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Are You Ready To...

Pivot Your Business?

Pivoting is one thing

Knowing it's possible is another

The emotions and energetics at play as you step into and claim your space is a completely different game

It's a space that most are too scared to play in

It's a place that most people dream of but rarely take the action.

Creating an online biz with spaciousness and freedom is possible

Speaking your truth and expressing yourself is possible

It takes

It takes deep inner work

Let me share what it takes

My business strategy is in my story and I'll give you all the details of how I went from an in-person practitioner to pivoting into the online space and creating more…

Strategy. Emotions. Energetics.

Pivot Series

A World Of Possibility

This is for practitioners and coaches both new and old.

To let you know what is possible in the online world. If only someone had shone a light on this world I didn't know existed… maybe I would have taken the leap sooner.

I'm here to share my story openly, transparently and authentically.

Strategy Through Story

That's Why I Created A World Of Possibility For You

This is my real and transparent journey into the online space over the first 22 months of my business.

I transitioned from a hands-on practitioner (osteopath) and clinic owner with two clinics and a team into the online space full time. Driven by the strict lockdown in New Zealand, all I had was 5 figure expenses and no income! 
No income from my partner either.

 It was all or nothing. It was time to do what I always desired to do. Driven by fear I stepped right into the resistance and I never looked back.

Many people ask how I did it. It's not a simple strategy and now I get it when people say they don't know how to explain how they did it.

What I realised is that my strategy is in my story and many of the wobbles I had along the way are likely the same you'll have along your journey. This is my journey from making 6 figures in 6 months to over half a million the following year.

But it isn't all about the money.

I want to share with you the world of possibility I didn't know existed.

pivot series a world of possibility

Creating Your Soul-Led Business

Emotions & Energetics

Pivot Series is for practitioners and coaches… A World Of Possibility is just one of many mini-courses to come to help you Pivot and create a life and business you desire.

A World Of Possibility has 3 days of content plus loads of BONUSES that lays down the structure so that you can set boundaries, utilise your strengths, dream big and leave your legacy.

When the structure is there you'll create space for the flow to happen.

That's where the magic is.

By the end of the course, you'll…

 STRATEGY through stories. Embracing EMOTIONS. Working with ENERGETICS.

What Other People Are Saying

A World Of Possibility

“I love learning from you Jin and was interested to see what you had to say as always! I loved the sharing of how you have incrementally increased your pricing which is what I have been doing and your share around the fact that sometimes 1:1 is needed in biz to propel you forward as I have only done group biz coaching to date.”
“I love Jin’s energy and listen to her story and the authenticity behind it, and the steps she took to get to where she is. I realise how important the emotional and energetic work is to build a successful business. I’m feeling Inspired and reflecting on the field of possibility. I absolutely loved listening to the stories, all the shares and how easy it can be to have success once you decide & commit to live your REAL LIFE & share your truth!
“Thank you for sharing so openly, that is what inspires me the most, being able to be transparent, authentic and create significant success all whilst remaining in alignment with ones own truth. I loved hearing questions from other participants and where they're at in their own journey.”
Biggest takeaway was that it's okay to not be ready to step into the arena yet, as I have to find that thing I truely enjoy and NOT just something others would like to see me provide as a business Was really lovely to see this side of you Jin, especially since knowing the "clinic owner" side of you. Lovely to see you have grown over the years and am so happy that you've found what you are passionate about and good at! xoxoxo

What do you get?

BONUS teachings on nic

The Content


Tapping Into The Field Of Possibility

If only someone had shared with me what was possible on the other side of the computer screen. There is a whole different world out there when you step into the online space.

In module one, you're going to learn:

pivot module
pivot module


Changing Perspective

The many aspects that I had to change my perspective on when it came shifting my services and valuing myself.

In module two, you're going to learn:


Impact & Income

Money is the energetic by-product of your passion and desires.

In module three, you're going to learn:

pivot module
pivot module


Group Mini-Mind Coaching

Get a glimpse of what group biz coaching looks like. One person's question always answers multiple people's questions. Participants range from those new to the online space or biz space and those who are more experienced.

