Equine therapy with Jin
Equine therapy with Jin

Ponies, Pins & Tonic

A four day immersive retreat

For previous and current clients

On the beautiful South Island, New Zealand

What if your body can become stronger physically and emotionally with a holistic approach to cancer?

Make yourself a priority, let go of years of trauma.

What if over the course of a year you could fall in love with your life and allow your body to tap into its innate healing capacity by removing the blocks to what's possible. 

Be comfortable expressing your true and authentic self.

To know that you are worthy and deserving of inner peace and happines
and attract fulfilling relationships.

To not fear death and live your life with those you love.

And to find meaning in this lifetime.

Here's The Problem

You Know That In Order To Live A Happy & Healthy Life You Need To Process Your Emotions From Your Past

However you doubt yourself because…

You're not getting answers from the conventional or alternative world.

Things work for a short while then they don't.

You're reactive to medicine or treatments.

Your cancer or symptoms keeps progressing and you don't understand why.

Pain or discomfort stops you from doing what you want.

You're overwhelmed, anxious, scared and uncertain.

The mental navigation is challenging and you feel that people don't get it.

You know you lack confidence and self worth.

You ask yourself questions like…


Have I manifested this? 

What if it comes back?

What if I die from this? I don't want to die from cancer.

Is this the relationship I really want to be in?

 Is this physical or emotional?

How do I trust my body through physical pain? 

What trauma is my body storing? 

How does my childhood experiences growing up affect my life? 

What am I missing?
Who do I see?

How do I let go of the past? 

How do I even start to process my emotions?

What will come up?

"Access Your Past, To Access Your Future"

Can You Imagine...

Feeling healthy physically, mentally and spiritually without the anxiety, fear,
overwhelm and self-sabotage?

This is how it would look…

You're a priority with an amazing connection to your loved ones. 

You've got your life partner.

You accept what is with love and compassion.

You live a life where you feel confident, worthy and content.

Living the experience of joy and happiness.

You are true to yourself, released of the need for others approval.

You are reconnected with your soul and live the life the universe intended for you.

Because you chose to walk the path less travelled.

If You Want To Process Your Emotions, Empty Out Your Emotional Cup, And Create Space For More Of The Life That You Desire....

I Have Something For You.

11 with jin


1:1 Coaching For

Those Navigating Cancer

You receive a high level of support to facilitate the Release Process ® and work on all facets of your life.
This is the work that goes beyond your cancer, beyond the physical. It's metaphysical.

It's time to let go of the battle.

Let go of the fight.

To love and accept everything that is.

Decide to create a change from here on in.

To let go of everything that no longer serves.

Surrender to all the support you have.

Receive all that you are worthy and deserving of.

Be remembered for the one who is their true self.


Make yourself a priority.

Speak your truth.

Tap into living the life that you have.

You'll never have the life that you had, you only have the life you have right now.

Here's What Other's Share From Their Experience

Susan Harrington - No Evidence Of Disease
susan harrington healing breast cancer

I felt that past traumas and how I felt was affecting my health. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and undergoing treatment however scans showed that my tumour was growing.

I was scared of facing my past & unsure of how I would cope with my emotions.

I was surprised at how good I felt talking through my life and doing the facilitated releases – Jin had an amazing ability to know just what I needed to release on. It was extremely emotional at the start.

My biggest breakthrough is I understand my body and am able to see the signs & doing the work as needed.

I’m more attuned to my feelings, my body’s signals when I’m going through issues, I’m also more aware of others & how my behaviour affects not just me.

I loved learning the Release Process ® – it’s something I see myself continuing with always.

I feel more positive in the direction I’m heading, I’m very grateful for everything I’ve been able to do to heal myself as a whole. I’m excited.

I've learnt so much and I feel everyone can benefit for this type of work.

Susan Harrington


Susan has continued coaching after receiving the news ‘no evidence of disease' she's gone onto sell her apartment, buy a villa both walking distance to the beach and shops and has some exciting travel and new ventures on the cards she is attracting into her life.

Robyn Newton - Leaning On My Team
Healing Breast Cancer
editable podcast templates dark writing guest

Robyn’s oncologist: ‘I cannot believe how well your liver is taking everything, it’s blown me out of the water, we are hitting you with the hardest stuff. The nuclear bomb of chemo, your liver is just handling it’ 

Robyn’: I truly believe it was because I was clearing so much emotion through the Release Process ® , working with all the anger, fear, anxiety, stress. My body was clearing and therefore able to take whatever was put into it.’

I was diagnosed with cancer  had been through treatment for cancer and was awaiting the results following all of the treatment.  I was tired but had a feeling of optimism for the future.

The Release Process ® was life changing for me and and I have learnt so much about myself and had incredible support from Jin.

