
Feb 20th
Feb 27th
Mar 6th
Mar 13th
New Zealand NZDT Thursday 9:00am
Australia AEDT (Melb/Sydney) Thursday 7:00am
States PST (California) Wednesday 12:00pm
States CST (Texas) Wednesday 2:00pm
States EST (Toronto, New York) Wednesday 3:00pm
UK (London) GMT Wed 8.00pm
Your pain has plateaued or increased.
New symptoms keep popping up.
You've been around the block and tried it all. Seen the best specialists & practitioners, even done emotional work.
You've been handed a diagnosis but
question the treatment.
Then told ‘I don't know why this isn't working'
Or ‘take meds and learn to live with it.'
You've got excessive control over everything in your life. Your diet, supplements, meds and treatment protocols.
You're unable to say yes to opportunities and outings (due to pain/unpredictable health).
Worst of all your relationships and family suffering.
I’ve done and am doing everything ‘what’s the point'
‘Will I ever get better?'
But then you think…
‘I feel like something's missing'
‘I think my emotional history and experience may play a bigger part than I thought'
You just want your pain gone and your health back.
You know there's more to it and you want answers so you can make an informed decision and you're prepared to look elsewhere.
Having resolved your pain.
It's either gone or you've developed a new relationship
and understanding of it.
Where you recognise a clear link between emotions and pain and have an ability to influence it.
You appreciate your body rather than be frustrated at it.
You can speak the language of your body and finally hear the messages it's been giving you all this time.
You're back on track and know your health is returning.
You have the ability to make
grounded decisions for yourself.
Your relationships are loving and you're having fun with your family, finally able to say yes to opportunities life throws at you.
Experience happiness, joy and freedom once again?
Feel content, at peace and empowered?
Because you can…
Feel less triggered.
Become more present.
Learn to respond rather than react.
Experience the signs of magic when life starts to flow.
People will ask you ‘what have you done?' because you're just radiating good energy.
Once you start to process your emotions you'll shed layers and create the space to receive the messages your experience has for you.
Pain can resolve,
health can be regained,
happiness is just around the corner.
Reconnect with who you are, and what you're here to do in the world, your true nature, your soul purpose and the life you are here to live.
Learn how you can process your emotions rather than cope with them using the Release Process® a four part process that allows you to release the stored emotions and most importantly receive the message each and every experience and interaction has for you.
Identify what emotions you are storing using an ancient eastern system – it's all about WHERE your body stores emotions, not about the condition or disease. This is how you uncover the emotions and link them back to an experience to be processed.
Understand how you respond to emotional work and understand yourself on a deeper level. Spot the early signs and symptoms before crisis hits and learn to how you thrive not survive in the environment that is right for you.
It's not complex. It's simple. Because it's EMOTIONAL.
Processing your emotions is easier than you think.
The only thing that gets in your way is your mind and logic.
I'll share four steps you can start implementing from day one to
shift your emotions, resolve pain & regain health.
You might be shocked at what comes out when you give yourself over to the process.
Your body is connected in more ways than one and
I'll explain how in a simple and easy to understand way.
The work starts with you.
Amy had developed recurring skin rash-like flare-ups on her body and face, from her arms to her eyelids that would leave her peeling.
Cortisone didn’t work. Conventional treatment didn’t work. Alternative methods, including Ayurvedic consultations helped to a certain point but not completely. Amy’s husband an emergency department doctor was stumped. She’s now able to catch the early signs and knows exactly how to calm it down. Plus she’s really stepped into loving life as a mum to her four boys (including twins!).
Those with endo and fibroids have understood the deeper meaning their experience had for them and why things choose to grow in the way they did.
Once they understood they went a level deeper with the emotional work. Pain massively decreased, pills and supplements were no longer needed, no more surgery required, pregnancies happened, babies were born.
Even though they were told it would be difficult or not possible without intervention.
Elle was able to normalise over two decades of elevated liver enzymes due to an injury + chronic Vit D, B12, iron deficiencies that she had previously worked with an integrative doctor around. She wasn't even taking supplements when it changed.
Liv was able to experience a non-eventful period that since her teens had her off school with heavy bleeding, severe cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea. After years on some form of suppressant she was able to come off everything and no longer fears what each month will bring.
