For Practitioners & Healers

Pivot Your Biz & Become Unfiltered

Emerge Mastermind

For Practitioners & Healers

Pivoting From Offline to Online

question for you...

Ready to go all in and pivot your practice and truly transform the lives of your clients?

You've got the skills, you've got the knowledge and a whole heap more to offer.

Welcome To Emerge

Does this sound familiar...

Does this sound familiar...

But here's the issue

You know things need to change...

… you stop when there's noone to hold you accountable

… you fill your time whenever space appears

… you're waiting for the perfect time

… you have so much to offer

… you keep holding yourself back

… you  know that it's possible to have more

Can you imagine...

What it would feel like to be working exactly the way you want, seeing the best ever clients and having space in your life to do things you love?

Over the course of 12 months you will work on creating and implementing your intuitive business strategy with me.

You'll learn how to pivot your business partially or fully online and create massive impact and income.

As a busy practitioner you'll always hit the ceiling when it comes to how many people you can see in a day or a week. You wonder how you could work with your clients who would benefit from more time with you. But, you look around and wonder how you can charge more when you compare yourself to your peers.

It's all possible.

It's time to step into a different paradigm of healthcare.

More space, time, energy and money  for you.

Life changing transformations 
for your clients ready to commit to themselves.

You know you're destined for more. You're destined to thrive in business not just survive!

Emerge has a strong focus on creating a solid foundation with your 1:1 clients before starting the journey to create group programs. If you have this solid foundation in place I'm happy to help you with creating your group offering.


it doesn't have to be hard or take a long time

It really is possible to...

… put yourself first

… surrender and trust

… embrace your gifts

Play with fear as you step into the resistance and express your gifts that change the world.



You get support and guidance you NO MATTER WHAT life may present you over the next 12 months.

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Emerge is a 12-month group mastermind where you'll learn to deepen the relationship with yourself and others.

You will learn to create offers that change people's lives, that people want to buy! You'll learn the energy behind selling.

You will finally put your best work out there and see your true value. All while being guided and supported by a coach who's been there before and a like-minded community that is supporting and cheering you on.

Learn how to operate your business in line with your human design – work less and create more.

get inspired...

Here's shifts people experienced in the Mastermind.

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This was the most life-changing time in my life. I'm grounded, powerful and connected and have purpose for my passion. It just exploded inside me. And without mastermind, there’s probably no way that that would’ve ever happened.

I started to embrace my feminine energy. I started to understand my worth. I started to be in a place of allowing and trusting and surrendering and having way more faith than I ever had before. 

I have more clarity of purpose. I know how to run my business, how to work IN my business and how to work ON my business. I know exactly where I want to go.

What I learned about energetics made my mind explode. 

When I got aligned, I signed my first intimacy coaching client! With interest coming from 3 other people as well! 

Your life is going to be different at the end of your experience. It's going to be better and more enriched and more connected and aware. This is not the end for me.  I will be connecting again.
My life has changed too much not to!

Brandi Bissell - Sex & intimacy Coach

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When I joined the mastermind I was running and working in my chiropractic biz. I wanted to branch out to the online  space and transition into the coaching world.

I learned everything from systems, pricing and energetics to attract and work with my ideal clients. 

The support available was so beneficial as I made transitions with my existing business and creating a new one, all whilst navigating some tricky situations.

I hired an associate to work in my business which created the space I needed to build my confidence and explore new business ideas.

I loved the connection to others on this journey and the ability to continue to work on myself.  I'm now better able to regulate my emotions.

I have so much more confidence in my ability to work at a deeper level with my clients as they move through life's challenges.

I'd absolutely recommend this mastermind if you are stuck on what to do next with your professional life.

Kiri Binnersley - Chiropractor & Emotional Release Coach

Ready to dive even deeper?

WHAT WE COVER IN 12 months together

Here's how we roll...