Cumulatively, I am not the same person I was, not only because of what was happening in my body but because I have found the Release Process ® to be life changing and the shifts have been enormous.  Whilst receiving  a ‘no cancerous cells’ in my body result was huge I feel that the way I feel about myself now, the love and acceptance I have of myself is my biggest shifts.

I could have never imagined what I would get from this work and how it would provide me with the exact support and tools I needed at this precise time in my life.




“Calling my spirit back in”

I love Robyn and her dedication to herself and her breast cancer healing journey. It's different compared to when I meet most of my clients with cancer.

6 months into working together in a group Robyn received a breast cancer diagnosis. When most people would back out of ‘looking after themselves’ on a self-care and emotional level and throw themselves into treatment mode she chose to do both.

She chose to prioritise herself and the emotional work because she felt so strongly how emotions play a part in health, wellbeing and her capacity to heal.

How she navigated her treatments and attracted the most supportive team was incredible.

When most would have side effects for various therapy her specialists were constantly shocked at how well her body handled everything.

Cynthia Mansfield - Her2Positivity
cynthia mansfield healing stage 4 breast cancer

I was in a strange place. I had received news that I was in remission from stage 4 cancer which is something I had been striving for the past year, yet after receiving my desired outcome I became depressed and angry, I felt a prisoner to my own emotions. I wasn't living my best life and I felt so unhappy. I was no longer enjoying motherhood (something I was previously so passionate about) and I wasn't able to cater to my family's needs.

Learning a technique I could use in my day to day life felt achievable and it worked. 

I am sooooo much happier. I no longer feel depressed or like I'm not living my best life. I am enjoying being a mother again, and I love that I now have this process for life.

Jump in if it feels right for you and just be open to trying it and feeling the difference.


Cynthia Mansfield

“I learned not to turn away from myself”


When Cynthia started coaching she was pregnant with her fourth baby, after being told not to get pregnant again. She was at the point where she was ready to lose her baby than continue parenting the way she was.

Cynthia went onto have a healthy baby boy. Her third pregnancy after twins and fourth addition to her family. She had an empowering home birth without the reactions she had in previous pregnancies. 

She has since had big changes in her life including the sale of her husband's share in a family business,  moving to dream acres of land on the south island of New Zealand and recently selling their house!

Healing Cervical Cancer - A positive story shared on behalf
Cervical cancer healing journey

“The bad news seemed to never end, and I believed in my body and knew I had to try something else. I was in full panic mode, thinking the worst – Im too young to die of cancer, what if it progresses aggressively, what part of my body will they take next. I was suffocating!

I looked into heaps of options. I tried an alkaline diet, investigated crystal energy healing, cranial sacral therapies, natural therapists all around the country but I really wanted to work with Jin.”

I’m sharing a positive story on behalf of a client I met in 2021 diagnosed with high grade cell changes to her cervix, that went onto be precancerous cells and then cervical cancer that she underwent extensive surgery for- a hysterectomy.

One month after surgery she learned and did the Release Process ® which she credits to her ‘all clear' news 6 months later. Now in 2024 she continues to have clear checkups.

WHAT WE COVER IN 12 months together


The work starts with you.
Change yourself first and watch everyone and 
every thing around you respond.
Processing your emotions opens the doors to a life beyond what you thought possible.

Embody Module

The Release Process® was created by Jin to help you process your emotions. A four part process including a structured verbal dialogue process with prompts for you to start shedding the layers and receive profound messages for you to act on.

You'll be able to generate a resolution and become less triggered through a simple process, for past and present experiences.


Release Process ®

You're going to learn:

  • You'll experience facilitated Releases with Jin to ensure you don't bypass the hard stuff
  • Expand your capacity and space for more
  • Embrace a lifelong tool that helps you expand your capacity for more

Become less triggered,
Feel more present,
See the space in between,
Experience the magic and serendipity.

Embody Module

Your body has messages for you if you know how to tap into them. It also has affirmations for you that land more powerfully than what anyone else can give you.

By utilising the Release Process ® you will become aware of your own patterns that hold you back and do something to break them.


Access your messages & affirmations

You're going to learn:

  • Understand how your body speaks to you
  • Receive powerful affirmations individual to you
  • Reveal the right next steps on your journey to integrate into your life

I find my way,
I always find my way,
All will be ok.


Embody Module

Where intention and attention goes, energy flows.

It's up to you to create the life you are divinely meant to live. Once you've heard the message from the Release Process ® it's time to integrate this into your life, your vision.


Create your vision for the future

You're going to learn:

  • Create your energetic boundaries
  • Tap into your strengths
  • Address all facets of your life
  • Live a life to be remembered

I know more than I believe,
I trust more than I know.


Embody Module

With masculine structure comes feminine flow.

