The Missing Link To Activate Healing:

The Key for Chronic Health Conditions Resistant to Conventional or Alternative Treatment

This is the root cause that even the best practitioners and specialists don't address – EMOTIONS

During this free masterclass, you will learn:

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The Missing Link

To Activate Healing:

The Key for Chronic Health Conditions Resistant to Conventional or Alternative Treatment

During this free masterclass, you will learn:

Is This You?

You're sick of the talk therapy where it feels like nothing is changing and you're ready to do something about it.

You've been told ‘I don't know why this isn't working'

Or told to take meds and learn to live with it.

You've been handed a diagnosis but question the treatment.

Or maybe you've had surgery and it didn't fix your issues.

You know there's more to it and you want answers so you can make an informed decision and you're prepared to look elsewhere.

This masterclass is a must-attend for you if experience...

A wide range of conditions are covered because they all have a root cause in common… EMOTIONS

Hi There, I'm Jin

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A medical intuitive, pattern hunter, theme breaker and messenger of truth.

Creator of the Release Process ® and host of The Art Of Listening To Your Body Podcast.

Trained professionally as an osteopath, psychosomatic therapist, western medical acupuncturist and herbalist. I've worked with thousands of clients over the years.

I work with complex physical and emotional conditions that don’t respond to conventional or alternative therapies, including surgery. My work focuses on those with cancer, autoimmune conditions and fertility issues.

Your body is a manifestation of your emotional state. The experiences, events and traumas in your life are associated with an emotion that wants to be expressed and released at the time. If you don’t know how to express or rather you suppress because that emotion is inconvenient, it gets stored in your body as a source of stress. You can compensate until you can’t anymore. When it all gets too much, your body presents with physical issues: pain, injury, illness, disease; mental imbalances: anxiety, depression that overtakes your life and fears and phobias;  behavioural dysfunction: addiction, excess control and discipline; as well as recurring issues playing out in your life. You don’t need to end up at this crisis point.

I weave the practical and the woo to intuitively read your body and decipher the messages it has for you. Most importantly I take you a step further and facilitate a deeply cathartic and transformational process to empty out your emotional cup, create space for more and manifest the life you truly desire.

I love to dig deep, speak about the unspoken, and help you process unresolved emotions that hold them back from living the life in health and wealth you truly want.

I have no filter when it comes to you asking me for advice for your problems. I'll tell you how I see it, you just need to be ready to hear it.

Let's get comfortable with discomfort and speak about the unspoken

What Other's Have To Say About Past Masterclasses

dr jin ong the art of listening to your body logo sparkle geo moth gold shine transparent sml

Thank you Jin for an insightful masterclass about processing emotions! I learnt so much about how emotional blockages can present as physical and physiological symptoms. I've listened to almost all your podcasts over the last 2 weeks and being drawn to the information presented and people's healing stories. 

I myself, am going through a healing crisis. I've spent the last 2 years seeing specialist after specialist and therapist after therapist, with little answers. The road to finding answers and making progress has been scary, confusing and isolating. I am willing to explore all aspects of my healing, including emotional healing to see whether there is an emotional component to my health issues. 

You explained the mind-body connection so wonderfully and it made such sense as well as explaining the emotional causes so neck issues. 

 I'm looking forward to attending more of your masterclasses and listening to your podcasts.


dr jin ong the art of listening to your body logo sparkle geo moth gold shine transparent sml

You have a down to earth and clear way of talking that makes all this information very accessible.


dr jin ong the art of listening to your body logo sparkle geo moth gold shine transparent sml

In this masterclass I acknowledge the strength of emotions and speaking the unspeakable.


dr jin ong the art of listening to your body logo sparkle geo moth gold shine transparent sml

My husband is Jin’s friend and I met her for coffee last year as we happened to be in Queenstown at the time. I was telling Jin about psoriasis on my skin and I couldn’t believe within 5 minutes of her speaking to her  I had huge amounts of emotions come up, it felt like a hurricane swirling through my body and coming out, it was the most intense feeling of emotions that you brought up for me!

I have been able to get rid of my psoriasis and let go of so much that I was holding on too.


dr jin ong the art of listening to your body logo sparkle geo moth gold shine transparent sml

I was really interested about the different types of emotional suppression because while most of them seemed obvious some of were completely new to me. 

I am really intrigued by your way of identifying what emotions need to be processed too!

Thanks for holding these sessions to help spread your knowledge!


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The first time I smirked and realised I was in the right place was when you were describing eating disorders and the occurring commonly around parental divorce etc.

It really provided me with things to keep an eye out for to consider the deeper things at play. 

Particularly the emotional/physical/physiological symptoms and behaviours that I would potentially overlook ie scratching, fidgeting to the more obviously injuries and niggles.

I love the flow of the session being structured yet organic.


Frequently Asked Questions

It's really live 🙂 you can interact with me in the chat and I leave time for Q&A at the end.

Yes but you need to register to get access to it. This will be sent out within 24 hours. It will be available for a limited time. However I recommend that you join live if you are able to as you'll get to interact with Jin.

If you have any questions, please reach out to support@theartoflisteningtoyourbody and we would be happy to help!

Copywright The Art Of Listening To Your Body.


For those with chronic health conditions that don't respond to conventional or alternative treatment.