Create Your Life Path

  • Get clear on your core values
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Get clear on what YOU desire
  • See the possibilities 
  • Love your business and let it evolve
  • Strengthen your intuition
  • Surrender to the process


Creating Ease & Flow

  • Declutter
  • Simplify
  • Start with the end in mind
  • Fun biz planning
  • Systems that set your free
  • Creating space for clients
  • Foundations that help you grow
  • Pivot and shift
  • Done for you templates and examples


Work Your Offers

  • Get clear on your offer
  • Going from one off sessions to packages
  • Create aligned pricing
  • Create higher end offers
  • Offer a higher level of support
  • Nailing and selling your 1:1 offer


Aligned Marketing

  • Let go of what no longer serves
  • Communicate on a deeper level
  • Improve your energetic communication
  • Attract ideal clients
  • Organic growth
  • Social media marketing and in person marketing
  • Masterclasses


Client Journey

  • Develop your coaching skills
  • Take your clients on a transformational journey
  • Learn when to lean back and let your clients lead
  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Different ways to support your clients
  • Done for you coaching templates to rebrand


Rewire To Wealth

  • Improve the relationship with yourself
  • Re-wire self sabotaging thoughts
  • Know that you are born worthy
  • Amplify your receiving vibes
  • Learn to trust yourself
  • Reconnect to your innate body wisdom


The Woo

  • Create space for more good things in life
  • Express feminine and masculine energy
  • Tap into the field of possibility & potentiality
  • Hold energetic boundaries
  • Intention & desire
  • Learn to surrender to the process
  • Utilise the 7 spiritual laws of success
  • Play with fear and resistance
  • Take quantum leaps
  • Constant evolution and growth


Life by Design

  • Create a life and biz according to your design
  • Discover how to use your time and energy
  • Operate in alignment
  • Identify energy leaks
  • Utilise your best way to share your gifts
  • Deepen self-love
  • Have compassion for self and others
  • Transform conditioning


Epic Support

  • Be in a space with like-minded souls
  • Bounce your ideas, write/speak them out to gain clarity
  • Create the vibes to rise up
  • A space free of judgement
  • Freedom to express safely
  • Personal + Biz support
  • Upgrade for Voxer chat access with Jin 1:1

Ready to initiate a ripple effect?

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I couldn’t wait after Emotional Body Practitioner Training to get started with the mastermind. I love the way Jin teaches and wanted to continue to receive her support and guidance to grow my business.

I saw shifts in all aspects of my life.

Personally with how I show up and allowing myself to be seen.

Professionally, getting all my systems in place and with continual support throughout.

The support and guidance you receive throughout is amazing.

Nicole Mills - Health Coach

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I got a massive boost in confidence and trust in myself to work with my clients at a deeper emotional level.

I knew that this mastermind was what I needed to move into parts of myself I was fearful to enter alone.

I was in a state of what’s next? Unclear and unsure of what path to follow.

I joined based on an inner knowing and trust in Jin and the work she shares with the world.

As I went through some big transitions with a location move, landed an amazing job and was able to shift into the online space at the same time to work with clients and express my body of work.

I loved the connection with other's in the mastermind who were facing the same challenges and to be supported during some challenging times in my life.

This mastermind will guide you to the next unknown level of yourself.

Broc Martin - Alcohol & Drug Counsellor

OVER 12 months together...

Here's what you get when you join.

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Intuitive Business Strategy

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Mindset & Motivation Coaching

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Energetic & Embodiment Guidance

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2 Group Coaching Calls Each Month + Private Facebook Group Support 

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Voxer access to Jin 1:1. Drop your messages anytime and receive a response Tues & Thurs NZT

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Done for you templates such as T&C + client coaching worksheets

When you join you get BONUS

VISION MINI-COURSE ACCESS (value $333 USD) A place to set intentions and manifest your desires in personal and business life

PIVOT SERIES ACCESS: Pivot Possibility (value $555 USD) and Pivot Committed (valued $555 USD) are 4 and 5 days masterclasses to inspire you and tap into the energetics of a business that supports your life.


RELEASE LIVE 6 WEEK COURSE (value $2222 USD) : This is one of Jin's signature courses (Feb) where she teaches the three pillars to emotional work to the general public. 1. The Release Process 2. Chakras 3. Doshas.
You'll get to take part and start processing your emotions, clear the blocks so that you can connect to yourself and emerge. This is a powerful course where you will witness emotions, energetics and potentiality all in one powerful container

 Upgrade for 1:1 Voxer support: Voxer is an app many coaches use to support clients between sessions. You'll have access to this with Jin 1:1 when you prefer to speak rather than write your questions… drop in any time and Jin will respond Tuesday and Thursdays NZT.

Fill out an application

Pay In Full

$12000 USD

One Payment
(save $1200 USD)

Payment PlaN

$6000 USD +
$1200 USD/MTH

$6000 down payment followed by 6 monthly payments of $1200 USD/mth

If you are a New Zealand-based practitioner, coach or healer
please use this link for NZD conversion
($19500 NZD paid in full; or $ $9800 NZD down payment followed by $2000/month for six months)
+ to claim GST CLICK HERE

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When resistance presents...