To live the life you desire dream big, then break it down and make the moves.

We work with achievable monthly goal setting then expand into desires beyond your dreams. You'll honour a commitment to yourself to live your life and tap into the infinite support available to you including that from other realms.


Goal set & Desires

You're going to learn:

  • Monthly goal setting
  • Desire creation
  • Honour yourself
  • Know you are supported on other levels

I continue to access the layers beyond what I know to be true.


Embody Module

To receive what we need we have to express it. The Release Process ® will help reveal what it is you need in life and how to express this in your real life both verbally and energetically.

You'll also be supported on how to take the next step into expressing and speaking your truth.



You're going to learn:

  • Express your needs clearly so you can receive them
  • Feel safe, seen, heard and understood
  • Speak your truth

I step into my power and speak 
what I need,
I'm open to receive.

Here's What

1:1 Coaching Includes

**Bonus Access To**

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VIP DAY History Interpreted (value $11,111 USD)

An 6 hour online VIP day in the comfort of your own home to dive deep into your history, helping you connect the dots between your past experiences and present emotional and physical health. This takes place first to set you up for your coaching journey.

embody website graphics release computer

LIVE Release Six Week Course (value $2222 USD)

My signature six week course to immerse yourself in group energy where you learn and refine the Release Process ®.

moth portal


An all access pass to my masterclasses and
mini-courses. I will recommend which resources that will support you to integrate what you learn with me.

embody website graphics the space

The Space (in between) monthly group call (value $1555 USD)

A group available to past Release and 1:1 clients who have a solid foundation of the Release Process ® and ready to explore all facets of life with a like-minded and supportive community.

Ponies, Pins & Tonic

In Person 1:1 Retreat In New Zealand

Come and join me for a four day in person fully catered retreat with my Ponies, Pins and Tonic.

*Power and energy of the land that has been cleared and blessed with the intention of healing those who come.

*Ponies: (horses actually) we will work with them on the ground with halters or at liberty (not ridden work) to learn leadership, boundaries and connection on another level. I have 4 horses- 3 of which have worked with people in this way and are all very different personalities. The horses can help you stretch your nervous system in another way to expand your capacity for more and gets you to learn to adapt yourself to the differing personalities. We work with intention, feel and energy when working with horses.

*Pins: working with acupuncture needles on a deep somatic level to release the emotional bubbles you hold onto. You will feel this and release. It takes the emotional release work to another level.

*Tonic: In person facilitated Release Process® work, coaching, mentoring, consulting. Whatever is needed at the time to serve you.

The retreat would be held after you have done at least the first three months of work online with me or you are. a previous client. This intended to deepen any of the online coaching work we have done together. Best times to visit New Zealand are from October – April.

Three spaces left – February, March (pending), April

There is no set structure for each day however any of the above can be brought into service on your retreat to meet you where you are at and based on what you desire. Ie working with the horses is entirely optional and it may be more appropriate to do acupuncture work at the end of the day and towards the start or the end of your retreat. Our you can receive daily treatments.

Delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks will be catered and provided with the option for dinners out. The aim is for you to indulge and receive during our time together. We will discuss any dietary requirements or preferences closer to your arrival.


jin and two horses

You'll be staying onsite with Jin and her family (+/- Gav and Violet) to make the most of your experience. We live in Queensberry in Central Otago on the beautiful South Island of New Zealand. We live on 14.5 acres of land with four horses, 2 sausage dogs, a cat, and 3 fish in a converted haybarn and also have a heated mineral swimming pool for you to use.

A pick up and drop off will be organised for you to and from Queenstown airport or any nearby locations if you are staying nearby before your visit or continuing on after the retreat which I recommend you do if you are over here!


For the first four people to say yes to this private 1:1 exclusive retreat the offer is $10k USD after that this offer will be increasing.

Send me a message either via email 
[email protected] or connect with me and send me a message on my personal facebook profile HERE. I'm happy to answer any questions and if you're still curious we'll hope on a call to discuss further details.

Testimonials coming. If you would like to connect with previous retreat clients let me know.

What Makes 1:1 Coaching With Jin Different?

11 with jin

Your Holistic Cancer Support

You'll get to work with a highly skilled Medical Intuitive who has the ability to see the intricate connections between your personal history, emotions, and your body.

Through intuitive insight and expertise, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the profound ways your life experiences (childhood trauma, family upbringing and conditioning, health and medical events both acute and chronic, the highs and lows of life, relationships and friendships, business/work/jobs, money flow & environment) have impacted your current health and emotional wellbeing.

Not only that you will go beyond awareness and do something about it. You will process your emotions that manifest in their various undesirable ways.

Those who work with Jin on their cancer journey, find that it's rarely about the cancer itself.

Together you will work on it, around it and go into it in so many ways.