Tresa’s psoriasis cleared up alongside chest crushing anxiety. Her dad made a comment ‘are you walking on water?’ She’s gone on to be a leader in a male dominant industry, build, buy and sell multiple properties with her now husband, and run without paralysing pain that used to affect her leg.
Sherry who was able to stabilise her autoimmune condition hashimotos thyroiditis and arthritis that affected her hands disappeared and she stepped out of the spiritual closet as an energy healer.
John no longer has a severe recurring rash that would have him on pain killers, prednisone and antibiotics whenever it flared.
Heather was able to shift chemical toxicity that had plateaued with protocols and treatment.
Kirsten experienced a successful pregnancy after multiple miscarriages. She was told she was too old, would need IVF & medications and injections. She also successfully lower her TSH with out medication.
I had sacro-iliac joint pain, anxiety and depression. My favourite part is the group live calls but Facebook groups is a close second. Being able to move energy and shift emotions has changed my life. Be open. Bring your authentic self. Take it slow and trust in yourself and the process
12 months access to a powerful course platform that's ever evolving as you grow on your journey.
A clear and ordered structure and process to follow so that you can process, discover and understand your emotions that allows you to resolve pain + regain health & happiness
Printable cheat sheets, body maps and reference tables that condense the knowledge you'll learn in a quick and easy to access way.
Come and join the next live round with 6 weeks of group coaching with Jin via Zoom to deepen your learning and receive personal insights and support on your Release journey. Access to live group coaching recordings for your group only.
A bonus private Facebook group for the duration of the course to receive valuable feedback on your releases and immerse yourself in a community of like-minded individuals who are all there to access their best lives possible and form deeper connection through unfiltered conversations.
Instant access to the complete Release course + 12 months access (value = $12,222 USD)
Printable cheat sheets & reference tables + workbook (value = $1,111 USD)
Additional training: coaching topics, condition specific metaphysics, guest speaker content valued (value = $1,111 USD)
BONUS 6 weeks live group coaching (value = $6,666 USD)
BONUS Private Facebook Group Access
(value = $2,222 USD)
BONUS Pre-Course Connection Call date TBA
(value = $1,111 USD)
When you add that all up, it comes out to a value $24,443 USD
I won't ask you to pay $24k for all of this amazing content and bonuses.
But be quick because doors will only be open for 7 days at a special investment when they open again.
BONUS pre-course connection call Thursday 30th Jan 9am NZT
If you're serious about joining Release but need a bit more clarity you can book a 20 minute Release Clarity Call with my support coach Steph. Spaces are limited BOOK HERE.
If you're serious about joining Release but need a bit more clarity you can book a 20 minute Release Clarity Call with my support coach Steph. Spaces are limited BOOK HERE.
Your best investment is in yourself not your pain.
Or what if you’re like many of my clients that are able to let go of a load of their appointments, supplements and little money leaks and simplify (no guarantees that this is what you will do, but it does happen a lot). You see money is energy and you’re in a relationship with it. Emotional work helps address all facets of your life, not just your health.
Here's a taste of what you'll experience along the way…
Everyone knows they have stored emotions, but the big questions is what to do about it and HOW… This is why the Release Process® was created. A four part process including a structured verbal dialogue process with prompts for you to start shedding the layers and receive profound messages for you to act on.
You'll be able to generate a resolution and become less triggered through a simple process, even if it's in the past.
Don't know what emotions to process? Worried about whether or not your condition is covered? It doesn't matter! It's all about location and presentation.
Become more aware of your body and how it speaks to you and what it means.
We're not all cut from the same cloth. A huge part of the deeper work is understanding yourself, and then you can understand others. Doshas are another key pillar to help identify imbalances as well as predispositions to medical issues.
Laugh about your true nature and all the quirks that come with being you. Most of all how to keep yourself in balance.
We meet every Thursday (New Zealand) for live group coaching calls. We'll kick off with a welcome call to connect and to guide you as to what content to watch. From there each group call will be designed to take the teachings deeper and for you to receive support as you navigate your journey. Calls are up to 2 hours. Dates will be confirmed when doors open again in 2025.