Let's navigate the journey together to put your gifts out to the world.

Walking this path means surrendering to what is, doing the uncomfortable and stepping into your true power and know it's all part of the process.

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After completing Emotional Body Training with Jin I just new I wanted to continue more with business coaching.

I was a busy massage therapist who wanted to learn strategy and skill to move into the online space as a coach.

I absolutely love all of it. The calls, the support. Everything.

I gained so much confidence that I can do this! I actually have something to offer, provide value and can charge my worth.

My biggest breakthrough would be believing in myself.

I now only massage one day per week and see clients online who are committed to making a change. I work less and earn more. I help women to believe in themselves and transform from a deeper level than Massage Therapy could ever offer.

Jump on board! You won't regret it! You will be so supported by Jin and the coaches, in energetics, business and strategy, alongside doing your own inner work.

Karen Nelson - Massage Therapist + Emotional Release Coach

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I was guided to start my business from scratch as an online coach. As a mum of three boys I was hesitant if I would have the time, but I did it!

I love everything about the mastermind. Connection with people, learning from each other, the coaches, the information shared. All was amazing.

I gained confidence in my ability to guide clients through the release emotions and trauma. And learned so much about energetics and emotions and to trust in my intuition as it applies to my life and my business.

I was able to make many smaller decisions that are moving me towards who I want to be, what I want to be doing, where and how I am living my life.

This is a life changing mastermind to be part of, one that will really shift the dial on all aspects of your life. Supported by amazing coaches who give so much, it'll give you confidence and clarity to move in the direction of your dreams.

Emily Brewer - Emotional Release coach

Meet Your Coach

dr jin ong at home with plants cathartic release therapist

Emotional · CLINICAL · Strategy · ENERGETICS

Jin Ong

Jin loves to unravel complex physical and emotional issues and help you intuitively navigate the next steps to take to align with and express your soul purpose.

She loves to facilitate a safe space to speak about the unspoken and normalise (emotional) releases to shift the paradigm of health.

In March 2020 she built The Art Of Listening To Your Body from scratch and entered the online space after her two bricks and mortar clinics and team went into a 7 week lockdown. No income. All expenses.

Over 18 months she went from charging less than $100 for a session to a multi 5 figure investment to work with her for 12 weeks. She works with clients 1:1, offers short courses and group masterminds for personal and business growth as well as hosts a podcast.

She went on to generate over half a million in 2021 and sold her two clinics to focus 100% on what she loves all whilst creating more space to enjoy life.

She is also the founder of the Release Process ™.

Jin is completely transparent in her journey and lives to inspire you to create a business that is the fullest expression of yourself.

This experience is...

The Perfect Fit If You...

  • You have been on Emotional Body Training before
  • Keen to refine your 1:1 offers and keep things simple!
  • Currently have a business and want to dive into the online space
  • You desire to increase your prices and want to do this in an aligned way
  • You love your work, but want to create space for other joys in life too
  • Ready to embrace change in your life and that of your clients
  • Are open to energetics
  • Are ready to fully commit to yourself no matter what
  • Are ready to show up exactly as you are – no hiding
  • Are coachable and ready to receive support
  • You take responsibility for yourself and your choices
  • Ready to lead yourself

This Is NOT a Good Fit, If You...

  • Are at the very very start of your practitioner or coaching journey and yet to experience seeing clients
  • Are scared of using a computer. You do need basic tech skills to navigate setting yourself up and a willingness to give things a go
  • Not willing to let go of some things in your life and biz
  • Not prepared to set aside the time to show up to calls
  • Require someone to be on your back and checking in on you. In this space you get to lead yourself.

have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

Our next intake is April 2023.


Why start your journey later?

This is an intimate space for up to 10 participants.

The Emerge Mastermind is for practitioners who have been on Emotional Body Training (both alternative and conventional with an open-mind), coaches and healers ready to take big leaps in their business.

As part of a mastermind we will all bring out wealth of knowledge to the table.

Courses are more structured with a set curriculum. You take a course to learn something, a skill, technique, knowledge. You may or may not choose to implement what you learn.

A mastermind is a coaching program made up of like-minded souls. In this case practitioners, coaches and healers ready to emerge and fully express their work to the world. All whilst giving and receiving incredible value for what they do and living a life aligned with their values.

A mastermind is where you support one another, share and help one another rise up.