The depth of the work if you are experiencing/ed cancer goes so much deeper and beyond what most know.

It’s not a one size fits all explanation for cancer.

It’s about your unique story and experience + the location, coupled with unprocessed emotions that reveal the message it’s here to share with you.


How Does It Work?

1:1 Coaching For Navigating Cancer Emotions

Emotions Create Physical

If MetaCancer 1:1 coaching feels like the right next step for you on your cancer healing journey I would love for you to fill out an application. I encourage you to share as much information as possible based on the questions asked.

From there you will either be invited via email to a video call or given other options to support you.

The application and call is designed to ensure this level of coaching is the right fit for both us. It is not for just anyone who has/had cancer.

Once you decide to go ahead you will be sent a contract to sign and an invoice.

Your appointments will be booked once your contract and payment is complete.

Your first session will be an online VIP day which runs for anywhere between 5-6 hours. It's a full day with breaks to take a thorough history and for you to share everything and anything you need. We also work through creating intensions and desires for your coaching journey to ensure we are working towards your goals.

You will receive access to the Moth Portal which houses all my masterclasses and mini-courses. Based on your history you will be recommended certain masterclasses to watch to inspire you about the work you have ahead. You will have continued access to the Moth Portal and when new events arise on your journey I may refer you to content on the Moth Portal to deepen your learnings with me.

Anywhere between 2-4 weeks after your VIP day (to be discussed) we will then start your coaching journey whether it be 6 or 12 months.

We start the video coaching sessions (via Zoom) with facilitated Release Process ® work. Based on both your history or anything present in the moment we will work through together processing your emotions from events in your past that you have stored in your body.

1:1 is the only space I facilitate Release Process ® work for you, the biggest benefit is that I won't let you bypass the hard stuff.

The first 4-6 weeks is generally when the most change happens, arising of discomfort, processing emotions and discovering more of yourself. It's important that during our entire time coaching together you are prepared to be transparent and share anything that is going on for you.

By having both the Release Process ® facilitated and you doing and sharing your own releases with me between sessions you will learn the process that will last you a life time. We will go through all variations of the process. You can use it for anything and everything!

You will get an online guide to work through to pace you through the work… During the mid stage we set your foundation to move forwards from and get clear on how you want to live life (create your vision). I’ll support and reflect on this with you. 

Along the way you will learn more about your own personality traits and how to embrace or utilise them as best you can (this is pulling on many different philosophies). This work focuses on understanding yourself before you understand others. For those in relationships or have a family part of this work will help you integrate this into creating healthier and more connected relationships.

We work on improving your own communication which is supported via the Release Process ®. It's important that the work we do together is useful in your everyday life and interactions. You'll also learn a powerful communication technique based on the energetics of communication. Regardless of where you are with your relationships whether they be good or a little challeged I offer to facilitate a heartfelt communication conversation. It often blows people away as to how this creates a much deeper connection with their loved ones.

We work together weekly for four sessions after your VIP day and then fortnightly/biweekly (one call every two weeks) thereafter.

You will have access to Voxer, a voice app that I welcome you to use as much as you like n between our coaching sessions. You can voice message or text me and I will respond Monday-Thursdays New Zealand time.

You also get access to additional bonuses…

Sit any LIVE 6 week Release courses ($2222 USD) which are happening during your time as a 1:1 client (usually twice per year Feb and August). I would only recommend you to join this after the first 4 weeks of 1:1 work. It really depends where you’re at. This will also create an opportunity for you to take part in an ongoing once a month group The Space to connect with others who are familiar with the Release Process ® either through the Release course or 1:1 work.

It's important that you have time set aside for your coaching as well as time to work on yourself in between our online sessions.

For the VIP day and initial month make sure you don’t have anything scheduled in or too much responsibility for the rest of the day and you may feel a bit flat, sore or otherwise for up to a couple of days.

This will shift and you will feel easier after sessions eventually, even more energised. Allow some flexibility in the earlier sessions as we may go over if necessary (60-90 minutes) however generally 1 hour is plenty of time as we move forward into fortnightly/biweekly (one call every two weeks) sessions.

The Benefits

Of 1:1 Coaching When On A Cancer Healing Journey

Personalised approach focused on your history allows a highly individualised interpretation.
Insights and recommendations provided are tailored specifically to you, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Facilitated Release Process ® work to help you work through beyond what you are able to see. This is where you are personally guided through this powerful process that allows you to release the emotions stored in your body.

A high level of support and guidance where you can ask your questions and receive answers on both your online coaching sessions as well as between your sessions. No more waiting for your next appointment.

Be empowered to advocate for yourself to make grounded and informed decisions along your journey that align with your values and prioritise you and your health.

Clarity so that you know where to focus your energy for the best results and guidance to let go of anything that no longer serves you.