Bonus pre-course call 25th July
August 1st
August 8th
August 15th
August 22nd
August 29th
September 5th
New Zealand NZST Thursday 09:00am
Australia AEST (Melb/Sydney) Thursday 7:00am
States PDT (California) Wednesday 2:00pm
States CDT (Texas) Wednesday 4:00pm
States EDT (Toronto, New York) Wednesday 5:00pm
UK (London) GMT Wedsnesday 10pm
We meet every Thursday (New Zealand) for live group coaching calls. We'll kick off with a welcome call to connect and to guide you as to what content to watch. From there each group call will be designed to take the teachings deeper and for you to receive support as you navigate your journey. Calls are up to 2 hours.
Feb 6th
Feb 13th
Feb 20th
Feb 27th
Mar 6th
Mar 13th
New Zealand NZDT Thursday 9:00am
Australia AEDT (Melb/Sydney) Thursday 7:00am
States PST (California) Wednesday 12:00pm
States CST (Texas) Wednesday 2:00pm
States EST (Toronto, New York) Wednesday 3:00pm
UK (London) GMT Wed 8.00pm
Wanting to learn more was my motivation to join Release. My favourite part of the course is the live calls and my biggest takeaway is to keep up with the work and to dig deeper and be curious.
If you’re wanting to join, Go for it!
I joined Release to learn more and my favourite part of the course is the course platform.
My biggest breakthrough is being able to work through the emotions. Release gave me clarity to handle current situations without using the filter of past pain.
If you want to join, be ready for change.
I joined Release because I wanted to be a better person and mum for my daughter. I really enjoyed the live calls and the support from Jin.
My biggest breakthrough was understanding the connection between your emotions and your body and learning how to release the emotions stored in my body.
If you want to sign up, Just do it……. There is so much support and guidance. It’s life changing.
Chronic pain and multisystemic neurological/CNS dysautonomia/chronic fatigue/depression issues was my motivation in joining the Release. My biggest breakthrough is having an internal shift from experiencing my body as the enemy to seeing it as my protector. Feeling like there's hope of recovery and a future that is not full of pain, fear and discomfort. It’s hard to say what my favorite part of the Release - I found it all fascinating. Loved the releases, coaching insights and being supported. If you want to do the Release, take this opportunity to dive into this simple but very profound work that will give you life changing tools. Reclaim your power at the pace thats right for you and make the most of Jin’s extensive coaching experience, knowledge and intuition.
Professionally trained as an osteopath, herbalist, western acupuncturist and psychosomatic therapist…
Turned online coach + mentor and creator of the Release Process ®.
Over a decade ago I broke out in severe cystic acne, not only that I started to get sick all the time with fevers and colds, I triggered an autoimmune condition where I couldn’t walk down the stairs in the morning without holding onto the handrail. To top it all off my body broke out in hives and rashes in the most bizarre places over my body. It didn't make sense because everything in my life was actually great… apart from my health.
Even worse I worked in the health field, dropping cortisone on an ulcer on my eye and taking pain killers to stay at work.
Then came the diet changes, lifestyle changes, endless treatments that only worked whilst I was on them, even other mind-body oriented sessions didn’t work. Until I discovered the power of processing my emotions. I felt hopeless, trapped in a cycle of pain and failed treatments. But once I addressed my emotional health, everything changed. Now, I’m here to share discovery with you that has continued to work with many of my clients… and it’s not your average run of the mill emotional work.
It's never complex. Just emotional.
Emotions are simple. Not easy.
You complicate and intellectualise something that's so simple and innate within you.
To express yourself.
With the experience of working with thousands of clients over the years. With their discomfort, chronic pain, injury, illness, disease and weird and wonderful manifestations. Many whom don't respond to conventional or alternative treatment.
Bringing the ability to speak the truth to your problems In a simple and easy to understand way.
From clinical real-life experience from working with thousands of clients, many of whom didn't respond to conventional or alternative treatment.
Let's interpret what emotions are held in your body, decipher the messages and then process it out of your body so that you can resolve pain whilst regaining health + happiness.
If you're ready to bring the unconscious to your consciousness…
Let's get comfortable with discomfort and speak about the unspoken.
I joined Release because I was fascinated by the testimonials, and wanted to learn the technique. I hoped to ease some past trauma.
My favourite part of the course is the whole package I loved that there were live calls to really feel involved with everyone and the journey. I loved how involved Jin was. I loved how the community listened and supported me. I also love that the course platform is there to delve into after the Facebook page closes. Oh, and I love the mini sessions Jin recorded as we went along. SO MUCH GOOD STUFF!