It's about accountability, deepening your learning and taking action in all areas of life to create change.

A longer commitment allows for the ups and downs of life and to receive support through challenges as well as celebrating the wins.

Learning is one thing. Implementation is another ball game. It's the second phase of resistance. To put yourself out there doing what you do best all whilst embracing energetics and standing in your own power.

Emerge supports you in fully living your work, not just knowing about it. 

Group coaching calls are up to 90 minutes via zoom.

Replays are always made available and will be accessible whilst you have access to the mastermind.

We have held long term group programs and the shifts have been huge. In all areas of life.

It all goes in waves which is why we ask you to commit to 12 months and ride those waves with support. 

Unlearning and creating new habits takes time.

It's simple, not easy.

We have two group calls a month for up to 90 minutes.


All calls are held at 9 am NZT on Tuesdays.

The calls are available for you to receive coaching in a group setting. If there is a relevant theme present in the group we may use some of that call to speak to that theme.

It is up to you to lead yourself to speak up and ask for support. We will be there to encourage you.

We have two group zoom calls a month. All calls are hosted by Jin.

That's ok. There may be times where you can't make it. We highly recommend it, but this depends on where you are at. You can always watch the replays. And you have the facebook group to ask questions and receive support in between live calls.

In the game of life there are no guarantees.

We have held long term group programs and the shifts have been huge. In all areas of life.

It all goes in waves which is why we ask you to commit to 12 months and ride those waves with support.

The more you put in the more you will get out.

To invest in this mastermind it's either a pay in full option or a down payment (equivalent to six months) with 6 monthly payments.

There are more details on the application.

You get access to the information whilst you are in the group only.

No questions, I'm ready for this!

emerge mastermind

You are so ready to thrive in your business.

Your mind will be open to the field of potentiality. The field of what is possible for you, your business and everyone around you.

You are here to evolve and create opportunities everywhere you go.

The fear doesn't stop. 

You'll learn to walk with it.

Surrender to the process.

This is the human experience you're here to live.


2 Group Zoom Coaching Calls per month with Jin (90 minutes)

Tuesdays 9.00 am NZT


Fiirst and third Tuesday of the month.



April 4 & 18

May 2 & 16

June 6 & 20

July 4 & 18

Aug 8 & 22

Sept 5 & 19

Current time conversions for April 2023 are:
9.00 am NZT example

Same day 7.00am AEST (Melbourne/Sydney)
 Same day 4.00am AWST (Perth- will change to 5am with daylight savings change)

Day before 2.00 pm PDT (California)

 Day before 4.00 pm EDT (New York, Toronto)
Day before 5.00 pm CDT (Texas)

Midnight day before 10 pm  BST (London)

ready to fully EMERGE AND EXPRESS Your work?

Choose your experience...

When you join these are some of your BONUSES


VISION MINI-COURSE ACCESS (value $333 USD) A place to set intentions and manifest your desires in personal and business life

PIVOT SERIES ACCESS: Pivot Possibility (value $555 USD) and Pivot Committed (valued $555 USD) are 4 and 5 days masterclasses to inspire you and tap into the energetics of a business that supports your life.

RELEASE LIVE 6 WEEK COURSE (value $2222 USD) : This is one of Jin's signature courses (Feb) where she teaches the three pillars to emotional work to the general public. 1. The Release Process 2. Chakras 3. Doshas.

You'll get to take part and start processing your emotions, clear the blocks so that you can connect to yourself and emerge. This is a powerful course where you will witness emotions, energetics and potentiality all in one powerful container

 Upgrade for 1:1 Voxer support: Voxer is an app many coaches use to support clients between sessions. You'll have access to this with Jin 1:1 when you prefer to speak rather than write your questions… drop in any time and Jin will respond Tuesday and Thursdays NZT.

Fill out an application

Pay In Full

$12000 USD

One Payment
(save $1200 USD)

Payment PlaN

$6000 USD +
$1200 USD/MTH

$6000 down payment followed by 6 monthly payments of $1200 USD/mth

If you are a New Zealand-based practitioner, coach or healer

please use this link for NZD conversion

($19500 NZD paid in full; or $9800 NZD down payment followed by $2000/month for six months)

+ to claim GST CLICK HERE


EMERGE: move out of or away from something and become visible.

Trust your heart, follow your gut

© 2022 All Rights Reserved · The art of listening to your body


For those with chronic health conditions that don't respond to conventional or alternative treatment.