Shift your beliefs to support your physical, mental, spiritual body.

More Testimonials From Those Touched By Cancer

I was unsure whether I would be able to open up and be fully truthful. I thought I’d hide certain things or find it hard to be vulnerable. I also told myself that there was no way it would make any difference, and I’d complete the coaching and feel/ behave/think the same as I did before. I really didn’t know what to expect.

I was interested in changing my thought patterns and beliefs. The negativity towards myself and others could consume me at times, leading to ill health – stress and disease. I needed to hit a “reset button” but I didn’t know how. I wanted to learn tools to do so, to free me from the downward spiral.

The whole experience was quite unexpected. I never anticipated that I would so quickly feel that I could completely trust Jin. I opened up and told her things I had never told anyone else. She made it easy to show vulnerabilities and there was never any judgement.

I was also amazed at what emotions and situations in my life surfaced. Ones that I knew were troubling me, but other traumas that were deeply buried and I didn’t realise were impacting on my life. The moment I realised this and released the emotion, it was like the world came into focus for me. I saw what I wanted and what I needed to do to get it. I felt liberated. Jin has a special way of building this trust to allow you to feel and express emotions that you don’t know exist.

My biggest breakthrough was learning how to process emotions that had been holding me back. I felt free, happy and excited for my future. These were feelings I hadn’t felt in years. It was a breakthrough for me to be happy in the present. To be able to enjoy each day again and the small things that make up each day. The energy around me changed and felt in charge of my future. Nothing could hold me back.

Communication with my husband has greatly improved and our relationship has really benefited. We are happy together and best friends once again. Things have also fallen into place financially. I’ve made a couple of great investments which I’m so proud of. I feel in control of my future.

I really enjoy the work I’m doing and I feel excited about what’s ahead. Things feel right.  People also comment that I glow, have a great energy and seem happy. Which I am.
The Release Process ® work was most enjoyable. Although this work was challenging and exhausting, this process had a huge effect on me. The results were instant. It all made sense and I felt like a huge weight was off my shoulders after each session.

I feel excited for my future. I know I need to keep working on myself, this is so important. But I know that good things will continue to come. I can get pleasure from both the small accomplishments and the larger ones. I can let go of the fear of disease returning. I have the tools to help myself through challenging periods. I know they will still arise, but I am better equipped to deal with them.

Jin is one of the most special people that have come into my life. She has changed my life. I couldn’t recommend coaching with her more. I think a person needs to be aware that they want change. If they can identify this, then the coaching can help from there. Trust and believe and good things will come.


I loved how Jin brought things out of me I never new I had.
We've experienced more openess in our family and I'v been able to communicate with my husband.

I feel confident I can face whatever challenges come my way now without having to be scared.

You never know what a GEM you are till someone helps you realise it.



I felt stuck and could not see my way out, my will was fading and I did not have the energy to do much.

The energy was extrodinary. I found the courage that everyone had to step into Release very motivating. It's the perfect blend of practical, motivating, spiritual guidance.

The breakthrough for me is that I Am Here and I want to be here, in this body, in this life.

I feel like I can ‘see' with a wider view,  nothing is for nothing, and I am exactly where I need to be at the moment. I have a spark of excitement about being here and I am more excited than scared when I wonder what I want my life to be and who/how I want to be.

I have an invaluable tool that allows me to keep emptying out and letting go. Physically, my sleep is better, my periods during this process came without breast swelling, sacral pain, were not as heavy and for the first time in 9 years I did not need any pain relief.  My body is not as tight and sore, my hips are looser, my frozen shoulder is not as painful and has a little more mobility.  I don't feel the frustration that I felt with my body.

I am calmer and not as reactionary.  I don't get to the end of the day and think I have wasted it because the to-do list did not get finished, or done something that I wanted to do that makes me feel good.  I want to take care of myself.

Release gives you a tool, supportive information and practices that you will have for the rest of your life that you can start to use immediately.

This work allows you to become an active participant in your life, here and now,  in such a liberating way.

Slowly you will start to feel that you are not a victim to your past and all the bad habits, worthless patterns and hurt that you are carrying.  You will be able to let go of what no longer serves and come back to yourself.


Are You Ready To Go On A Holistic Cancer Healing Journey?

It Starts Here

Make yourself a priority and process your emotions.

11 with jin

**EDIT**1:1 coaching on your cancer healing journey
it's an investment in your emotional and physical wellbeing. The insights and tools you'll gain are invaluable for your journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life.