My biggest breakthrough is shifting sexual trauma from my teens that had been a chain around my neck. I have tried many things to break it down before, which worked in part. But the Release process blew it out of the water! I feel so different about that experience now.
I will continue to use the Release process because it is so powerful. It's magnificent.
If you’re thinking of signing up, prepare to take a simple process and let it clean out old traumas of all kinds. It's not a walk in the park, but it's simple and EFFECTIVE and like someone has been into old memories and feelings and lightened everything up.
While trying all sorts of treatment providers to alleviate lower back pain, I was given a mind/body connection book to read and wanted to explore this option more. My wife pointed out the release course with Jin via Facebook and as i wasn't making much progress and have a open mind, i enrolled.
The group and the fact that we are all here for personal growth which already shows we are good people seeking a more fulfilled life is my favourite part of the course.
I now have a better awareness about my habits and behaviours and I now know how it affects me and the people around me. I also became aware of catching triggers. A big shift for me was l'm much more content with myself and my pain has improved creating joy.
Once you have learnt this process, you can't unlearn it because it gets in deep.
I have been to traditional therapies for years, and it didn't help me. I believe emotions are very valuable in each our journey and I started to work with Chakras before, but wanted to deepen my knowledge.
The Facebook Group is a good way to express and connect. The Live Classes were catching, as you never know what happens and I could often profit from others' experiences.
Doing Release work is not fun, but this is not why I am taking part. I am taking part to show up for myself, take full responsibility and acknowledge my desire to change. To say it bluntly, there is a lot of space to bullshit ourselves in life. And its really refreshing and helpful, when you find that professional team, who will assist you to get yourself out of your way.
My favourite parts of Release were the live calls and the feeling of trust that developed. I loved learning about the doshas and the chakras too!
It’s an amazing experience, filled with love, support and information. It exceeded my expectation and was probably one of the most supportive courses I have ever done (and I have done a lot of courses!!!)
I've gotten to know myself better in the last 6 weeks then the past 40 years. This course has helped me appreciate the values and beliefs that guide me. Giving me the power to change and the confidence to do so.
I was able to understand and resolve the beliefs that were holding me back and learned to celebrate and appreciate who I am.
Communication between my husband and I has improved. Go for it! It’s a life changing experience
I was motivated to join Release because of my constant pain, sickness, injury. Seeing so many practitioners, I just knew I needed to take the leap and work on the hard stuff.
The coaching was amazing! I loved the live calls and learning such interesting content.
With a bit of hard work, it’s possible to shift stuff which has been stuck for years.
I love the community, the support and the inspiration to commit to do the releases. OMG so many new insights and realisation about my past, about myself, about situations. Being more calm, resolving upper back pain and tension Go for it! It's really life changing
You have a chronic health condition that doesn't respond to the conventional or alternative world you've got a strong inclination that your emotional state could use some attention.
****Please note that practitioners are welcome to join this course and many have done so to work on personal issues. This is not for you to start implementing the techniques on clients. Facilitating this work requires far more extensive skills that what is possible to cover in this course. Please respect the power of this sacred process and the journey that goes well beyond Release.
My courses are not for everyone and generally not suggested if this is your first rodeo at emotional work!
Hear what others have to say about the process.
I've done a lot of emotional work but this got to the heart of the issue and it's the fastest I've ever been able to release.
I was able to generate a resolution to past issues I thought I had worked through.
As a result, I had massive shifts in my life beyond what I expected.
I have a life long skill I can call on to help me process in as little as 30-60 seconds and feel clear about the direction I'm heading in.
I was so disconnected from my body. I bottled my emotions up for years. Scared to let them out!
I have a clearer life direction… before I had no plan/map for the future.
It's the best investment you'll ever make for yourself. Jin will hold you gently (like a friend) but also hold you accountable (like a bootcamp trainer), so no excuses!
I have spent more of my life than not, not really knowing how to be authentically ME.
I have had so many comments “you are just glowing” or “you are so content”. I feel more like the true ME everyday. It's radiating out of me.
So many breakthroughs. Do you love yourself whole-heartedly?