In module four, you're going to learn:

Time To Enter A World Of Possibility

Transparent real Biz story

Learn about the ins and outs and mindset required to overcome all the wobbles that happened at each stage of growing a multi 6 figure biz in 22 months.


The many questions that business owners get stuck on when pivoting into the online space. Answered in our bonus trainings.


Unedited group coaching session of questions that new and old business owners have as they launch into the space they desire.


A practical guide to the basics you need to get set up if you're serious about creating your online business. This truly is all you need to get set up in the online world as a 1:1 coach or therapist.

The Story Of the Leaps I've Taken

That Didn't Make Sense

Enrol into Pivot Series: A World Of Possibility Today!

Start Tapping Into The Field

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$555 USD

$333 USD

Hi There, I'm Jin

Small Jin On Couch

Emotional release therapist would best describe what I do and who I am now.
I'm professionally trained as an osteopath, herbalist, western acupuncturist and psychosomatic therapist… turned online coach.

I've had the opportunity to work with thousands of clients over the years. With their discomfort, chronic pain, injury, illness, disease and weird and wonderful manifestations. Many whom don't respond to traditional or conventional methods.

I am obsessed with the mind-body connection and fascinated by what comes out of people when they release on a deeper level. Not just emotionally. I love a good purge. The pees, the poos, vomits and so much more! Some say it's like an Ayuashcha or DMT experience.

I love to read into what emotions are held in your body and therefore what it's trying to tell you. I have no filter when it comes to you asking me for advice for your problems. I'll tell you how I see it, you just need to be ready to hear it. Let's get comfortable with discomfort and speak about the unspoken.

Are You A Perfect Fit?

If any of these sounds like you, keep reading, because you're exactly where you need to be.

have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

You have lifetime access and to any updates that get added!

You get four key teachings to help you build your vision and foundation and clearly set intentions so that you can manifest your desires.

There is an order to work through each exercise. Don't skip any steps.

You have four videos to work alongside in real time, with space and time to answer each question.

There are prompts and additional discussion as part of each video.

There is also an accompanying Q&A session for each worksheet.

You also get editable and printable worksheets.

Bonus training on setting goals and intentions plus visualisations and readings.

Yes there are 4 key exercises for you to work through. You get both digital editable copies (google docs) and printable PDFs so that you can use these over and over again as you refine your vision.

Yes there are four key exercises and worksheets that go along with each teaching. You will find these on the platform and be guided during the teachings.

There are also bonus teachings if you choose to progress.

The four key exercises are set to take one hour each.

You can choose to listen to the teachings daily for four days or one teaching each week.

I do find that this is best done when you can condense your energy.

When this was taught live it was taught over 4 consecutive days.

We ask that you respect the energy and time that has gone into creating this mini-course for you.

We ask that you do not share the content and worksheets with friends, however if you have a partner we would love you to both sit down and work through this together.

We work on a trust and karmic basis. Please only share this with your intimate partner if you have one.

In the game of life there are no guarantees.

We ask everyone who takes part in our courses to take self-responsibility and ensure that you feel safe at all times.

The more you put in the more you will get out.

There are no refunds on instant access digital products with downloadable content.

Please choose to purchase this intentionally as requests for refunds for this offer will not be responded to.

PS if you are already thinking of how you can get out of this, please do not purchase this or any of the courses that are on offer 🙂

Enrol into Pivot Series!

A World Of Possibility

If you are enrolling now, be intentional about what you are committing to. Put your energy in and trust that whatever lessons you receive are what you need in this present moment.

Due to the nature of digital products and instant access to templates there are NO REFUNDS.

Disclaimer: I love all my programs and live by everything I teach. Participants have also been able to achieve incredible results. The testimonials on this page are from real people who have worked with me through this program.

Because we're in the game of life I don't guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all participants.


For those with chronic health conditions that don't respond to conventional or alternative treatment.