Options FOR 12 months + IN PERSON Retreat or 6 months ONLINE

embody website graphics 5

VIP DAY History Interpreted (value $11,111 USD)

An 6 hour online VIP day in the comfort of your own home to dive deep into your history, helping you connect the dots between your past experiences and present emotional and physical health. This takes place first to set you up for your coaching journey.

embody website graphics release computer

LIVE Release Six Week Course (value $2222 USD)

My signature six week course to immerse yourself in group energy where you learn and refine the
Release Process ®.

moth portal


An all access pass to my masterclasses and
mini-courses. I will recommend which resources that will support you to integrate what you learn with me.

embody website graphics the space

The Space (in between) monthly group call (value $1555 USD)

A group available to past Release and 1:1 clients who have a solid foundation of the Release Process ® and ready to explore all facets of life with a like-minded and supportive community.

Is Healing From Cancer Possible?

It's an honour and a privilege to walk the journey of life with those with a cancer experience, no matter what stage they are at.

What I know is that anything is possible.
The earlier we start the better.
It's never too late.

Your body has an innate capacity to heal, when given the right environment physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

When working with someone experiencing cancer it’s about supporting not only their treatment and healing but all facets of their life that are also affected.

So that if when that person is healed from cancer, they actually feel the celebration and can continue to live life.

For those who are post-cancer it’s often working with the fear of what if it comes back, and as above, all facets of their life that weren’t addressed during their treatment and healing.

For those who are stage IV, it does not mean your condition is terminal.

I’ve crossed paths with those who have been stage IV and now have no evidence of disease. Even gone on to have a healthy baby and amazing birth despite being told not to.

I’ve also walked with those who have been touched by cancer and no longer grace us with their presence on this earth.

To experience healing on your cancer journey is not only about being given the ‘all clear' or ‘no evidence of disease'. Healing comes on many levels even if your life is to continue coexisting with cancer.

I'm very clear in communicating that I do not deliver on this as an expectation or a promise of my work. There are no guarantees that you will be free of cancer. If you put the work in you will be free and liberated in many ways and I have also been witness to the fact that anything is possible even if it feels impossible.

Nice To Meet You

I'm Jin Ong

Jin ong medical intuitive

Medical intuitive, pattern hunter, theme breaker and messenger of truth.pattern hunter, theme breaker and messenger of truth.

I'm professionally trained as an osteopath, herbalist, western acupuncturist and psychosomatic therapist… turned online coach + mentor and founder of the Release Process ® and host of The Art Of Listening To Your Body podcast. 

I work with complex physical and emotional conditions that don’t respond to conventional or alternative therapies, including surgery. My work focuses on those those with cancer, as well as autoimmune conditions and infertility.

I am a strong believer that your body is a manifestation of your emotional state. The experiences, events and traumas in your life are associated with an emotion that wants to be expressed and released at the time. If you don’t know how to express or rather you suppress because that emotion is inconvenient, it gets stored in your body as a source of stress. You can compensate until you can’t anymore. When it all gets too much, your body presents with:

Physical issues: pain, injury, illness, disease.

Mental imbalances: anxiety, depression that overtakes your life and fears and phobias.

Behavioural dysfunction: addiction, excess control and discipline;

Energetic misalignment: ecurring issues playing out in your life.

You don’t need to end up at this crisis point.

I weave the practical and the woo to intuitively read your body and decipher the messages it has for you. Most importantly I facilitate a deeply cathartic and transformational process to empty out your emotional cup, create space for more and manifest the life you truly desire.

I love to to dig deep, speak about the unspoken, and help you process unresolved emotions that hold you back from living the life you truly want.

It all starts with getting comfortable with discomfort and speaking about the unspoken.

have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

Our coaching calls are online using Zoom video.

For a good connection please ensure you have strong internet, good lighting and camera and a comfortable place to sit- you will be able to move around if needed. Most laptops have good sound however you may be required to use earphones with a microphone.

The only part that is in person is if you opt to do the four day in person retreat Ponies, Pins & Tonic.

If 1:1 work with me feels like the right next step as part of your holistic approach to cancer I would love for you to fill in an application CLICK HERE.

This gives me an overview of where you are at. I will invite you to a video call where we can discuss 1:1 work further. I appreciate if you can put as much detail into your application as possible. The aim of the application and video call is to ensure that 1:1 coaching feels a good fit for both of us.

I always respond to applications via email within 48 hours Mon-Thurs New Zealand Time. If you haven't heard from me please email [email protected]

After our call depending on what option you choose for 1:1 work you will receive a contract and information on how to proceed.

The initial commitment is either 6 months or 12 months.

The minimum is six months due to the nature of the work and what you will move through.

1:1 coaching is fully catered for you and we start on a mutually agreed upon date.

Before we start you will have access to the Moth Portal where you have an all access pass to my masterclasses and mini-courses. I will ask you to watch specifically selected masterclasses that will help inspire and motivate you to dive into the emotional aspect of your cancer journey.