I saw three different doctors and they didn't have an answer for me. In my heart, I knew there was something deeper I needed to get to. I never realised how much emotional baggage I hadn't fully worked through.
I joined Release because I wanted to learn more, as previous holistic based courses didn’t seem to get to the root cause.
I love the group setting, I’ve learnt so much from the experience sharing, vulnerability and openness of others.
My biggest breakthrough was the lightness within a few days. From the first technique, I was able to expand and grow with each new technique and tips.
Just join, you won’t regret it.
I wanted to live in the present with less anxiety, triggers and worries.
The support in the group is my favourite part of Release.
I learned to feel the emotions, to sit with them and be curious.
My biggest breakthrough wasI feeling calmer and less triggered.
If you’re thinking of joining, Just do it. No matter what, you will leave with so much tools and support.
I didn't actually think I had any emotional baggage to work through.... LOL. My Ah ha moment....I now see this "overwhelm" as my "emotional cup" being too full and the key to being less reactive was to work on emptying that emotional cup, a least little by little! I also had the realisation that I really was not living life as consciously as I could be, I was on autopilot a lot of the time, I was not focused enough on myself and in the midst of being a mum, working, doing life... I had lost myself a little... I found myself asking "who am I now"?
My favourite part of the course is all of it and my biggest breakthrough is the improved communication between my husband and I as a result of practicing heartfelt listening.
Go for it! It’s a life changing experience.
I wanted to learn more and support a close friend so I joined Release. The content is rich and support amazing. My biggest breakthrough was knowing worthiness and self love.
If you’re thinking of signing up, I want to tell you that you will come back to yourself – let go and let in.
During Release I tapped into grief, sadness, relationship issues, and beliefs I knew I wanted to change,
You have 12 months access to the Release Course. The 12 months starts from the first month after the live course has completed. This platform will continue to grow as you do.
This is my signature course loaded with life changing teachings and coaching topics.
3 core pillars
1. Emotional Metabolism – Process your emotions using the Release Process®
2. Identify what emotions are stored so that you can process them – Chakras
3. Understand how you will respond to emotional work and discover your true nature – Doshas
It's best to work through these in order.
These are condensed teachings including video, slide presentation and transcript.
Each pillar is taught in a flow teaching with individual broken down lessons and deeper teachings.
Additional FAQs answered in video format.
Printable cheat sheets, colour body maps, and reference tables.
Access to prerecorded guest speaker content.
Learn Release variations to process emotions on experiences such as miscarriages, abortions, organs that are no longer part of your body, organs that don't function as you would like, on yourself, inanimate objects, communities and groups. The list goes on!
Common conditions explained including addressing the physical as well as emotional aspects.
Additional coaching topics
BONUS access to next 6 live group coaching
BONUS access to 6 weeks of private facebook group support
BONUS access to live group call replays shared with your group on
The course platform is self-paced to allow you to work through between life's commitments and challenges.
Everything is laid out in order for you to go through step-by-step.
You are not expected to complete this within 6 weeks… when the live support element runs, you will be guided each week as to what modules to work on so that we can deepen the conversations and for you to ask questions each live group coaching call.
Each module has a video/transcript and videos are kept to the point but full of valuable information.
During the live element it's recommended set aside around 60-90 minutes per week to work through the content. But remember you have lifetime access to all of the content and there is no rush to get through it all.
In addition to recommended time spent digesting the content there is a weekly live group coaching call if you choose to join in on the live element. These run for up to 2 hours.
Jin also often drops in facebook to do lives to speak to the themes in the group as they come up. It is unknown how many lives she will do- these will be added to the platform as an updates.
The earlier you get this information the better! However, it's up to you if you feel ready to implement it. That depends on your personality and how much it resonates with you.
Often people at the end of their tether are ready to go for it. What I cover will give you a good overview of what's required and you can always revisit the content if you need to.
If despite all the work you've done you're still feeling something is missing. And I'm guessing it is if you're asking this question… I suggest you approach with an open mind.
I often see people who have done tonnes of work, but when they surrender to this process and allow themselves they are amazed at what they can uncover, even when they thought they had already dealt with a situation.
Have a listen to Dana's testimonial video or the others on the page for more insight from people who have also done loads of work.
How is this different? The emotional processing is one aspect, I'm also teaching you how to understand your body and what emotions are held where and interweaving eastern philosophy into your everyday life.
