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Hi There, I'm Jin

Medical intuitive would best describe what I do and who I am now.

I'm professionally trained as an osteopath, herbalist, western acupuncturist and psychosomatic therapist… turned online coach.

I've had the opportunity to work with thousands of clients over the years. With their discomfort, chronic pain, injury, illness, disease and weird and wonderful manifestations. Many whom don't respond to traditional or conventional methods.

There are too many people out there suffering
because people are too uncomfortable to talk about the truth.

Do you know what is harder for you to deal with than all the pain, injury and disease??


You complicate and intellectualise something that's so simple and innate within us.

To express yourself.

I love to speak about the unspoken and take away the stigma.

To integrate eastern philosophy and practical methods into everyday life.

In a simple and easy to understand way.

I don't get spiritual or esoteric.
I make sense.

But I don't just speak about it. I help you to understand why you feel the way you do.

I bring my clinical real-life experience, medical intuition and the ability to speak the truth to your problems.

I love to read into what emotions are held in your body and therefore what it's trying to tell you.

I have no filter when it comes to you asking me for advice for your problems. I'll tell you how I see it, you just need to be ready to hear it.

Let's get comfortable with discomfort and speak about the unspoken.

Small Jin On Couch