Our first session will be an online VIP day where I gather a thorough history and leave no stone left unturned!

You'll need a quite and warm space, tissues, snacks and water.

It's best if you have a space free of distractions and responsibilities for your sessions including at least a few hours after your session ends.

For example I do not recommend you head straight back into work or a meeting or looking after your kids.

Please check your Zoom and microphone are working and clear before our session.

No I have worked with those at various stages of cancer.

Those who have active  cancer, healed from and those that will pass with cancer in their body.

When a clear test result,
Or a test that reveals nothing Isn’t enough for you,
And you want more testing,

Let me share with you.
That you are beyond the point of finding results in testing,

You’re searching for something else,
That is found within.


o many would think that this is a time for celebration 🎉 that hearing the words ‘you’re clear’ would give the relief you’re looking for.

For some that comes.

For so many, whatever your diagnosis or issue is… the words don’t land as one would think.

More often than not I see that the celebration isn’t felt, the relief isn’t felt.

And the cycle starts, that any little twinge or niggle sets one’s mind off into doom and gloom.

Off for another test to check.

And sit in the gap waiting and wondering once again.

If you’ve found yourself in this place, depending on where you’re at on your journey, you’re either ready to dive deeper or you’ll keep searching for the elusive in more tests.

Sending you love wherever you are at on your journey.

And one day I hope that you find peace in the tears that you may require and relief in the ‘you’re clear’ news.


I do not advise on any particular treatments. That is not my area of expertise. Many of my clients pursue different  cancer treatment pathways under the support of your own medical team and specialists.

My work is about helping you make grounded and informed decisions along your cancer journey. 

I have worked with those who choose a purely conventional route including pharmaceutical medication and treatment such as chemotherapy and surgery.

I have also worked with those who choose an alternative route.

And those who work with a combination of conventional and alternative cancer therapy.

It’s not about whether it’s conventional, pharmaceutical, alternative or natural.

It’s all about timing, place and intention.

Sometimes your body does get to a point where conventional treatment is the best option and the work we do together is working through your fears of what hormone therapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy side effects may be.

For some clients it’s about navigating surgery.

For some clients it’s about working through the fact that you swore you would never put any chemicals or pharmaceuticals into your body, and now you’re considering it.

For other clients it’s because you’ve had treatment in the past and your experience wasn’t pleasant. And you fear going through that again.

When it comes to considering conventional intervention it’s about making decisions that don’t come from a place of fear or a fix it mentality.

That’s where the emotional work comes in.

To work on your past experiences, your beliefs and your intention.

So that whether it be conventional, pharmaceutical, natural or alternative you get the best results possible with as little side effects.

My work is here to support you to make a grounded to decision. To do what feels right for you based on where you’re at on your journey.

After many years of working with people on an emotional level with various conditions including cancer myself, my clients and their specialists have been amazed at how their bodies have taken on treatment with minimal if no side effects and/or recovered so quickly after surgery if that has been the path they have taken.

Yes I do if this is what feels good for you.

The key with any treatment route you choose to engage in is your intention behind it as well as how you feel.

You may be questioning if this is something that you need to do that is where the coaching and emotional work comes in to help you make grounded decisions.

I have worked with clients who work with alternative therapies including those who have travelled overseas and engage in different treatment plans, protocols, diets and supplements.

I have also worked with those who feel like maybe they need to bring in an alternative route but instead have chosen not to after receiving coaching and emotional support.

What I do notice and often work through with my clients is the sense of overwhelm they have attending several appointments and keeping themselves up to date with all their treatments. In my view this is not conducive to your healing journey. Sometimes we work on peeling away some therapies but only if this feels good to you.

What often happens along the journey is that many therapies can be dropped off freeing up your space and time. You only keep what serves you and feels good.

I initially found it odd that clients on a cancer journey started to ask to work with me.

From early diagnosis,
years into a cancer experience,
post cancer with no evidence of disease,
stage IV or metastatic cancer,
and terminal cancer.

I found it strange because I often teach from my scars and my own experience.

But I have not internally being touched by cancer.

I have however crossed paths with it, over and over again.

When I see a pattern I lean in.

I’ve walked with and held space for those who know on a deeper level
they can heal.

I can hear in the energy of someone’s words when the desire to heal comes from ego or comes from the soul.

What I know is that anything is possible.
The earlier we start the better,
I’s never too late.

Your body has an innate capacity to heal, when given the right environment physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

When working with someone experiencing cancer it’s about supporting not only their treatment and healing but all facets of their life that are also affected.

So that when they have healed from cancer, they actually feel the celebration and can continue to live life.

For those who are post-cancer it’s often working with the fear of what if it comes back, and as above, all facets of their life that weren’t addressed during their treatment and healing.