Ultimately this work is about expressing who you truly are but before you can do that you need to clean up the mess.
I help you bridge the gap.
More support is available when you join the full Release course experience. On top of additional content available on the course platform to support your Release journey you get access to Jin via weekly zooms and private Facebook group for six weeks to deepen the course content and receive more personal support.
The next live course is scheduled for Jan 2023. You will get access to the next upcoming LIVE round.
You get access to the next upcoming live round of Release.
Once you have joined the full Release Course and there is future live rounds run you will get an email invitation to join and a special rate to receive coaching and support.
Be on time for the coaching calls. We go for up to two hours. You'll learn from asking and you'll learn from observing others being coached. So many aha moments in this space!
All coaching calls are recorded and replays will be shared with your group only you will be able to access these via a link shared in Guide 2 which will take you to a private link on your course platform.
Due to the nature of what gets shared in this group on live calls and in the interest of protecting the sacredness and power of this work. Unedited replays will be made available to your cohort only via the course platform and only available for viewing during the BONUS LIVE support period.
Due to the nature of what gets shared in this group on live calls and in the interest of protecting the sacredness and power of this work. Unedited replays will be made available to your cohort only via the course platform and only available for viewing during the BONUS LIVE support period.
Yes. Release has run before 4 times now! It has been one of my most successful courses with amazing feedback and changes in people's life. There have been almost 200 people through these courses.
I am always teaching it to my clients and teach practitioners online (in another training). I’m constantly teaching this to my community. I’ve also held small workshops with therapists and the community teaching them techniques, and always integrate the emotional aspect into applying a technique.
We all have emotions including you. That's all they are and often they just need a safe space to be heard. During this course you will uncover your own blocks that require acknowledging.
Often in the group what is shared helps you learn.
If you choose to share you do need to be prepared to be vulnerable and trust that you are supported by myself, support coaches and the group.
There are some common fears that come up for people when they desire to come on Release. I've recorded some podcast episodes which go for about 10-15 minutes each to respond to these.
1. What if I want to leave my relationship or quit my job after working with you?
2. What if I don't want to feel or have the capacity?
3. What if I don't let go of what I want to?
4. I'm a sensitive empath and easily get overwhelmed
5. What if I can't go deeper with the Release Process ®
The group size will be perfect whatever it is. You will always get your questions answered during the live aspect of the course (6 weeks).
It all depends the plan is 1-2x per year. This could be your only chance. Who knows? If you always say later, do yourself a favour and do it now. My motto is ‘get started' and you'll be better off than if you didn't.
We ask that you respect the energy and time that has gone into creating this course.
We ask that you do not share the content, not everyone is up to doing the deeper emotional work and we believe that those who are ready need to lead themselves to this space.
You can tell your friends and those searching about this work, but please don't share your logins and give others access to your course platform.
In the game of life there are no guarantees.
We ask everyone who takes part in our courses to take self-responsibility and ensure that you feel safe at all times.
The more you put in the more you will get out.
First of all look at this as an investment in yourself.
You get valuable skills that have a positive impact and last a lifetime.
When you work on yourself everyone around you benefits.
If everything shared with you resonates. Go with your heart. Trust it.
There are payment options available (just click through to the checkout page to see them).
Plus I’m going to put lots of time into supporting you to ensure you get the most out of this course. What you learn extends beyond the six weeks together as you as you put the effort in.
However we ask that if this is going to cause financial stress that you do not commit, it has to feel right to join.There are payment options available (just click through to the checkout page to see them).
On this. There is a real truth to not being able to afford it.
… and then there is you do have the money, but you’re wary where you’re putting it. I get it.
There’s a couple of ways to look at it…
Are you going to just going to spend money on a quick hit fix soon after?
Are the things you’re currently spending money on working for you (supplements, treatments, particular foods etc…)? Or are they keeping you in a holding pattern?
Or what if you’re like many of my clients that are able to let go of a load of their appointments, supplements and little money leaks and simplify (no guarantees that this is what you will do, but it does happen a lot). You see money is energy and you’re in a relationship with it. Emotional work helps address all facets of your life, not just your health.
One more thing… is you could ask for support in this area, but you're already thinking the answer is going to be a no… so you don't ask and lean into the possibility of a yes. This goes into the pillar of communication and I'm going to share with you now that this is something you need to work on, but you probably need coaching for it! Everything is connected.
