Pivot Series - Committed

For practitioners & healers that desire to pivot into the online space and want to know what commitment it takes.

First day of this 5 day masterclass ‘DESIRES' is FREE to register for.


If you're a practitioner or healer that wants to pivot into the online space, I want to show you what commitment it takes to see your vision through.

It's not for the feint of heart and it takes a vision beyond yourself to see it through.


Date: Starts Monday 19th Sept




If you upgrade for the full 5 day experience the investment is is $333 USD and will eventually be $555 USD once we're complete.

The Pivot Series - Committed Schedule

The full experience is 5 days
  • Day 1 (Mon 19th Sept) Desire **FREE** 9 AM NZST
Join all 5 days and get lifetime access to replays and join a private Facebook group for the duration of the experience.
  • Day 2 (Tues 20th Sept) Creative Energy 11 AM NZST
  • Day 3 (Weds 21st Sept) Honouring commitment 1.30 PM NZST
  • Day 4 (Thurs 22nd Sept) Bringing Your Work To Life 8pm NZST
  • Day 5 (Fri 23rd Sept) Group coaching + on the spot coaching for you and your biz 9 AM NZST

All calls are New Zealand Time. 

Please use https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ to convert to your time zone. Please note that for those of you in the US and Canada you are the day before NZ.

The Breakdown

Each day will be hosted on Zoom and will run for up to 90 minutes. Lifetime access to replays available when you upgrade.

Day 1 Desire

It all begins with desire and a reason that goes beyond you and your material needs and wants. Whenever you feel the wobbles, because they will come (sorry) coming back to your desire and why you wanted to start your biz in the first place will keep you going.

Are you creating for money or for the love of it?

One energy will succeed.

One energy will have its limit.

Come along and learn how a burning desire can get you through anything.

Day 2 Creative Energy

How to create in the energy and navigate the voids.

Creative energy is so important when it comes to putting your work out there.

Tapping into this energy is what attracts people to your work and keep you loving what you do.

Day 3 Honouring Commitment

This is commitment to yourself and commitment to the spaces you play in, in all aspects of life.

Expressing yourself in business can turn you inside out and is a deep personal journey, it’s a business baby.

It requires you to have a desire that is yours (not influenced by anyone else), stepping into your power, honouring your journey and all the pieces that play a part in who you are today.

Day 4 Bringing Your Work To Life

‘Do what you love and you’ll never work another day.’

This is all about practicing what you preach.
Living and embodying the life that you teach and not being afraid to let your true self be seen.

Bring your life into your work and you’ll bring your work to life.

Day 5 Group Coaching

This is an opportunity for you to be coached by me in a group setting and ask any of your biz questions related to the content or otherwise.

If you upgrade for the full 5 day experience the investment is $333 USD and will eventually be $555 USD once we're complete. There’s always more that gets discussed in the group.

Snippets Of My Journey

Hi There, I'm Jin

dr jin ong private coaching cathartic and emotional release therapy 1 e1636979655588

I love to unravel complex physical and emotional issues and help you intuitively navigate the next steps to take to align with and express your soul purpose.

I've shifted from working as an osteopath in clinic to creating a safe space online to speak about the unspoken and normalise (emotional) releases to shift the paradigm of health.

In March 2020 I created The Art Of Listening To Your Body from scratch and entered the online space after my two bricks and mortar clinics and team went into a 7 week lockdown. No income. All expenses.

Over 18 months I transitioned my work into the online space. I work  with clients 1:1, offer short courses and group masterminds for personal and business growth as well as host a podcast.

In 2021 I went on to create a multi-six figure revenue generating business in the online space and sold my two clinics to focus 100% on what I love.

I'm completely transparent about my journey and lives to inspire you to create a business that is the fullest expression of yourself.

pivot series committed

Ready To Step Up & Be Committed To Creating Your Biz?

I'm an open book when it comes to sharing my journey which has taken quantum leaps.

Each day I'll cover a different topic that allowed myself and others to shift their perspective and pivot their business.

This is a 5 day live event (first day free access) hosted on zoom and for those who upgrade access to a private Facebook group. Replay of day 1 will be available until 25th September. When you upgrade you will have lifetime access to all 5 days. 

Date: Starts Monday Sept 19th. Zoom details will be shared via email once registered.

If you upgrade for the full 5 day experience the investment is $222 USD and will eventually be $555 USD once we're complete.

The Art Of Listening To Your Body Ltd can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.


For those with chronic health conditions that don't respond to conventional or alternative treatment.