For those who are stage IV,
it does not mean your condition
is terminal.

I’ve crossed paths with those who have been stage IV and now have no evidence of disease. Even gone on to have a healthy baby and amazing birth despite being told not to.

I’ve also walked with those who have been touched by cancer and no longer grace us with their presence on this earth.

Some of them have spoken to me via a channel telling me to continue this work, because it’s so needed.

The deep emotional work is here to help you navigate where you are,where you are heading,
the life you are here to live and are living,
to make yourself a priority,
speak your truth.

I know that many relationships drop off when someone receives a cancer diagnosis. It’s an honour and privilege to walk the journey of life with those who choose me to be part of their cancer experience no matter what stage I meet them at.

I’m in awe of what is possible when you work on your emotions not only on a physical healing and health level but how all facets of your life shift.

My approach is a truly holistic approach that I fully trust and surrender to as much as I ask you to trust and surrender.

Anything is truly possible despite what anyone says.

Not one to ignore a pattern this is one I’ve had to lean into myself. For some reason I am meant to cross paths with those having a cancer experience.


You get access to lots of bonus support.

We start your coaching journey with a VIP day CLICK HERE for more info.

The Moth Portal and all access pass to my masterclasses and mini-courses CLICK HERE for more info.

You will be invited to join my signature six week LIVE Release course during your time in 1:1 coaching CLICK HERE for more info.

You'll also get access to a group for those who have completed Release or 1:1 work with me where we connect for once a month live group coaching and you are supported by a like minded community CLICK HERE for more info.

If you choose to commit to a 12 month experience of coaching you have the option to join Jin in New Zealand on her land for a private fully catered 1:1 retreat Ponies, Pins & Tonic to take all your online work a level deeper.

Many of my clients with cancer have stayed in a 1:1 coaching space with me for 12-18 months. This is not because the work we do together isn't working but because they are manifesting the life that they desire.

So much opportunity and possibility opens up for you to tap into once you have moved through what holds you back.

The work of growth and evolution is eternal.

There are options to renew after your initial phase of coaching.

I understand that a fear of death is real and you might be questioning what happens if something does happen to you and you are unable to complete the coaching because you're no longer walking this earth.

I assure you that I am a fair and reasonable person and although I ask for your full commitment on this journey we will work this out. This is best to have a conversation around if you have this concern and we will have this after you have taken the next steps and filled in an application.

All of my 1:1 clients have invested in full upfront before commencing coaching. It is my preference to continue in this way as I have noticed a completely different energy and commitment when they show up in this way. I can share more with you on a call, but in short this work is not easy and it's not unusual for clients to question themselves in the early stages of coaching and want to pull out. However all have stayed until the end for the full commitment and so grateful for the support they had to move through the first phase of discomfort!

Wondering If You're The Perfect Fit?

If any of these sound like you, you're ready for
1:1 coaching to be part of your cancer healing journey.

If any of these sound like you…
I look forward to reading your application and having a call with you.

Are You Ready To Navigate Your Cancer Journey The Emotional Way?

It Starts Here

11 with jin

You know the importance of processing your emotions but yet to find the right support. You're looking for a practitioner with the capacity to hold space
for all that you have to share.

You want to discover the message that cancer has for you.
It’s about the
life that was lead before your diagnosis.
It’s about your
experience throughout your treatment.
highs, the lows, the fears, the what ifs.
The life you are yet to live.

Yes cancer can come, it can go…
and sometimes it stays with.

It's to be at peace,
Whatever the outcome,
To know you have tried all that you were open to,
And open to any possibility.

The depth of the work if you are experiencing/ed cancer goes
so much deeper than most know.

Not everyone chooses this route and that’s ok.
It’s the path less travelled.
It’s not for everyone, just the ones who choose it.

Take The Next Step

I'm ready to process my emotions and work with my cancer journey on a deeper level

Options for 12 months online + retreat
or 6 months online

Be intentional about what you are committing to. Put your energy in and trust that whatever lessons you receive are what you need in this present moment.


Disclaimer: I love all my programs and live by everything I teach. Participants have also been able to achieve incredible results. The testimonials on this page are from real people who have worked with me through this program.

Because we're in the game of life I don't guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all participants.

Navigating Emotions Behind Cancer Free Masterclass

A free 2 hour masterclass that I am sure will be the first time you will hear information of this depth when it comes to working on your emotions.



*What healing really means
*How emotional work impacts your treatment journey
*What the Release Process ® looks like and how you can use it
*How to find out the message your experience has for you and what to do about it
*What is possible for you to tap into after the Release Process ®


After registering you'll be redirected to a page to watch the masterclass you will also receive an email please check your inbox/spam for the REPLAY email.
navigating cancer


For those with chronic health conditions that don't respond to conventional or alternative treatment.