As there is a support element everything can be adjusted to meet you where you're at. There is no need to do anything your body or mind is unable to do.
Yes if you click through to join you will see payment plan options.
Please note that payment plans are to help you pay off the course over time.
If you choose the payment plan option you are committed to complete all outstanding payments.
There are no refunds on instant access digital products with downloadable content.
Please choose to purchase this intentionally as requests for refunds for this offer will not be responded to.
PS if you are already thinking of how you can get out of this, please do not purchase this or any of the courses that are on offer 🙂
Instant access to the complete Release course +
12 months access
(value = $12,222 USD)
Printable cheat sheets & reference tables + workbook
value = $1,111 USD)
Additional training: coaching topics, condition specific metaphysics, guest speaker content valued (value = $1,111 USD)
BONUS 6 weeks live group coaching
(value = $6,666 USD)
BONUS Private Facebook Group Access
(value = $2,222 USD)
BONUS Pre-Course Connection Call date TBA
(value = $1,111 USD)
When you add that all up, it comes out to a value of $24,443 USD
I won't ask you to pay over $24k for all of this amazing content and bonuses.
But be quick because doors will only be open for 7 days at a special investment when they open again.
Bonus pre-course connection call 30th January 9am NZT
If you're serious about joining Release but need a bit more clarity you can book a 20 minute Release Clarity Call with my support coach Steph. Spaces are limited BOOK HERE.
I was looking for something different that filled a space I sensed but didn't have a name for. This seemed like a possible fit. There were some special insights that came from the live calls when Jin answered questions from other participants. The resources are huge. Jin is generous with her time and energy. My biggest breakthrough was sending off my first release. So much came from that in so many ways. Someone needs to have reached a threshold of inquiry into themselves and gone down enough no exit streets in their personal quest to find the answers they seek before they find Jin. There are so many distinct, real, touching, relevant and powerful ways to explain the course. It really comes down to where you are at and your level of commitment to yourself and willingness to your own process. This has largely been a positive experience of a 'coaching' environment and one which is a better fit for me than 'therapeutic'. Jin's style is relaxed and welcoming. Jin is available and supportive and any responses in FB feel the same as when she is talking live.
I started a spiritual awakening in April and a friend of mine that has taken the course called late one night after one of your zoom calls and said “Lisa, you should really think about joining the upcoming course. I did and am so thankful for his persistence!
I feel like each part of the course was equally abundant and helpful.
My biggest breakthrough was learning to BE PRESENT…and SCREAM!!! It sounds easy, but until I practiced them I did not realize the impact those 2 things would have after doing them consistently. I had multiple shifts and throughout the course, life still happened so it wasn’t JUST about dealing with/talking about/focusing on my past. Every single day something would trigger me and this course and the coaching helped me personally and provided me with the tools to process a multitude of things. Learning the Doshas and Chakras and doing the actions behind the words made a HUGE impact on how I relate and respond to others and situations as they arise.
If you want to sign up, DO IT!!! So much information is provided! This course is like a tool box that holds the basic and fancy tools you can use throughout your life! AND they give you step by step instructions on how to use them daily! It can be a bit overwhelming at first and in the middle, but stick with it, be present and lean on the tool manufacturers throughout the course, while they’re available, to show you how best to use the tools for you and to celebrate that wall of boundaries you just built!
My jaw pain has disappeared! Even around PMS when it used to come on the strongest and I was convinced it was a hormone imbalance. I’ve now been pain free for about 2 months. I was closed off to having a second child for the past six years, but after this work I was ready and I fell pregnant!
Bonus pre-course connection call 30th January 9am NZT
If you're serious about joining Release but need a bit more clarity you can book a 20 minute Release Clarity Call with my support coach Steph. Spaces are limited BOOK HERE.
If you are enrolling now, be intentional about what you are committing to. Put your energy in and trust that whatever lessons you receive are what you need in this present moment.
Due to the nature of digital products and instant access to templates there are NO REFUNDS.
Disclaimer: I love all my programs and live by everything I teach. Participants have also been able to achieve incredible results. The testimonials on this page are from real people who have worked with me through this program.
Because we're in the game of life I don't guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all participants.